Art3_Chino_2024_Active Project StatusCAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Good morning Lisa, My apologies for the delayed response. Please see my notes below in red regarding the status of the pending projects. The City has finished paying the final invoice and we will be taking this to our City Council for NOC in September and will be submitting a request for reimbursement after approval. Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns. Thank you, Mussette Ayala Senior Management Analyst City of Chino | Public Works Department 13220 Central Avenue | Chino, CA 91710 Direct (909) 334-3546 ________________________________ From: Lisa Chou <lchou@gosbcta.com> Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2024 10:10 AM To: Ayala, Mussette <mayala@cityofchino.org>; Hindersinn, Michele <mhindersinn@cityofchino.org> Cc: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com>; Nancy Strickert <nstrickert@gosbcta.com> Subject: [EXT EMAIL] RE: [EXT EMAIL] TDA Article 3 Annual Report - Chino Good morning, I’m following-up on the progress of the following projects. Award Fiscal Year Description Project Type Project Total TDA Article 3 Award TDA Article 3 Distribution To-Date Local Share Total Deadline Status Estimate of Expenses to Date (total project) Contractor Selected (yes or no) Able to Complete by Deadline (yes or no) 2017/2018 Bicycle Path and Pedestrian Facilities Bike/Ped $1,110,000.00 $353,081.00 $81,408.00 $757,020.00 2024-12-31 Project completed. Pending NOC from City of Chino City Council $1,528,560.44 yes yes 2017/2018 Sidewalk Retrofitting Transit $174,000.00 $87,000.00 $0.00 $87,000.00 2024-12-31 Project completed. Pending NOC from City of Chino City Council $1,528,560.44 yes yes Thank you, Lisa From: Lee, Hye Jin <HJLee@cityofchino.org> Sent: Friday, August 09, 2024 10:46 AM To: Lisa Chou <lchou@gosbcta.com> Cc: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com>; Nancy Strickert <nstrickert@gosbcta.com>; Ayala, Mussette <mayala@cityofchino.org>; Espinoza, Alberto <aespinoza@cityofchino.org>; Hindersinn, Michele <mhindersinn@cityofchino.org> Subject: Re: [EXT EMAIL] TDA Article 3 Annual Report - Chino Lisa, I'm cc'ing our staff for the information you requested. Mussette and Michele can provide you with an update. Thank you. Hye Jin Lee, MS, PE Director of Public Works City of Chino | Public Works City Hall 13220 Central Avenue Chino, CA 91710 hjlee@cityofchino.org <mailto:hjlee@cityofchino.org> Direct (909) 334-3535 <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fca-chino.civicplus.com%2F&data=eJxNi7EOwiAQQL8GNppatE43uDh1cnLFk5Yz4DXlaOzfF-Ni8rb3HkLfO2ztuTuM1p_0EybODxTXICedIN6MSfS5r4MUnSG8ovfq2CLJxiMGenP Dy6QXiBi4VPO_Fwgic1b2orprBZ35LUgr4RxL_mZV7M5PLYA%25> ________________________________ From: Lisa Chou <lchou@gosbcta.com <mailto:lchou@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Monday, August 5, 2024 5:21 PM To: Lee, Hye Jin <HJLee@cityofchino.org <mailto:HJLee@cityofchino.org> > Cc: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> >; Nancy Strickert <nstrickert@gosbcta.com <mailto:nstrickert@gosbcta.com> > Subject: [EXT EMAIL] TDA Article 3 Annual Report - Chino Good afternoon, I’m a contract planner assisting Ginger Koblasz on the TDA Article 3 annual progress report. Could you please provide an update on Chino’s active Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 awards? Award Fiscal Year Description Project Type Project Total TDA Article 3 Award TDA Article 3 Distribution To-Date Local Share Total Deadline Status Estimate of Expenses to Date Contractor Selected (yes or no) Able to Complete by Deadline (yes or no) 2017/2018 Bicycle Path and Pedestrian Facilities Bike/Ped $1,110,000.00 $353,081.00 $81,408.00 $757,020.00 2024-12-31 2017/2018 Sidewalk Retrofitting Transit $174,000.00 $87,000.00 $0.00 $87,000.00 2024-12-31 On May 3, 2023, the SBCTA Board approved changes to the program that now require annual Progress Reports. We hope this will help us get ahead of any potential issues and limit the number of times we need to go to the Board with scope change and extension requests. In addition to the progress reporting requirement, awardees must also demonstrate expenditure of some funds within ONE year of award notification and, for construction contracts, a contract must be awarded within THREE years of award notification. We expect there to be some leniency for existing awards, particularly with the one year expenditure rule. If funds have not yet been spent, please provide a brief project schedule showing how the City intends to complete the project by the deadline. For more information please see: Agenda - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (gosbcta.com) <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gosbcta.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F12%2F2023-05-03- Board-of-Directors-Full-Agenda-1928.pdf%23page%3D298&data=eJxNjM2KwyAUhZ_G7G6I1zSkCxct6Q_MQxSrxoTaXFHTMH36OsymcOD8fHC07PjYct3anndoKiMdpbvOqtb0rJ7ydB1ul93Pq_u9YZXkS0-0srbR07zQNHufaoquitI96O5Vehf2fbDKK eeQmDgwPBdt21Z_8b8lgKYl2yWXsgZPyqSSsEEsxvE_C2h20Ag4kooGaIRhjlZnignOq_dwcHYxCvge-zqYkaEIylkmBtz3HxD7SKQ%25> or feel free to reach out to me directly with questions. Thank you, Lisa Chou, AICP San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Contract Planner 1170 West Third Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 Office: 626.204.9801 Cell: 626.630.6127 The information in this e-mail and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and confidential information. 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