Art3_County_FY17_BikePed_WalkBikeSB_App Transportation Development Act Article 3 Phase 1 Call for Projects For Active Transportation Program Local Match Assistance Please use this MS Word file as your response to the Call-for-Projects Responsible Parties Project Name “Walk and Bike SB!” Applicant (Agency name) County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health Applicant Contact (Name, title, email, phone # of individual authorizing the application) Ruben Brambila, Program Manager, Ruben.Brambila@dph.sbcounty.gov, 909-387-6220 Partner Name(s) (if applicable) Project Type Bicycle □ (Bicycle projects must be consistent with San Bernardino County NMTP) Pedestrian □ Bicycle/Pedestrian □ Safe Routes to School X Recreational Trail □ Overview and Description of the Project (0-30 points) Provide basic information regarding the nature and location of the project, prior project development activities, if any, current status, and overall scope of the proposed effort. Additional background information, photos, etc. may be attached, but are not required. San Bernardino County “Walk and Bike SB!” will launch a countywide effort to provide safety education as well as information and encouragement to initiate Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs in all major school districts in the county. Approximately 55 school site locations have been identified by the Phase I and II SRTS Study conducted by SANBAG. The program will be implemented with the intention for SRTS Program to become permanent and institutionalized in both of transportation and public health sector. The program will also be benefited by being housed in the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (DPH) and in collaboration with long-term public health implementation strategies such as Healthy Communities and the Community Vital Signs initiative. Project Benefits: 1. Regional Consistency both in data collection and evaluation methods - Currently the County of San Bernardino in developing an open data platform. It is anticipated that data collection methods, outcomes, and other related tools may be included in this platform in an effort to support ongoing evaluation and assessment. 2. Sustainability – SANBAG and DPH have agreed to support ongoing efforts beyond the ATP grant funding period by including strategies as ongoing deliverables within its Healthy Communities program. 3. Public Health Benefits – health benefits will be identified through evaluation strategies coupled with other secondary data collection sources. 4. Education Benefits 5. VMT Reduction/GHG Reduction Benefits 6. Comprehensive strategy to allow students to walk/bike to school 7. Safety Benefits – the more students walk/bike to school, safer the conditions become. Project Funding ATP funds to be requested in Cycle 3 (80% of total project cost) $1,600,000 Requested matching funds from TDA Article 3 (16% of total project cost) $ 320,000 20% Local Match (4% of total project cost – please also identify the source of those funds) $ 80,000 Total project funds $2,000,000 Narrative Question RESPOND TO THE DRAFT ATP CRITERIA BY DESCRIBING BRIEFLY THE BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT RELATED TO INCREASING ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION MODE SHARE, SAFETY, PUBLIC PARTICIPATION, COST EFFECTIVENESS, AND PUBLIC HEALTH. (PLEASE NOTE THE QUESTIONS IN THE ATP CYCLE 3 APPLICATION FOR DESCRIPTION/EXPLANATION OF EACH CRITERION – BULLET POINTS MAY BE USED TO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS – ADDITIONAL MATERIAL MAY BE ATTACHED, BUT IS NOT REQUIRED) (0-20 POINTS) 1. Describe how your project will encourage increased bicycling and walking and generally improve the ease of travel for non-motorized users The County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health (DPH) will launch a countywide effort to increase bicycling and walking through Safe Routes to School efforts. The “Walk and Bike SB!” strategy will work with 55 schools in the county building on existing community outreach efforts, developing safe routes to school plans, and aligning/enhancing strategies currently being undertaken that support efforts. DPH will utilize the “5’Es” to effectively reach their goals.  EDUCATION: Education will comprise the core of this program. Participating schools and communities – identified through Cycle 2 funding community outreach strategies - will be educated on SRTS programs. Program elements may include; o Student and parent educational workshops o Neighborhood educational workshops o School staff/faculty educational workshops o Bicycle safety campaigns o Traffic/driver safety campaigns o Educational resources and literature in multiple language  ENCOURAGEMENT: Encouragement campaigns include non-financial incentives to the 55 participating schools to kick-off and support efforts. Additionally, schools may be trained on how to set up contests, events, and other encouragement programs to promote walking/biking. Program elements may include; o School bicycle rodeos o Motor-free Mondays o Walking Wednesdays o Walking School buses o Monthly Walk and Roll to School Day o Park and Walk  ENGINEERING: Recommendations will be developed through the Phase II SRTS Plan from SANBAG. Prioritization and strategies for construction and funding will be part of the plan for local jurisdictions.  