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1/6 TDA Article 3 Grant Application: Bicycle & Pedestrian Project Project Title Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School Improvements Priority if Submitting 2 Multiple Applications Project Type Installation of new facility Project Length South Street, Between Sycamore and Acacia; Huff, Carter and Orchard Between Sycamore and Sage Avenue Local Match Funding Measure I Local Funds Sources Contact Name Michael Tahan Agency Rialto Contact Phone 909-421-7279 Contact Email mtahan@rialtoca.gov Project Need & Purpose Clear project The City of Rialto is requesting Transportation Development Act (TDA)Article 3 description funds for the sidewalk improvements on Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School Improvements. The proposed project will consist of installing sidewalk, American with Disability Act (ADA) Curb Ramps, Crosswalk and school signage along the East side of Merrill Avenue in the City of Rialto, as identified in the City of Rialto's Safe Routes to School Plan. In the northeast region immediately, East South Street has missing segments of sidewalk as well as along Allen Street and the perpendicular roadways that branch off(Oakdale Avenue, Marcella Avenue, and Joyce Avenue). On the Southern region towards E Huff Street, E Orchard Street, E Carter Street, and E James Street have no existing sidewalks. Further southwest S Magnolia Avenue, E Vodden Street, and S Date Street all have missing sidewalks. Additionally, there are many curb ramps missing. Acacia Avenue and Encina Avenue both have almost nonexistent curb ramp coverage within the school attendance area. Running east-west- E South Street, E Wilson Street and Alen Street have missing curb ramps at almost all intersections. Many, but not all, missing curb ramps are often found where there are missing sidewalks in the surrounding Boyd Elementary School area. The proposed project will address these deficiencies that are likely to increase the usage of these routes and mitigate exposure to a medium collision prone corridor. 2/6 Provide data to Merrill Avenue is an east/west residential street located in the City of Rialto. The support potential use proposed segments were identified as a potential infrastructure improvement in the of the bicycle or Rialto Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program.The plan is a partnership program of sidewalk facility the City of Rialto, Rialto Unified School District, and Rialto Police Department, is an effort to promote walking and biking as safe and healthy ways to get to and from school in Rialto. Merrill Avenue improvements will remove barriers for children and families to safely walk to and from nearby schools and churches. The provided data studied of children receiving free lunch, their health fitness index, and correlation to whether their household had access to a car shown in Appendix B-Figure 2 included as an attachment. Children and their families living around the vicinity of the project area are experience unhealthy conditions, and who rely on free lunch so they are most likely from disadvantage homes, who also show on the census block data as not having access to vehicle. Appendix B-Figure 3, included as an attachment shows the neighborhood has a median income of$34,191. Appendix B-Figure 4, included as an attachment indicates a high student population in the project area. Appendix B-Figure 5, included as an attachment demonstrations heavy population density for the two schools within a half-mile of the project area. Appendix B-Figure 6, included as an attachment provides the speed limits display the speed limit at the project site at 35 miles. Additionally, see attached map in Appendix A Figure 1 presentation proximity of the project site to commercial and retail centers, local church, and a local Elementary School Boyd Elementary School. Describe how project The project is regionally significant as it meets regional priorities for pedestrian is situated in the planning and project development as stated in the SANBAG Non-Motorized regional system. Transportation Plan (NMTP). Improvement of the pedestrian environment on major Explain how this regional arterials and at regional activity centers. This project complements a project is consistent sidewalk gap closure project that will construct missing sidewalk along the Northeast with a Regional and Southeast Region of Merrill Avenue. The gap closure project will install sidewalk Transportation Plan and curb ramps to enhance the pedestrian facility by designating a clear path for or SBCTA's pedestrian travel. The sidewalk gap closure project improves the pedestrian Countywide Active environment on a major arterial by improving safety and accessibility to Boyd Transportation Plan, Elementary School. Merrill Avenue is approximately 1 mile south of Highway 66 and if applicable. 