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Art3_BigBear_FY23_BikePed_SMORE II_App
TDA Article 3 Grant Application: Bicycle & Pedestrian Project Project Title Priority if Submitting Multiple Applications Project Type Project Length Stanfield Marsh Outdoor Recreation and Education Trail Segment II (SMORE II) Installation of new facility 1368 linear ft. Local Match Funding Local City Funds Sources Contact Name Sean Sullivan Agency Big Bear Lake Contact Phone 9098665831 Contact Email ssullivan@citybigbearlake.com Project Need & Purpose Clear project description The Stanfield Marsh Outdoor Recreation and Education Trail Segment II (SMORE II) Project will construct approximately 1,368' of Class I multi-modal bicycle and pedestrian trail/pathway in the City of Big Bear Lake adjacent to unincorporated Big Bear City (map attached). The proposed trail will be located on the south side of Big Bear Lake approximately 50 feet from State Route 18 (Big Bear Blvd.) and will serve as a connecting segment for the existing SMORE I trail to the west adjacent to Stanfield Cutoff and Division Drive to the east. The SMORE II trail is essential to the connectivity between the trail network on the east side of the City of Big Bear Lake, and the unincorporated areas of the Big Bear Valley. The overall cross section width of the proposed trail will be 14' wide in order to accommodate a 1 O' wide asphalt paved ADA accessible two-way bicycle and pedestrian pathway with 2' gravel shoulders and wooden split rail fence on each side. One 50' wooden pedestrian bridge will be installed on the trail for crossing Division Creek. This trail has been designed taking all pedestrian and rolling users, both commuting and recreating, into consideration. The purpose of this trail is to eliminate the barriers to non-motorized modes of travel that currently exist within the project area, and to establish a safe pathway for pedestrians and cyclists. North Shore Elementary School Boardwalks Big Bear City Shopping Center San Bernardino County, Maxar 7/5/2023, 4:14:47 PM 0 0.5 10.25 mi 0 0.8 1.60.4 km 1:36,112 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Web AppBuilder for San Bernardino County, Maxar | E[LstLnJ 7raLls S025E ,, StanIield Marsh Outdoor Recreation and Education Trail SegPent II SMORE II 3roMect- $rea Map Big Bear Lake TDA Application SMORE II Project Representative Sample of Proposed Trail From Phase I Project Additional Photo from Phase I Project End of Phase I Trail Proposed Phase II Trail begins where Phase I Ends and continues East Current Image of Location of Proposed Phase II The Trail Will Terminate Here, at Division Drive R a t h b u n C r e e k 18 18 Junipe r D r S u g a r l o a f Blvd S Hillen Dale D r N D iv i s i on Dr W F a ir wa y B lv d M oundSt W C ou nt r y C l ub B lv d S t a r v a t i o n F l a t s R d S D i v ision D r S a n d a lwood D r Big B e a r B l v d N o r t h S h o r e D r W N o r t h Shore Dr Big B ear City A i rpor t SWITRS GIS Map: San Bernardino, Big Bear Lake 06/01/2018 - 12/31/2022 California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Bureau of Land Management, EPA, NPS, US SWITRS 6/22/2023 0 0.25 0.50.13 mi 0 0.4 0.80.2 km 1:18,056 TIMS (https://tims.berkeley.edu), SafeTREC, UC Berkeley Copyright © 2023 UC Regents; all rights reserved. Date Created: 07/06/2023 Created by TIMS (https://tims.berkeley.edu) © UC Regents, 2014-2023 C D Straight Pedestrian Left Turn Bicycle Right Turn Object U-Turn Fatal Crash Overturned Injury Crash Ran Off Road Stopped Parked Primary Street: SR 18- Big Bear Blvd. Secondary Street: Division Drive and Stanfield Cutoff Time Period: 2011-2022 Agency Name: City of Big Bear Lake Fatal Crash 0 Injury Crash 7 Mapped 7 Not Drawn 3 Total 10 Mapping Summary: North Shore Elementary School Boardwalks SMORE II Shopping Center Block Group 1- 64.46% Block Group 2- 59.38% Block Group 4- 55.22% Low- and Moderate-Income Data, based on 2011-2015 ACS 5-year Estimates San Bernardino County, Maxar LMISD by Block Group 7/5/2023, 4:14:47 PM 0 0.5 10.25 mi 0 0.8 1.60.4 km 1:36,112 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Web AppBuilder for San Bernardino County, Maxar | E[LstLnJ 7raLls DI V I S I O N D R . PARCE L M A P N O . 2 3 0 0 PARCE L 2 PARCE L M A P N O . 2 3 0 0 PARCE L 3 BIG B E A R L A K E FAIRWAY BLVD. AEROPLANE LANE COUNTRY CLUB BLVD. CI T Y O F B I G B E A R L A K E BI G B E A R L A K E , C A 39 7 0 7 B I G B E A R B L V D . P. O . BO X 1 0 , 0 0 0 BI G B E A R L A K E , C A 9 2 3 1 5 I K CNI C 0 8 9 1 D E T A ROPRO E O Y T AL RAEB G I B F RE V I S I O N S NO . SM O R E I I SI T E P L A N DA T E BY CH K ' D DE S C R I P T I O N DATE: JOB NO: DRAWN: DESIGN: CHECKED: SCALE: OF SHEET: C-1 96 05/24/2023 XX.XXX IGR IGR 05/24/2023 1":40' LEGEND PARCEL BOUNDARIES EXISTING CULVERT NATURAL DRAINAGE TRAIL PATH WOOD FENCE CROSS GUTTER INSTALL 50' PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE SEE SHEET D-2 NEW PCC CROSS GUTTER PER SHEET D-1 2 WOOD RAIL FENCE 3" ASPHALT OVER 6" BASE MATCH EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT