Art3_Highland_FY21_Transit_MessinaSeine_ClaimSigned San Bernardino Associated Govennnents
Claim Form
Article 3 Grant Program
Project Name: Construction of New Sidewalks to Bus Stops Grant Allocation No: L22-0702-0740-00
Claimant: City of Highland
Address: 27215 Base Line
Highland,CA 92346
Attention: Carlos Zamano
Phone No: 909-864-6861 Ext.254
E-mail Address:
Award Amount $ 77,989.00
Purpose: Please check one purpose.
Article 3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities,Public Utilities Code(PUQ 99233.3
Transit Stop Access Improvements,PUC99233.3
Authorizing Signature:
(Authorized Agent specified in Authorizing Resolution)
_Qa2D'L�� Date: 4/13/2022
Chuck Dantuono,Director of Administrative Services,City Treasurer
Type Name&Title
Condition of Approval:
Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and
to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the approved allocation instruction.
Claim 1 SWK 21001 Art3_Highland_FY21_Transit_MessinaSeine_Claim.xlsx
Claim Form Page 1