1.5 miles North of the 10 Freeway This pedestrian project is not specifically listed in the SANBAG NMTP or any other regional transportation plans, however the project will provide connectivity to several active transportation facilities that are included in the SANBAG NMTP 3/6 Outline the There are several destinations that are served by this project and are within walking destinations served distance from the project limits. The following destinations listed below are located by this project. within 2 miles from the project location: Destinations can be in a list form with Boyd Elementary School - Boyd Elementary School is located within the south- potential number of central region of the City of Rialto, CA along Merrill Avenue, which is approximately bike/ped users 1 mile south of Highway described. 66 and 1.5 miles north of the 10 Freeway. There is one main pick up and drop off loop location along Sycamore Avenue for Boyd Elementary School. Rialto High School—Rialto High School is located within the south-eastern region of the City of Rialto, CA along Etiwanda Avenue at the intersection of Merrill Avenue about 0.6 miles from the Merrill Avenue Sidewalk project. Rialto High School is approximately 1.50 miles north of Interstate 10 and 3.00 miles west of the 215 Freeway. There are two main pick up and drop off loops for Rialto High School: one is positioned along Merrill Avenue while the other is located along Eucalyptus Avenue. Community Gathering Places-There is several Churches surrounding the project site on the west and to the south. The barriers for residents living within the vicinity to access the religious institutions by walking along Easton are eliminated with the installation of the sidewalk facilities. Describe how this The project will fill in a missing gap of sidewalk along East South Street as well as project will improve along Allen Street and the perpendicular roadways that branch off(Oakdale Avenue, cyclist and/or Marcella Avenue, and Joyce Avenue. The subject segment does not currently have pedestrian safety. sidewalk on either side of the street requiring pedestrians to walk in the street with Where able, site the traffic. The proposed sidewalk will improve pedestrian safety allowing them to walk number of collisions along the outer edge of the street. Installing sidewalk facilities will provide a safer during an identified path of travel that will be constructed in accordance with Americans with Disabilities timeframe this Act(ADA) requirements. The project will include ADA compliant curb ramps improving project aims to non-motorized mobility. address. The City has chosen to focus on these Safe Routes to School improvements as Merrill Avenue is indicated as a high priority segment in the Safe Routes to School Plan and due to frequent community concerns voiced about the level of traffic on the corridor. Improvements will help to provide connectivity between the neighborhoods where students live and where their respective schools are located and help mitigate pedestrian and bicyclist exposure to vehicles. 4/6 Explain the The City of Rialto has active Bike Lanes Program and Omnitrans bus stops multimodal or transit throughout the City will allow the connectivity through the City and local high traffic system connectivity destinations. provided by this The City is currently implementing Class II Bike Lanes along Merrill Avenue from project. East City Limits to West City Limits. The addition of bike lanes will provide separation, improve awareness of bicyclists and pedestrians, and improve guidance for roadway users. As part of the bicycle lane striping implementation, the project will enhance safety of all vehicular, bicyclists and pedestrian travel paths. The proposed project is located less than 1/2 mile from Omnitrans Route 22 along Riverside Avenue, which is a major arterial in a north-south orientation. Route 22 operates along Riverside Avenue between Valley Boulevard and north of the State Route 210 Freeway. Installation of the subject sidewalk