ENFORCEMENT: SRTS Workshops will present specific enforcement strategies and techniques that can be used to enhance safety around schools. DPH will collaborate with law enforcement and inlcude them into SRTS Coalitions and invite them to come up with local enforcement solutions. The SRTS plans developed at each of the SRTS Workshops will include an enforcement component. Program elements may include; o Good work citations o Crosswalk decoys o Progressive ticketing o Active speed monitors  EVALUATION: surveys will be disseminated (in multiple languages) to evaluate the success of the program countywide. Survey results will be compiled and synthesized. Outcomes will be shared to parterning schools, cities, and other collaborating entities. Schools, cities, and collaborating entities will also have the opportunity to engage in ongoing self-assessment strategies to support sustainable evaluation efforts. Program elements may include; o Bike/pedesrian audits before, during, and after program periods o Surveys before, during, and after program periods o Potential collaboration with City traffic engineer data 2. Describe how the project creates or improves walking and/or bicycling routes and connectivity to destinations, and how it removes barriers to walking and/or bicycling. This project will increase walking and bicycling to school by educating children, parents, school administrators and others about safe design, as well as the health and environmental reasons for walking and cycling. The results of the Safe Routes to School plans developed at each site will specifically address improved design to increase the safety near the school, as well as lack of facilities, lack of bicycle parking, better enforcement, and safe habits. Workshops will also help each school develop incentive programs with points, contests, Walk-to-School Days, Walking School Buses, Bicycle Trains and other encouragement that will make it fun for students to participate. The project will also benefit from the direct collaboration from DPH’s Healthy Communities program and the regional transportation entity, SANBAG. These program work collaboratively with local cities and decision makers to support active transportation decsions at both the local and regional level. The collaboration will align efforts by providing additional strategies, information, and education on connectivity and barriers to walking/biking. 3. Describe how the project reduces the number and/or rate of pedestrian and bicycle fatalities and injuries. Similar Safe Routes to School programs have displayed significant results in reducing pedestrian and bicycle fatalities and injuries.  Miami-Dade County: from 2001-2009, there was a 43 percent decrease in the total number of children ages 0-14 hit by cars. There was also a 66 percent decline in the number of children hit by cars that are seen in trauma centers. This indicates that the severity of the incidents is also decreasing.  Maine: saw a 51 percent drop in bicycle crashes for children aged 10-14.  Portland, OR: total crashes decreased by nearly 25 percent and there was a 32 decline in pedestrian injuries from crashes. 4. Describe the community-based public participation process that culminated in the project proposal. As part of SANBAG’s Countywide Planning effort, various local jurisdictions and school districts have been engaged. Feedback on all 5 e’s of SRTS have been received and will be incorporated accordingly in the SRTS Program. The most common comment from the agencies and the community is the importance of having a comprehensive SRTS program with all 5 e’s being addressed. 5. Describe the health issues in the project area and how the project will address each of them. Provide local health data and sources, and collaborative efforts with health agencies where possible. The aforementioned project will have a Countywide reach. There will not be one specific community, region, or city that will be specifically focused on for these efforts. Currently, San Bernardino County is ranked 42nd of the 57 counties in the 2016 County Health Rankings. While this represents an improvement since 2010, the improvement has been modest. SBC is ranked 49th in the state for quality of life and 57nd (last) for physical environment. Unsurprisingly, this data has been linked to the high rates of chronic diseases present in our region. Compared with the rest of the state; adults living in San Bernardino County are at