Art3_Chino_FY13_Transit_Central_5_ScopeExtRqst3_190516_RESCIND EUNICE M.ULLOA MARK HARGROVE Mayor MARC LUCIO PAUL A.RODRIGUEZ Ed.D. TOM HAUGHEY Council Members ww Mayor Pro Tern t MATTHEW C. BALLANTYNE City Manager CITY of CHINO May 16, 2019 Attn: Cameron Brown, Senior Planner San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 Subject: Chino 2013/14 TDA Article 3 Bicycle & Pedestrian and Transit Improvements Dear Cameron, In Fiscal Year 2013/14 SBCTA approved a TDA Bicycle/Pedestrian Program grant award to the City of Chino for the Central Avenue Sidewalk Project in the amount of$127,648. On April 17, 2019, SBCTA granted an extension of time to the City of Chino for this TDA award through December 31,2020 due to staffing changes which delayed project delivery Citywide. We request that the deadline be extended until December 31, 2021 to ensure project delivery by the deadline. The original project on Central Avenue that received the grant award will be constructed by a developer as part of the project's Conditions of Approval. Therefore, the City of Chino is requesting a scope change to use the funds towards constructing missing sidewalk and accessibility ramps on the FY 18/19 Riverside Drive Street Rehabilitation Project — TR 183. The project is currently under design and will be under construction in FY 19-20. We appreciate your consideration of this scope change and time extension request. Sincerely, Amer Jakher, Director of Public Works City of Chino 13220 Central Avenue, Chino. California 91710 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 667, Chino, California 91708-0667 (909) 334-3250 • (909) 334-3720 Fax Web Site' www.c'ityofcliiiio.org