improvements will connect with existing sidewalk on Sycamore Avenue to provide a continuous path of travel for area residents and users to access existing transit services along Riverside Avenue. Figure 1 Attached identifies Route 22 providing connectivity to Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, the Rialto Civic Center, and many other commercial uses located along Riverside Avenue. Establish the level of The City of Rialto performed a complete Sate Route to School (SRTS)study that the project's engaged the community, Rialto School District, Rialto Police and Fire Departments, readiness. Include a Parents, Students and the community at large. The SRTS developed and identified discussion on the deficiencies within the community related accessibility around and related to the local participation schools, as it relates to the accessibility and walkability in a safe and reliable process that resulted manner. in the identification The recommended Improvements were welcomed during the outreach events held at and prioritization of Boyd Elementary School. Overall consensuses showed confirmation of proposed the project. recommendations and participants looked forward to seeing the walking safety to and from school improved. The workshop was comprised of two engineering recommendation maps and one engineering toolbox, as shown on Figure 2 attached. After receiving input and consensus for the proposed improvements, the City is ready to move forward with the Design Phase. The City will be ready to advertise to obtain professional engineering services for Design. Has the agency The city has successfully delivered past projects on schedule such as the Pacific delivered past Electric Trail that included$350,000 of TDA Article 3 funding. The Safe Routes to projects on School Cedar Avenue Sidewalk project that includes $250,000 of TDA Article 3 schedule? If yes, funding is currently under construction and with completion expected before the end what steps will be of December 2021. taken to ensure The City will use qualified consultants to prepare the design, environmental, right-of- similar results? If no, way, and construction documents for the Easton Sidewalk Project. City staff will what steps will be manage the project using qualified consultants and contractors, similar to past taken to prevent a successful TDA Article 3 projects similar occurrence? What provisions The City of Rialto has a proactive maintenance program that maintains City of Rialto does the agency infrastructure that include streets, sidewalks, traffic signals, and stripping, which is have in place to maintained by the Public Works and Engineering Department. The City of Rialto ensure the facility will annually invests approximately$2.5 million in the Street Maintenance Division, be properly within Public Works, to address streets stripping, signage, and sidewalks repairs maintained? and on-going maintenance. 5/6 Attach Map(s) APPENDIX A- Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School 4.71 MB Improvements Project Vicinity Map.pdf APPENDIX B.pdf 1.39MB Excerpt from SRTS_Boyd Elementary School.pdf 553.68KB Attach Picture(s) South 1.jpg 218.38KB Orchard.jpg 357.26KB Carter.jpg 341.01 KB Huff.jpg 269.94KB Figure 2—Merrill Outreach.png 214.21 KB Figure 1.png 76.67KB Attach Other Cost Estimate Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School 118.22KB I mprovements.pdf LOS- Merrill Ave Safe Routes to School.pdf 173.9KB LOS- merrill-safe routes to schools -8-3-21.pdf 115.93KB Preliminary Engineering/Design Cost: Preliminary 202,079.06 Engineering/Design Cost Right of Way Cost 0 Project Con Cost 1,252,890.16 Local Match 727,484.61 LTF, Article 3 Funds 727,484.61 Requested Total Project Cost 1,454,969.22 Project Evaluation Criteria Overall Quality of Application: 15 pts Project Need and Purpose: 40 pts Cost Effectiveness: 15 pts Timeliness of Prior Project Completion: 5 pts Matching Funds: 25 pts 6/6 1 have read the r1 (1)the total award amount will be rescinded if the agency fails to submit a Claim guidelines and Form and Authorizing Resolution within SIX months of award notification, and understand:* have read the r7 (2)two one-year extensions may only be granted without SBCTA Board approval guidelines and IF: (a) progress has been made on the project, and (b) an extension request understand:* including an appropriate justification for the delay and a revised project completion date is provided THREE MONTHS