December 7, 2020
Karen Campbell
Public Works Project Manger
13220 Central Ave.
Chino, CA 91708-0667
RE: 2017 Transit and Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Awards – Scope Change and Extension
Dear Ms. Campbell:
This letter serves as a response granting the City of Chino’s December 2, 2020 request to modify the scopes of work for
both of the City’s 2017 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 grant awards. SBCTA concurs with the City’s
request as described in the tables below.
As a friendly reminder, the TDA Article 3 grant award is paid through a reimbursement process upon project completion
or through progress payments for awards over $200,000. It is required that a TDA claim form and supporting
documentation of project completion or progress are submitted to SBCTA prior to disbursement of funds. The TDA
Article 3 grant award is for a maximum reimbursable amount. Should your project exceed the maximum reimbursable
amount, SBCTA will not provide any additional reimbursement. For projects completed under the awarded amount,
SBCTA will reimburse your agency for the TDA Article 3 share of the project using the match percentage identified
above and in your grant application.
Transit Award Original Revision #1 (9/14/20) Revision #2 (12/7/20)
Allocation #
1. Monte Vista Ave from B
St. to C St.
2. B St. from Monte Vista
Ave. to 4th St.
3. C St. from Monte Vista
Ave. to 4th St.
1. Monte Vista Ave from B
St. to C St.
2. B St. from Monte Vista
Ave. to 4th St.
May include design and/or construction
costs for Chino High School
improvements (Chino Unified School
Dist. Construction Contract
Intersection grind and overlay, striping,
crosswalks, access ramps removal and
reconstruction. Tenth St. at:
• Jefferson Ave.,
• Mt. Vernon Ave.,
• Gettysburg Ave.,
• Washington Ave., &
• Park Pl.
Provides accessibility improvements
along 10th St. to access existing transit
stop at Central Ave./Washington Ave.
via Washington Ave.
TDA A3 Award $87,000 No Change No Change
Local Match $87,000 (or 50%) No Change No Change
Total Cost $174,000 No Change No Change
Deadline 10/4/2019 10/4/2021 No Change
Extension No.* 0 2 No Change
Bike/Ped Award Original Revision #1 (9/14/20) Revision #2 (12/7/20)
Allocation #
1. B St. from Monte Vista to
7th St.
2. B St. from 9th St. to Benson
3. C St. form Monte Vista Ave.
to Sequoia Ave.
4. 7th St. from B St. to C St.
5. 9th St. from B St. to C St.
6. Sequoia Ave. for C St. to
Rosario St.
7. Rosario St. from C St. to
Magnolia Ave.
8. Washington Ave. from
Telephone Ave. to Benson
9. Park Pl. from Benson Ave.
to 10th St.
10. Benson Ave. from Park Pl.
to Tronkeel Ave.
1-10 as originally awarded
11. 10th St. from Walnut Ave.
to Chino Ave.
12. 12th St. from B St. to
Chino Ave.
13. Tronkeel Ave. from
Benson Ave. to Oaks
14. Oaks Ave. from Tronkeel
Ave. to Chino Ave.
In addition to Items 1-14 at left, may
include design and/or construction costs
for Chino High School improvements
(Chino Unified School District
Construction Contract reimbursement):
• Benson Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to
Park Pl.
• Jefferson Ave. from 10th St. to
Benson Ave.
• Park Pl. from 10th St. to Benson
Including pedestrian route and sidewalk
replacement; path of travel asphalt
rehabilitation, intersection grind and
overlay, cross gutter repair, striping,
crosswalks, access ramps removal and
replacement at:
• Benson Ave. at Monroe Ave,
• Benson Ave. at Serene Ave.
• Benson Ave. at Park Pl.
• Jefferson Ave. at 10th St.
• Jefferson Ave. at Jacaranda Pl
• Jefferson Ave. at Catalpa Pl..
• Jefferson Ave. at Benson Ave.
• Park Pl, at 12th St.
• Park Pl. at 13th St.
• Park Pl. at 10th St.
• Park Pl. at Benson Ave.
TDA A3 Award $353,081 No Change No Change
Local Match $757,020 (or 68.2%) No Change No Change
Total Cost $1,110,000 No Change No Change
Deadline 10/4/2019 10/4/2021 No Change
Extension No.* 0 2 No Change
*Please note, as long as the projects are progressing, SBCTA staff has the authority to grant two one year extensions.
Additional extensions must be approved by the SBCTA Board.
Upon project completion, please contact me for the TDA Claim Form and filing instructions.
Ginger Koblasz
Cc: Nancy Strickert, SBCTA
Maria Fraser, City of Chino
Amer Jakher, City of Chino