an increased risk for obesity (29% vs 23%), are more physically inactive (19% vs 17%) and have less access to exercise opportunities (90% vs 94%). To ensure that this project will help address these alarming statistics in our region, this project will be provided with significant support from a variety of entities, collaboratives, parallel strategies, and other related initiatives. Additionally, to support sustainability, the program will be housed within DPH’s Healthy Communities program. This program has successfully worked and developed formal agreements with over 20 local cities and 6 unincorporated areas in the County (covering over 84% of the population). Through an assigned “Healthy communities coordinator” placed at each collaborating jurisdiction, several public health policies and programs have successfully been implemented at the City-level. Additional partnerships include;  San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, Healthy Communities Program  San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, Nutrition Program  San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG)  Countywide Community Vital Signs initiative  San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools  San Bernardino County Sheriffs Dept. Data Source: County Health Rankings (2016). Accessed online: http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/ Project Programming Request Form Please fill out the first page of the Caltrans Project Programming Request Form (PPR) with as much available project information as possible. Please document the timeline for completed phases as well as for ongoing and proposed phases. Basic information on the description of the project, location, and scope of work should be provided in the Word file, not the PPR. The PPR has been provided as a separate Excel file. DTP-0001 (Revised July 2013) End Construction Phase (Construction Contract Acceptance Milestone) Document TypeCirculate Draft Environmental Document ADA Notice 07/01/22 08/01/22 Begin Closeout Phase Element Ruben.Brambila@dph.sbcounty.gov Supports Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) Goals Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions County of San Bernardino Purpose and Need See page 2 Project Benefits See page 2 The results of the Safe Routes to School plans developed at each site will specifically address improved design to increase the safety near the school, as well as lack of facilities, lack of bicycle parking, better enforcement, and safe habits. Workshops will also help each school develop incentive programs with points, contests, Walk- to-School Days, Walking School Buses, Bicycle Trains and other encouragement...(cont page 2) Phone 909-387-6220 Includes Bike/Ped ImprovementsIncludes ADA Improvements MPO ID TCRP No. For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654-3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS-89, Sacramento, CA 95814. 07/01/19 E-mail Address Project Study Report Approved Component STATE OF CALIFORNIA ● DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PROGRAMMING REQUEST Date:4/8/16 General Instructions (See page 2) MPO Location, Project Limits, Description, Scope of Work See page 2 Walk and Bike SB! PA&ED 06/30/22 Implementing Agency Begin Environmental (PA&ED) Phase San Bernardino County adopted its Countywide Vision in 2012 to work on regional issues collaboratively between various sectors of the County. The Vision notes that no one agency can solve the issues in the County alone. The proposed project of regional SRTS Program tackles the public health issues of the County by bringing in joint efforts of transportation, land use, education, law enforcement, and public health under the umbrella of SRTS Program. To address the issues such as childhood obesity, education, enforcement, engineering, encouragement, and evaluation must be excuted by various agencies in a coordinated manner. The Project aims to accomplish these goals...(Cont on page 2) Draft Project Report Route/Corridor ProposedProject Milestone District Various Project Manager/Contact SB PPNO County Project Sponsor/Lead Agency County of San Bernardino Dept of Public Health EA PM Bk PM Ahd 08 Project ID End Right of Way Phase (Right of Way Certification Milestone) Begin Construction Phase (Contract Award Milestone) PS&E Construction Ruben Brambila End Closeout Phase (Closeout Report) End Environmental Phase (PA&ED Milestone) Begin Design (PS&E) Phase End Design Phase (Ready to List for Advertisement Milestone) Begin Right of Way Phase Right of Way SCAG Project Title New Project - ATTACHMENT “PAGE 2” - LOCATION, PROJECT LIMITS, DESCRIPTION, SCOPE OF WORK Overview San Bernardino County “Walk and Bike SB!” will launch a countywide effort to provide safety education as well as information and encouragement to initiate Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs in all major school districts