BEFORE the project sunset date. August 3, 2021 Ginger Koblasz, Senior Planner San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 Ref: Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School Improvements, Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Call for Projects for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Dear Ms. Koblasz, As Fire Chief, I would like to demonstrate my enthusiastic support of the City of Rialto’s application to the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 call for projects for Bicycle and Pedestrian facilities for the sidewalk improvements on Merrill Avenue. The proposed project will consist of installing sidewalk, American with Disability Act (ADA) Curb Ramps, Crosswalk and flashing beacons along the East side of Merrill Avenue in the City of Rialto, as identified in the City of Rialto’s Safe Routes to School Plan. The project will benefit the community by creating pedestrian accessibility to Morgan Elementary School. The target population for this project are residents and community members of all ages who live, work, and play within the CDBG identified area. Specifically, installation of sidewalks and ADA compliant access curb ramp, improves overall accessibility and, reduces hazard to the community and promotes walking. These recommendations are targeted within Boyd Elementary, residents that are most likely to walk or bike and are frequently made in locations currently experiencing a high number of pedestrian and bicycle collisions. This improvement meets one of the City's Consolidate Plan - Strategic Plan Goals in making a useable walking space for city residents and thus improving the current and existing infrastructure for the betterment of the Community. The construction of these projects will help to further my administration’s goals of making Rialto an easier place to walk and bike and increasing opportunities for our residents to live healthy lifestyles. If you have any questions regarding my support please feel free to contact me with the information is listed below, I can be reached at sgrayson@confire.org at any time. Respectfully Submitted, Sean Grayson Fire Chief August 3, 2021 Ginger Koblasz, Senior Planner San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 Ref: Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School Improvements, Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Call for Projects for Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Dear Ms Koblasz, As mayor, I would like to demonstrate my enthusiastic support of the City of Rialto’s application to the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 call for projects for Bicycle and Pedestrian facilities for the sidewalk improvements on Sycamore Avenue. The proposed project will consist of installing sidewalk, American with Disability Act (ADA) Curb Ramps, Crosswalk and flashing beacons along the north side and south side of Sycamore Avenue in the City of Rialto, as identified in the City of Rialto’s Safe Routes to School Plan. The project will benefit the community by creating pedestrian accessibility to Morgan Elementary School. The target population for this project are residents and community members of all ages who live, work, and play within the CDBG identified area. Specifically, installation of sidewalks and ADA compliant access curb ramp, improves overall accessibility and, reduces hazard to the community and promotes walking. These recommendations are targeted within Morgan Elementary, residents that are most likely to walk or bike and are frequently made in locations currently experiencing a high number of pedestrian and bicycle collisions. This improvement meets one of the City's Consolidate Plan - Strategic Plan Goals in making a useable walking space for city residents and thus improving the current and existing infrastructure for the betterment of the Community. The construction of these projects will help to further my administration’s goals of making Rialto an easier place to walk and bike and increasing opportunities for our residents to live healthy lifestyles. If you have any questions regarding my support please feel free to contact me at (909) 820-2689. Respectfully, Deborah Robertson Mayor NHS Q RIALTO v.MR ® s pO Wlti 3g c.razrtxwd Y xmirt9yc' wAW • Improvement Unit QTY Unit Cost Cost Speed Awareness Sign (EA)2 12,000.00$ $27,600.00 New Sign & New post (EA)8 300.00$ $2,760.00 High Visibility Ladder Crosswalk (SF)13 1,480.00$ $22,126.00 ADA Curb Ramps (LF)5 4,968.00$ $28,566.00 Concrete Sidewalk (1 side of street)Per Linear Foot 2156 84.00$ $208,269.60 New Sign & New post (EA)1 300.00$ $345.00 High Visibility Ladder Crosswalk (EA)2 1,480.00$ $3,404.00 ADA Curb Ramps (EA)17 4,968.00$ $97,124.40 Concrete Sidewalk (1 side of street)Per Linear Foot 5056 84.00$ $488,409.60 $878,604.60 Construction Cost $878,604.60 Design (Subtotal *15%)$131,790.69 Environmental (Subtotal *5%)$43,930.23 Construction management ((Subtotal+ Design+ Environmental) *10%)$105,432.55 Mobilization ((Subtotal+ Design+ Environmental)*5%)$52,716.28 Traffic Control ((Subtotal+ Design+ Environmental)*5%)$52,716.28 Contingency ((Subtotal+ Design+ Environmental+ Construction Management+ Mobilization and Traffic Control )*5%)$189,778.59 Segment Total $1,454,969.22 TDA Article 3 Funding Request $727,500.00 Rialto Local Measure I Funding $727,469.22 Total Project Funding $1,454,969.22 Merrill Avenue Safe Routes to School Improvements f� j `i r , 1 . . Apir 4P yk; of �... or EIl� MUMMMIE>,- - - _ f� z R �k P �`� " �• iR M1 f^ A ✓ . . '_y i')..�'4 IUOYA�'-� ' Y�. . . , v� l�' a't��n'��:2R�„ .,�6�... .33. ,. '6 L �t• p.. c I tits . _°�� a a^, I A R fjiwo� .. 6& Cel:rrifa At 8 p°At& At&Sf spur iµ _ _ iM r 01 Bonnie View Dr w. s Scnool ._• . School Access Location Bonnie View Dr s -- n'•'a 'R qL - - _ rosswalk � ' 1 ' 1 1 Wilson Sf� J� Mom- Sidewalk �• / ,` ay • ADA Curb Ramp t wils'on St I . o O School Signage i�,;� O Speed Feedback Sign s outh S � ��w Summary Recommendation i _ tom. is School Attendance South St = Y Boundary A + m Class II 1 Bike Lane � m Cep si st g d Ceres st W ; -i Class sRolute Class II Bike Lanes,install 4 + R81(CA)and R7-9 signs along O, C F lane.For Class III Bike Routes, - install R4-11 signs. Merrill Ave- y - -- Huff St f Huff St Huff St ' � ,. 10 Carter St a Carter St � '� �° ~•C'arter'St"' � ' � . ..� - Carter St � 'rp._,. _�F�. r w �•: rn / City of Rialto SAFE y............ / City of _ r e Orchard _ , 5:111 ROUTES QI�L�. S Orchard t - Bernardino N t0 S C H O O L 350 ;00 OInstall curb ramps at Wilson Street and South Street. O Install mountable median features along Merrill Ave and O Install sidewalks and curb ramps (Huff Street,Carter Install sidewalk along South Street.Install SW24-3(CA) Sycamore Ave,adjacent to school property to enforce Street,and Orchard Street). Assembly D signage for southbound traffic. desired circulation patern Modify traffic signal to include left-turn phasing for Og Install curb ramps at south corners of Joyce Avenue �"� eastbound traffic on Merrill Ave onto Sycamore Ave Install curb ramp at southwest corner of Ceres O Street and Sycamore Avenue. at Merrill Avenue and 160 ft of missing sidewalk.Install and to accommodate installation of pedestrian signal SW24-3(CA)Assembly D signage for eastbound and heads and push button upgrades.Restripe all © Install SW24-3(CA)Assembly D signage for traffic on southbound traffic.Restripe crosswalks at Acacia Ave crosswalks with high visibility paint(ladder style). approach to school area. and Merrill Ave with high visibility paint(ladder style). PP OGeneral Note:Stop lines within school zone to be restriped F Install speed feedback sign at this location for traffic on and placed a minimum of 4 ft before the crosswalk at approach towards the school campus. controlled intersections. Safe Routtes to School Figure 2 Percentage of School Population Meeting Healthy Fitness Zones %), Free and Reduced Lunch (%), Carless Hoouseholds Prioritizationn Memoranduum – Rialto SSafe Routes tto School APPENDIX B Safe Routtes to School Figure 3 Median Household Income ($) Prioritizationn Memoranduum – Rialto SSafe Routes tto School APPENDIX B Safe Routtes to School Prioritization Figure 4 Student Body Population Density n Memoranduum – Rialto SSafe Routes tto School APPENDIX B Safe Routtes to School Prioritization Figure 6.6 Student Enrollment (# of Students) n Memoranduum – Rialto SSafe Routes tto School APPENDIX B Safe Routtes to School Figure 6 Speed Limit Analysis Prioritizationn Memoranduum – Rialto SSafe Routes tto School APPENDIX B Vicinity M ap MERRILL AVENUE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS Legend Boyd Elem entary CHURCH CITY (METROLINK STATION) COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENT PROJECT LOCATIO N SCHO OL 1000 ft N➤➤N Image © 2021 Max ar Tec hnologies Image © 2021 Maxar Tec hnologies Image © 2021 Maxar Tec hnologies