Art3_Highland_FY21_Transit_MessinaSeine_AppEXHIBIT “K” Summary of Article 3 Awards (Past 12 years – since 10/07/09) No. Name Date Awarded Original Award Completion Date Extension Requested Status Extended Completion Date 1 Base Line Bus Stop at Vine Street 10/07/2009 10/31/2012 No Completed N/A 2 9th Street Transit Stop at Fairfax Lane 10/07/2009 10/31/2012 No Completed N/A 3 9th Street Transit Stop at Central Avenue 10/07/2009 10/31/2012 No Completed N/A 4 Church Street Sidewalk (Base Line to Greenspot) 12/20/2011 12/31/2014 Yes Completed 12/31/2017 5 ADA Improvements at 14 Bus Stops 12/20/2011 12/31/2014 Yes Completed 12/31/2017 6 Palm Avenue Bus Stop at NEC 5th Street 12/20/2011 12/31/2014 Yes Completed 12/31/2017 7 Base Line Sidewalk Improvements 7/11/2013 6/30/2016 Yes Completed 12/31/2017 8 Palm Avenue Bus Stop (Meines to City Creek) 7/11/2013 6/30/2016 Yes Completed 12/31/2017 9 Highland/Redlands Regional Connector (match for ATP Cycle 2) 10/23/2015 6/30/2020 Yes In Design 10/31/2022 10 Sterling Avenue Sidewalk Improvements 4/6/2016 12/31/2018 Yes Completed 7/1/2020 11 Water street Sidewalk and Bikeway 4/6/2016 12/31/2018 Yes Completed 7/1/2020 12 City Creek/Alabama Street Bikeways (match for ATP 3) 5/4/2016 6/30/2022 No In Design N/A 13 Transit Stop Access Improvements on Base Line, Boulder Avenue and Central Avenue 10/4/2017 12/31/2019 Yes Completed 7/1/2020 14 Design of 9th Street Transit Stops, Sidewalk and Bikeway Improvements (between Eucalyptus Drive and Victoria Avenue) 7/10/2019 12/31/2022 No In Design N/A Messina StreetLaPraix St Seine Ave Catalpa St1 Construct curb ramp2 Construct drive approach3 Construct sidewalk4 Construct concrete driveway11113332425' wide25' wide x 10' deep2416' wide16' wide x 10' deepN This needs to be done by the end of today May 13, 2021 Ginger Koblasz San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 Dear Ms. Koblasz, I write in support of the City of Highland’s grant application for 2021 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Improvement funds. The City is requesting funds for a sidewalk gap closure project which includes construction of sidewalk and curb ramps at Messina Street and Seine Avenue. This project will improve accessibility to transit for area residents by closing the sidewalk gap to provide pedestrian access to the nearby Omnitrans bus stops on routes 3, 4, and 15 on Baseline at Stoney Creek and Baseline at Boulder. This will help increase rates of walking and transit use, thereby improving quality of life in the community. Omnitrans is highly supportive of this project receiving TDA Article 3 grant funds. Please feel free to contact me at (909) 379-7256 or anna.jaiswal@omnitrans.org if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Anna Jaiswal Development Planning Manager CITY OF HIGHLAND 2021 TDA Article 3 Application for Messina Street/Seine Avenue Sidewalk Gap Closures To Improve Transit Access on Base Line EXHIBIT "A" ID No. Transit Stop No.Transit Stop Location Number of Daily Buses Serving Location Daily Boardings and Alightings Bus Route No.'s 1 0030 westbound Base Line at Boulder Ave 32 54.5 4 & 15 2 5705 eastbound Base Line at Stoney Creek Dr. 32 10.5 3 & 15 Totals: 64 65 2020 Omnitans Transit Stop Survey LOOKING SOUTH ONTO SEINE AVENIE FROM MESSINA STREET INTERSECTION Indicates New Sidewalk Location LOOKING WEST ON MESSINA STREET THROUGH SEINE AVENUE INTERSECTION Indicates New Sidewalk Location LOOKING WEST ALONG NORTH SIDE MESSINA STREET TOWARD SEINE AVENUE INTERSECTIN Indicates New Sidewalk Location LOOKING EASTERLY ALONG SOUTH SIDE OF MESSEINA STREET TOWARD SEINE AVENUE INTERSECTION Indicates New Sidewalk Location ARTICLE 3 APPLICATION EXHIBIT DETAIL ENGINEERS ESTIMATE CITY OF HIGHLAND Messina Street/Seine Avenue Sidewalk Gap Closure Improvements (north of Base Line between LaPraix St and Catalpa Ave) Page 1 of 1 # DESCRIPTION QTY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL AMOUNT General 1 Mobilization/Demobilization 1 LS 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 2 Clearing, Grubbing and Grading 1 LS 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ 3 Traffic Control 1 LS 10,000.00$ 10,000.00$ 4 SWPPP, Best Management Practice and NPDES Requirements 1 LS 3,000.00$ 3,000.00$ Subtotal:26,000.00$ Removals 1 Curb and Gutter 128 LF 25.00$ 3,200.00$ 2 Misc Pavements 1 LS 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 3 Non ADA Compliant Drive Approaches 267 SF 10.00$ 2,665.00$ 3 Driveway Pavements 410 SF 10.00$ 4,100.00$ Subtotal:10,965.00$ Street Improvements 1 Construct PCC Sidewalk 3690 SF 10.00$ 36,900.00$ 2 Construct ADA Compliant Drive Approaches 267 SF 10.00$ 2,665.00$ 2 Construct Driveway Pavements 410 SF 10.00$ 4,100.00$ 2 Construct Curb Return with ADA Access Ramp 4 EA 4,500.00$ 18,000.00$ 3 Construct Street Pavement Match-Up 256 SF 30.00$ 7,680.00$ Subtotal:69,345.00$ Construction Subtotal:106,310.00$ Construction Contingencies (10%):10,631.00$ Construction Total:116,941.00$ Construction Management:17,541.15$ Prepare PS&E:17,541.15$ Prepare Bid Package:7,016.46$ PROJECT TOTAL 141,498.61$ PROJECT TOTAL (ROUNDED):141,500.00$ S:\Projects\Highland\139-01- Dave's Temporary Network Files\139-Highland\Article 3\2021\Messina - Siene\Cost\Art 3 - Engineers Estimate - Messina St 6- 22-21