Art3_Chino_FY13_Transit_Central_Inv 10/12/2023 11:11:26 AM Revenue: Expenditure: 5407360-48009-SD211, 3207100-48009-ST183 3277102-48009-ST183 Transfer In: Transfer Out: M E M O R A N D U M CITY OF CHINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 TO: LINDA REICH, CITY MANAGER FROM: AMER JAKHER, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: NOTICE OF COMPLETION: RIVERSIDE DRIVE REHABILITATION AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFCIATION PROJECT (ST183) AND 11TH STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT (SD211). RECOMMENDATION 1) Accept the Riverside Drive Street Rehabilitation and Traffic Signal Modification Project (ST183) and 11th Street Storm Drain Project (SD211), Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Brea, Ca., Contract No. 2021-026, as complete; 2) release the retention funds following the 35-day lien period; and 3) authorize the Director of Public Works to file the Notice of Completion. FISCAL IMPACT The project was completed within the Council approved established budget for ST183 and SD211. CITY OF CHINO MISSION / VISION / VALUES / STRATEGIC ISSUES: The recommendation detailed above furthers the City’s values and strategic issues that serve as key pillars on which identified priorities, goals, and action plans are built, by fostering: • Positive City Image • Responsible Long-Range Planning COUNCIL MEETING DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2022 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF COMPLETION: RIVERSIDE DRIVE REHABILITATION AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL MODIFCIATION PROJECT (ST183) AND 11TH STREET STORM DRAIN PROJECT (SD211) PAGE 2 BACKGROUND On June 16, 2020, City Council awarded a construction contract to Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Brea, CA, in the amount of $6,197,250.50 for the Riverside Drive Street Rehabilitation and Traffic Signal Modification Project (ST183) and Storm Drain Project - 11th St- Chino Ave to Riverside Dr (SD211). Additionally, the City Council authorized expenditures of up to $619,725.05 for project contingencies, bringing the total construction contract to a not-to- exceed amount of $6,816,975.55. On July 19, 2022, City Council appropriated $19,080.54 from Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation (RMRA) Funds for additional project contingencies, bringing the total construction contract to a not-to-exceed amount of $6,836,056.09. Several change orders were approved and issued over the duration of the project, encompassing a wide scope. This included completed quantity and balancing changes for the construction. The completed work included reconstruction and overlay of the entire street section on Riverside Drive from Central Avenue to Oaks Avenue, pedestrian accessibility improvement s including curb ramps, sidewalk, curb, curb and gutter, traffic signal modifications at the intersections of Riverside Drive at Tenth Street, Benson Avenue and Oaks Avenue, and a storm drain segment on 11th Street from Riverside Drive to Chino Ave, as well as signage and striping improvements. All the improvements within the project scope have been successfully constructed. It was noted that some rutting has occurred within the project limits since its completion. This is normal for a road heavily traveled by large and heavy trucks. The solution is to develop a standard to provide concrete paving where heavy truck loads are anticipated. Staff is currently working with the traffic Division to develop and implement said standard going forward. However, it should be noted that this same standard will also be applied to this current project to mitigate any rutting that has occurred. ISSUES/ANALYSIS All work has been completed per the terms of the original contract and successive approved change orders. The following is a brief summary of the final accounting of construction costs for the project: Original Construction Contract Amount $6,197,250.50 Contract Change Orders No. 1 - No. 19 $638,805.59 Final Construction Contract Amount $6,836,056.09 Construction Contingency Balance $0 Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Brea, CA, has complied with the terms of the contract. A Notice of Completion has been prepared for filing with the San Bernardino County Recorder's Office. The retention funds will be released following the 35-day lien period. Attachment: Notice of Completion - Projects ST183 & SD211 City of Chino,Chino,CA 91710 INVOICED ATE INVOICEN UMBER DESCRIPTION INVOICEA MOUNTDISCOUNT VENDORNU MBER VENDORNA ME CHECK NUMBER CHECK DATE CHECK AMOUNT Pay To the Order Of FILE COPY NON-NEGOTIABLE CITY OF CHINO 13220 CENTRAL AVE CHINO,CA 91710 (909) 334-3348/(909) 334-3311 ap@cityofchino.org Vendor Number Check Number Check Date CHECK NUMBER: 00754442PAGE:1 OF 1 01/31/2021 4 ST183/SD211 - STREET REHAB AND STORM DRAIN CONST.$845,991.01 GL#:3217180 - 48005 $127,648.00 GL#:3227190 - 48005 $38,950.00 GL#:3277102 - 48005 $183,781.85 GL#:5407360 - 48005 $495,611.16 21783 SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING 754442 02/25/2021 $845,991.01 ***$845,991.01******Eight Hundred Forty-five Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety-one Dollars and 01 Cents*** SULLY-MILLER CONTRACTING 135 S STATE COLLEGE BLVD #400 BREA,CA 92821-5823 21783 754442 02/25/2021