Art3_Chino_FY15_BikePed_TalkWalk_Inv_APPROVED_200228 4�Q OF Cy'O EUNICE M.ULLOA ,� �- MARK HARGROVE Mayor — MARC LUCID a PAUL A.RODRIGUEZ Ed.D. Council Members TOM HAUGHEY 2 WXEHE (� EVEPYT HIHO N u o ano Mayor Pro Tem ° gp�RAT E� MATTHEW C. BALLANTYNE City Manager CITY of CHINO February 20, 2020 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Attn: Ginger Koblasz, Department of Fund Administration 1170 West Third Street, 2"d Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 Subject: TDA Article 3 "Talk The Walk Project" Grant Reimbursement Request We are hereby transmitting to you [ ] separately [X] enclosed, the following: One original grant reimbursement request package for Project TR201/G7201 "Talk the Walk". Inclusive of: SBCTA Checklist, Signed Article 3 Claim Form, Signed Article 3 Reimbursement Request form,Authorizing Resolution (certified copy), Back-up Documentation (invoices, payment Check copies, associated staff reports, purchase order, quotation), and photos. Purpose: [X] For necessary action [ ] For your information [ ] For checking [ ] For your file [X] For approval [ ] Per your request [ ] Other Remarks: Please note that this is a completed project, as denoted in the provided staff report. An electronic copy of this entire submittal has been sent via email, with Management Analyst III, Vanessa Schoenewald carbon copied. Sincerely 4ustin ostovoit Management Aide Public Works Department (909) 334-3415 13220 Central Avenue, Chino, California 91710 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 667, Chino, California 91708-0667 (909) 334-3250 • (909) 334-3720 Fax Web Site: www.cityofchino.org San Bernardino Associated Governments Claim Form Article 3 Grant Program Project Name: "Talk the Walk"Project Grant Allocation No: 5-1606-34 Claimant: City of Chino Address: 13220 Central Avenue Chino,CA 91710 Attention: Public Works Department Phone No: (909)334-3403 E-mail Address: kcampbell@cityofchino.org Amount Requested for Reimbursement: $ 45,617.00' Purpose: Please check one purpose. (X) Article 3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities,Public Utilities Code(PUQ 99233.3 ( ) Transit Stop Access Improvements,PUC 99233.3 Authorizing Signature: (Claimant's Chief Adminstrator or Financial Officer) IW* Date: Z.•� f•� Signat e I \J Matthew C. Ballantyne, City Manager Type Name&Title Condition of Approval: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the approved allocation instruction. Copy of 2016 Award Article 3 Claim Form Chino Talk the Walk Claim Form Page 1 San Bernardino Associated Governments Reimbursement Request Article 3 Grant Program Claimant: CITY OF CHINO Grant Information (completed by SANBAG) Article 3 Total Project Award Percent Local Match Percent Local Project Name Cost Amount Article 3 Amount Match "Talk the 1Nalk"` Project $ 198,00 $ 45,617 23% $ 152,383 77% Instructions: Please complete 1 through 4 below. Amount 1)Article 3 Project Cost(amount being requested for reimbursement) $ 45,617 2)Local Match Project Cost $ 152,372 Total $ 197,989 Project Costs to Date(include amount requested above) 3)Article 3 $ 45,617 4)Local Match $ 152,372 Total $ 197,989 Local Match Amount Remainin 11 Article 3 Balance Remaining 0 Total Amount Reaining 11 I certify that the information on this Financial Reporting form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. The same authority that signs the Claim Form must sign this form. Signed: k4 Date: 2.2f,V \N Copy of 2016 Award Article 3 Claim Form Chino Talk the Walk Reimbursement Request Page 1 San Bernardino Associated Governments Check List Article 3 Grant Program Claimant: City of Chino Date: 2/19/2020 Please see below instructions and checkmark the items included in your submittal. X 1. Claim Form (one-time submission) Please submit a completed Claim Form prior to requesting reimbursement of funds. An authorizing resolution is required with the Claim Form (see #2). X 2. Authorizing Resolution (one-time submission) Resolution authorizing the filing of the claim form and authorizing the submission of reimbursement requests throughout the duration of the project. Please submit resolution with Claim Form. X 3. Reimbursement Request Form (as needed) This form is required for every reimbursement requested. X 4. Back-up Documentation (required with Reimbursement Request Form) Please attach documentation supporting the amount requested (e.g., invoices, paychecks, purchase orders, etc.) X 5. Certified Copy of Minute Action (completed projects only) Certified copy of minute action authorizing the filing of the final claim and verifying project completion. X 6. Photos of Completed Project (completed projects only) X 7. Other (optional) Attach any other information you wish to submit to support your claim. Copy of 2016 Award Article 3 Claim Form Chino Talk the Walk Check List Page 1 OF C j* INVOICE ° CITY OF CHINO Customer Copy Remit To: �• % Q '� CITY OF CHINO-FINANCE DEPT. �OgpORA! ` ,% P.O.BOX 667 CHINO,CA 91708-0667 INQUIRIES(909)334-3263 CUSTOMER •MER# INVOICE DATE INVOICE • PAID DUE DATE • • DUE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY 28592 02/20/2020 6181 $0.00 03/21/2020 $45,617.00 TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY MEN= SB:CTA GRANT REIMBURSEMENT 1 $45,617A0 EACH $45,617.00 $0 Oa $0�0 $45,61700 SBCTA GRANT REIMBURSEMENT •.. f. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PROMPT PAYMENT. ............................................................. DETACH AND RETURN THE PORTION BELOW.WITH YOUR PAYMENT ....................................................... Promptly Send Payment To: INVOICE °F c CITY OF CHINO Remit Portion ° Remit To: Invoice Date 02/20/2020 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. CITY OF CHINO-FINANCE DEPT. P.O.BOX,667 Invoice Number 6181 \\ CHINO,CA 91708-0667 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. INQUIRIES(909)334-3263 Customer Number 28592 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Federal Tax I.D.#95-0930239 Amount Paid $0.00 28592 Invoiceo ll ;4 . t1: SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Please put Invoice Number on your check. FORMERLY KNOWN AS SANBAG 1170 W. 3RD ST, 2ND FLOOR Make Checks Payable to:City of Chino SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92410 THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,CITY OF CHINO,CALIFORNIA. Date: 2 - .2Z CHINO CITY COUNCIL Attest by: SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING—THE PRESERVE COMMUNITY CENTER Title: 15800 MAIN STREET CHINO, CA 91708 WEDNESDAY—AUGUST 7, 2019 CLOSED SESSION—6:00 PM OPEN SESSION—7:00 PM MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The August 7, 2019, Special Meeting of the Chino City Council / Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 6:00 pm by Mayor Eunice M. Ulloa in the Preserve Community Center. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Eunice M. Ulloa, Mayor Pro Tem Tom Haughey and Council Members Mark Hargrove, Marc Lucio (arrived at 6:15 pm), and Paul Rodriguez. Absent: None. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON CLOSED SESSION There were no requests to speak. CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Fred Galante read into the record the item listed on the Closed Session agenda. A. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL--ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9. Number of cases: One case The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 6:01 pm. The City Council returned from Closed Session at 6:51 pm. The City Council reconvened the meeting at 7:00 pm. FLAG SALUTE Council Member Hargrove led the assembly in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. CEREMONIALS Proclamations Mayor Ulloa read into the record the Proclamation designating August 21, 2019 as "Senior Citizens Day" in Chino and presented it to Howard Williams, Senior Citizens Club Trustee. Presentations Mayor Ulloa presented the August 2019 Mayor's Home Beautification Award to Jeff Scott and his daughter Julianne of Chino. CHINO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2019 2 REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION City Attorney Fred Galante reported that the City Council received an update, provided direction and no further reportable action was taken on Closed Session Item A. INFORMATION Mayor Ulloa announced that the CPR Demonstration by the Chino Valley Independent Fire District will take place at the September 3, 2019 City Council meeting. Mayor Ulloa recognized the many accomplishments and contributions of Jim Erickson who recently passed away. She expressed her condolences to the family and announced that the meeting would adjourn in his honor. AGENDA ADDITIONS/REVISIONS City Manager Matt Ballantyne requested Consent Calendar Item no. 10 pertaining to the Traffic Signal Modifications and Interconnect/Communications Project be returned to staff for further review. PUBLIC ANNOUCEMENTS Mayor Ulloa invited the community to attend the Chino Kiwanis' Summer Concerts on the Lawn in front of City Hall happening on Thursdays at 7 pm.; and "Chino City Hall on the Move" happening on August 10, 2019 in front of the Albertsons located at 12013 Central Avenue. She announced the City Council is going dark on August 20, 2019, and the next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 7 pm (Closed Session at 6 pm or soon thereafter, if necessary) in the Council Chambers. PUBLIC COMMENTS John Mata of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley provided the Invocation. Lupe Camacho, Partnership Specialist assigned by the US Census Bureau to San Bernardino County, spoke about her role, which is to assist local communities in establishing and developing complete count committees for the 2020 Census. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Warrants. Approve expenses as audited and within budget for warrants 745117 to 745459, and Electronic Fund Transfers 509517E to 509684E, totaling $9,393,726.85. 2. A. Minutes. Regular meeting of July 2, 2019 (all Members present) B. Minutes. Regular Meeting of July 16, 2019 (all Members present) 3. Elected City Officials' Report Regarding Travel, Training, and Meetings. Receive and file the Elected City Officials' Report reflecting City Council business related expenses incurred by the City and forecast of future events and trainings. 4. Master Contracts - Chino Valley Unified School District. Approve the Master Contracts with the Chino Valley Unified School District for the provision of Community Services programs for FY 2019-20. 5. Deny Claim Against The City - Mercury Insurance on behalf of Shannon Linnenkamp. Reject liability claim filed by Mercury Insurance on July 12, 2019 on behalf of their insured Shannon Linnenkamp for damage to her vehicle that occurred on May 23, 2019. 