Art3_Highland_2023 Active Projects StatusMorning Ginger, These are good questions. Please see my responses below in red. Carlos Zamano, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer (909) 864-6861, ext. 254 City of Highland 27215 Base Line Highland, CA 92346 Email: czamano@cityofhighland.org <mailto:czamano@cityofhighland.org> Web: www.cityofhighland.org <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cityofhighland.org%2F&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTD ZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtXUN9PRNKcr1LwrxTlMrtk2uSsxNzMtXNTFIziypzE_LyEzPyEnMS9HLL0pXK7JNz85PykksrgLKIxtTaptRUlKgauyoauQGROXl5XqY2oESADNRMJQ%> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2023 11:47 AM To: Carlos Zamano <czamano@cityofhighland.org>; Leticia Nava-Cruz <lnavacruz@cityofhighland.org>; Michelle Gomez <mgomez@cityofhighland.org>; Chuck Dantuono <cdantuono@cityofhighland.org>; Sonja Flynn <sflynn@cityofhighland.org> Cc: Nancy Strickert <nstrickert@gosbcta.com> Subject: RE: Active TDA Article 3 Award Status Request EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Hi Carlos, I have a couple of follow up questions. * If you need to request an extension from the CTC for City Creek, by definition, the City is unable to complete the project by the deadline so that should be “No”, should it not? If approved, would the new deadline be 2/28/2027? Response: Good point. While I think we may be able to complete the project by 2/28/2026. Since we are seeking an extension, the appropriate response should be “No” and the new deadline should be 2/28/2027 to be consistent with CTC schedule. * Sorry, the table should have said “TDA Article 3 Expenses to Date”. Would the totals Michelle previously sent more accurately reflect that? Response: I did provide total project costs. Therefore, the information provided by Michelle is more accurate regarding TDA Article 3 expenses to date. Thanks, Ginger From: Carlos Zamano <czamano@cityofhighland.org <mailto:czamano@cityofhighland.org> > Sent: Monday, July 10, 2023 1:08 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> >; Leticia Nava-Cruz <lnavacruz@cityofhighland.org <mailto:lnavacruz@cityofhighland.org> >; Michelle Gomez <mgomez@cityofhighlan d.org <mailto:mgomez@cityofhighland.org> >; Chuck Dantuono <cdantuono@cityofhighland.org <mailto:cdantuono@cityofhighland.org> >; Sonja Flynn <sflynn@cityofhighland.org <mailto:sflynn@cityofhighland. org> > Cc: Nancy Strickert <nstrickert@gosbcta.com <mailto:nstrickert@gosbcta.com> > Subject: RE: Active TDA Article 3 Award Status Request Ginger, Please see the project updates below per your request. Carlos Zamano, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer (909) 864-6861, ext. 254 City of Highland 27215 Base Line Highland, CA 92346 Email: czamano@cityofhighland.org <mailto:czamano@cityofhighland.org> Web: www.cityofhighland.org <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cityofhighland.org%2F&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTD ZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtS3PMEiPKvP2zkxxClIrtk2uSsxNzMtXNTFIziypzE_LyEzPyEnMS9HLL0pXK7JNz85PykksrgLKIxtTaptRUlKgauyoauQGROXl5XqY2oESADhwMJw%25> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 10:54 AM To: Carlos Zamano <czamano@cityofhighland.org <mailto:czamano@cityofhighland.org> >; Alondra Munoz <amunoz@cityofhighland.org <mailto:amunoz@cityofhighland.org> >; Leticia Nava-Cruz <lnavacruz@cityofhighland.org <mailto:lnavacruz@cityofhighland.org> >; Michelle Gomez <mgomez@cityofhighland.org <mailto:mgomez@cityofhighland.org> >; Chuck Dantuono <cdantuono@cityofhighland.org <mailto:cdantuono@cityofhighland.org> > Cc: Nancy Strickert <nstrickert@gosbcta.com <mailto:nstrickert@gosbcta.com> > Subject: Active TDA Article 3 Award Status Request EXTERNAL EMAIL: Do not click on links or open attachments unless you know the content is safe. Hi Carlos, Could you please provide an update on Highland’s active Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 awards by July 7, 2023? Award Fiscal Year Description Project Type Project Total TDA Article 3 Award TDA Article 3 Distribution To-Date Local Share Total Deadline Status Estimate of Expenses to Date Contractor Selected (yes or no) Able to Complete by Deadline (yes or no) 2017/2018 City Creek/Alabama Street Bikeways Bike/Ped $2,322,164.00 $371,546.24 $265,528.69 $92,887.00 2026-02-28 Design complete. 12-month construction allocation scheduled for August 16-17 CTC meeting. The extension is needed to secure permits from resource agencies. $628,558 No Yes 2019/2020 9th St Transit Stops, Sidewalk, & Bikeway Bike/Ped $134,872.00 $67,436.00 $40,907.00 $67,436.00 2023-12-31 95% design and right of way. Eminent domain is required for one property. FY23 TDA Article 3 application submitted primarily for construction. $89,834 No Yes (Design only) 2019/2020 Baseline, Boulder, 9th Street and Olive Tree Transit $77,885.84 $53,897.00 $9,624.58 $23,993.00 2023-12-31 In construction. $26,918 Yes Yes 2021/2022 Construction of New Sidewalks to Bus Stops (Messina St/Seine Ave Gap) Transit $141,500.00 $77,989.00 $0.00 $63,511.00 2025-06-30 In construction. $29,196 Yes Yes On May 3, 2023, along with the release of a 2023 TDA Article 3 Call for Projects, the SBCTA Board approved changes to the program that now require annual Progress Reports. We hope this will help us get ahead of any potential issues and limit the number of times we need to go to the Board with scope change and extension requests. In addition to the progress reporting requirement, awardees must also demonstrate expenditure of some funds within ONE year of award notification and, for construction contracts, a contract must be awarded within THREE years of award notification. We expect there to be some leniency for existing awards, particularly with the one year expenditure rule. If funds have not yet been spent on the FY21/22 award, please provide a brief project schedule showing how the City intends to complete the project by the deadline. For more information please see: Agenda - Wednesday, May 3, 2023 (gosbcta.com) <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gosbcta.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F12%2F2023-05-03- Board-of-Directors-Full-Agenda-1928.pdf%23page%3D298&data=eJxNjL2OwyAQhJ8Gd2vB4oucgiJRlCbdldcRwNg6zCLAsS5PH6JrIo00P580Rh3ENAgzuFEc0HZWeSp3U3VvaO1Wtc_c_zxut8Wev7uizFOvOhIbuFnqH03z4uego-0p-y4r_0v3oMuz8 c-bTc21psLkieG1ad_3_oO_lwSGYnWxtrKlQNqWlpAjNhP4nyXwL-ASzqSzBZrgsmRnKuUC1y0EOHkXrQZxxLFPdmIok_aOyQsexxeMtEuY> or feel free to reach out to me directly with questions. Thank you, Ginger Koblasz San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Senior Planner 1170 West Third Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 909.884.8276 | Office The information in this e-mail and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message or attachment is strictly prohibited. If you believe that you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the e-mail and all of its attachments. The information in this e-mail and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message or attachment is strictly prohibited. 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