in the county. The program will be implemented with the intention for SRTS to become permanent and institutionalized. The program will also benefit by being housed in the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health (DPH) and in collaboration with long-term public health implementation strategies such as Healthy Communities and the Community Vital Signs initiative. Project Scope The County of San Bernardino Department of Public Health (DPH) will launch a countywide effort to increase bicycling and walking through Safe Routes to School efforts. The “Walk and Bike SB!” strategy will work with 55 schools in the county building on existing community outreach efforts, developing safe routes to school plans, and aligning/enhancing strategies currently being undertaken that support efforts. DPH will utilize the “5’Es” to effectively reach their goals.  EDUCATION: Education will comprise the core of this program. Participating schools and communities – identified through Cycle 2 funding community outreach strategies - will be educated on SRTS programs. Program elements may include; o Student and parent educational workshops o Neighborhood educational workshops o School staff/faculty educational workshops o Bicycle safety campaigns o Traffic/driver safety campaigns o Educational resources and literature in multiple language  ENCOURAGEMENT: Encouragement campaigns include non-financial incentives to the 55 participating schools to kick-off and support efforts. Additionally, schools may be trained on how to set up contests, events, and other encouragement programs to promote walking/biking. Program elements may include; o School bicycle rodeos o Motor-free Mondays o Walking Wednesdays o Walking School buses o Monthly Walk and Roll to School Day o Park and Walk  ENGINEERING: Recommendations will be developed through the Phase II SRTS Plan from SANBAG. Prioritization and strategies for construction and funding will be part of the plan for local jurisdictions.  ENFORCEMENT: SRTS Workshops will present specific enforcement strategies and techniques that can be used to enhance safety around schools. DPH will collaborate with law enforcement - ATTACHMENT “PAGE 2” - and inlcude them into SRTS Coalitions and invite them to come up with local enforcement solutions. The SRTS plans developed at each of the SRTS Workshops will include an enforcement component. Program elements may include; o Good work citations o Crosswalk decoys o Progressive ticketing o Active speed monitors  EVALUATION: surveys will be disseminated (in multiple languages) to evaluate the success of the program countywide. Survey results will be compiled and synthesized. Outcomes will be shared to parterning schools, cities, and other collaborating entities. Schools, cities, and collaborating entities will also have the opportunity to engage in ongoing self-assessment strategies to support sustainable evaluation efforts. Program elements may include; o Bike/pedesrian audits before, during, and after program periods o Surveys before, during, and after program periods o Potential collaboration with City traffic engineer data PURPOSE AND NEED (continued) …through the development of a comprehensive and collaborative approach with goals to increase walking and bicycling to school by educating children, parents, school administrators and others about safe design, as well as the health and environmental reasons for walking and cycling. PROJECT BENEFITS (continued) .…that will make it fun for students to participate. The project will also benefit from the direct collaboration from DPH’s Healthy Communities program and the regional transportation entity, SANBAG. These program work collaboratively with local cities and decision makers to support active transportation decsions at both the local and regional level. The collaboration will align efforts by providing additional strategies, information, and education on connectivity and barriers to walking/biking. Specific Benefits will also include: 1. Regional Consistency both in data collection and evaluation methods - Currently the County of San Bernardino in developing an open data platform. It is anticipated that data collection methods, outcomes, and other related tools may be included in this platform in an effort to support ongoing evaluation and assessment. - ATTACHMENT “PAGE 2” - 2. Sustainability – SANBAG and DPH have agreed to support ongoing efforts beyond the ATP grant funding period by including strategies as ongoing deliverables within its Healthy Communities program. 3. Public Health Benefits – health benefits will be identified through evaluation strategies coupled with other secondary data collection sources. 4. Education Benefits 5. VMT Reduction/GHG Reduction Benefits 6. Comprehensive strategy to allow students to walk/bike to school 7. Safety Benefits – the more students walk/bike to school, safer the conditions become.