6. Deny Claim Against The City - Ronald Shockley. Reject liability claim filed by Ronald Shockley on June 17, 2019 for property damage that occurred on June 8, 2019. 7. Land Conservation Contract Cancellation No. 71-310. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-049, approving Certification of Final Cancellation of Williamson Act Land Conservation Contract No. 71-310, and removing the 3.1-acre site from the Chino Agricultural Preserve. CHINO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2019 3 8. Notice of Completion — Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Alley Pavement Improvements MS161. Accept the CDBG Alley Pavement Improvements MS161 project as complete and release the retention funds following the 35 day lien period. 9. Request Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise Construction Bids for Edison Avenue Traffic Signal Modifications and Interconnect/Communications Protect - TR151/G7023/HSIPL 5188 (021). Approve the plans and specifications for the construction of traffic signal modifications at Edison Avenue at Ramona, Yorba, and Monte Vista Avenues, and Interconnect/Communication to the traffic signal master control system at City Hall. (Pulled from Consent Calendar and referred to staff. No action taken.) 10. Request Approval of Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for the Construction Project to Replace Water Mains at Monte Vista Avenue and Benson Avenue Bridge Crossings at State Route 60 Project R2072. Authorization to advertise for construction the project to replace water mains at Monte Vista Avenue and Benson Avenue bridge crossing across state route 60, Project R2072. 11. Vendor Cap Increase - McCain Traffic Supply Inc. Authorize a $50,000 vendor cap increase for McCain Traffic Supply Inc., Vista, CA for a total revised vendor cap amount of $75,000 for the purchase of Traffic Signal Poles and Parts. 12. Accessible Pedestrian Systems Proiect TR201. Accept the Traffic Signal Accessible Pedestrian Systems Project TR201 as complete and authorize staff to request reimbursement of grant funds from the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority. 13. Award of Contract'- Parking Lot Sealcoat Maintenance and Striping at Various Locations. Award a contract to Premier Paving, Ontario, CA in the amount of$71,770 for sealcoat and striping maintenance of City parking lots. 14. Adoption of Ordinance Nos. 2019-007 and 2019-009 pertaining to Development Impact Fees (Second Reading). Adoption of Ordinance Nos. 2019-007 and 2019-009, amending the Chino Municipal Code, Chapters 3.40 and 3.45 Development Impact Fees. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-007 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.40, "DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES," TO INCLUDE UPDATED PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS PERTAINING TO ANNUAL REIMBURSEMENTS, CREDITS, AND FEE CALCULATIONS, AND TO INCORPORATE REVISIONS TO THE UPDATED DIF REPORT AND MASTER FACILITIES PLAN. ORDINANCE NO, 2019-009 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.45, "THE PRESERVE DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES," TO INCLUDE UPDATED PROCEDURES AND STANDARDS PERTAINING TO ANNUAL REIMBURSEMENTS, CREDITS, AND FEE CALCULATIONS, AND TO INCORPORATE REVISIONS TO THE UPDATED DIF REPORT AND MASTER FACILITIES PLAN. 15. Adoption of Ordinance No. 2019-010 adding Chapter 12.22 to Title 12 of the Chino Municipal Code (Second Reading. Adoption of Ordinance No, 2019-010 Adding Chapter 12.22 to Title 12 of the Chino Municipal Code Regulating Certain Conduct in Public Buildings. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-010 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA, ADDING CHAPTER 12.22 OF THE CHINO MUNICIPAL CODE REGULATING PROHIBITED CONDUCT IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS CHINO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2019 4 16. Adoption of Ordinance No. 2019-011, regarding Regulation of Aerosol Containers, Markers, and Etching Tools (Second Reading). Adoption of Ordinance No. 2019-011 Amending Chapter 8.28 of the Chino Municipal Code Concerning Graffiti Abatement and Enforcement. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-011 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO, CALIFORNIA AMENDING CHINO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 8.28 REGARDING REGULATION OF AEROSOL CONTAINERS, MARKERS AND ETCHING TOOLS Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Haughey, seconded by Council Member Hargrove, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to approve Consent Calendar Items 1 through 9 and 11 through 17 as presented. Item 10 was referred back to staff. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCID, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. PUBLIC HEARING 17. Formation of Community Facilities District 2019-1. Conduct a Public Hearing, hold a special election and authorize the formation of CFD No. 2019-1, levy of special taxes, and incur bonded indebtedness for the proposed CFD; and approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 2019-012, levying a special tax, to be read by number and title only and waive further reading of the ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. 2019-012 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO, ACTING IN ITS CAPACITY AS THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2019-1 (THE LANDINGS) OF THE CITY OF CHINO AUTHORIZING THE LEVY OF SPECIAL TAXES WITHIN THE DISTRICT Mayor Ulloa opened the Public Hearing. Staff Report by: Rob Burns, Director of Finance. Roberto Casas addressed the City Council and asked whether notice of the formation of the CFD and levy of special tax had been provided to the property owners. Mr. Burns confirmed that the City complied with the noticing requirements and clarified that the levy of special taxes would apply within the proposed boundaries of CFD No. 2019-1 (The Landings). He went on to explain the purpose of a CFD and how the fees would be utilized. There being no one else present to address the City Council on this item, the Public Hearing was closed. Moved by Council Member Lucio, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to adopt Resolution No. 2019-046 authorizing the formation of CFD No. 2019-1, authorizing the levy of special taxes, and calling an election and adopt Resolution No. 2019-047 determining the necessity to incur bonded indebtedness. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. City Clerk Angela Robles announced that all ballots were cast in connection with the election for the levying of special taxes, incurring bonded indebtedness, and setting an annual appropriations limit for Community Facilities District No. 2019-1. The results of the election were unanimous, 21 votes in favor of the propositions. CHINO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2019 5 Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Haughey, seconded by Council Member Lucio, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to adopt Resolution No. 2019-048 certifying the results of the August 7, 2019 Special Tax and Bond Elections. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. City Attorney Fred Galante read the title of the Ordinance into the record. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Haughey, seconded by Council Member Lucio, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to introduce Ordinance No. 2019-012 authorizing the levy of special taxes pursuant to the rate and method of apportionment outlined in City Council Resolution No. 2019-031,to be read by number and title only and waive further reading of the ordinance. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. NEW BUSINESS 18. Award of Contract - Quadrant I, Phase 1 Water Main Replacement Projects at Various Locations (WA 17A), Water_Main Replacements at Santa Ana Place, Victoria Street, and Ramona Avenue (WA 162), Pipeline Avenue Storm Drain Replacement (SD 161). Award a construction contract, authorize expenditures for construction management, and authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the City. Staff Report by: Maria Fraser, CIP Manager. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Haughey, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to 1) Award a construction contract in the amount of $2,613,606.00 to J. A. Salazar Construction, La Habra, CA for Quadrant I, Phase 1 Water Main Replacement Projects at Various Locations (WA17A), Water Main Replacement Projects at Santa Ana Place, Victoria Street, and Ramona Avenue (WA162), and Pipeline Avenue Storm Drain Replacement Project (SD 161); 2) authorize expenditures of up to $155,569 for construction management, $137,606 for inspection costs, $261,362 for project contingencies and $50,000 for Construction Engineering; and 3) authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the City. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor Ulloa Mayor Ulloa reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast; Tour of NFI Industries; Chino Basin Watermaster Advisory Committee meeting; Watermaster Recharge Improvement Program Committee meeting, Watermaster Storage Workshop No. 2; Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Awards and Recognition Dinner; Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez's Summer BBQ; Chief of Police Karen Comstock's Walk of Honor and Reception, Watermaster Board of Directors meeting; Monte Vista Park Splash Pad Grand Reopening Ceremony; Chief of Police Wes Simmons' Swearing In Ceremony; Senior Citizens Club August Birthday Celebration; Southern California Water Coalition Strategic Planning Conference Call ;15th Annual Chino Relay for Life event; former Chino Champion Newspapers owner Al McCombs 90th Birthday Celebration; and National Night Out event. CHINO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2019 6 Mayor Pro Tern Haughey Mayor Pro Tern Haughey reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included Water Facilities Authority Board of Directors meeting; Chino Desalter Authority Finance meeting; Grand Opening ceremonies for new businesses in The Preserve; Chief of Police Karen Comstock's Walk of Honor and Reception; Kiwanis Concerts on the Lawn at City Hall; Monte Vista Park Chino Splash Pad Grand Reopening Ceremony; Chief of Police Wes Simmons' Swearing In Ceremony; Chino Relay for Life event; Al McCombs 90th Birthday Celebration; and National Night Out event. Council Member Hargrove Council Member Hargrove reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Awards and Recognition Dinner; recognized and welcomed Mona Houston, the Acting Warden at the California Institution for Men (CIM) in Chino; Chief of Police Karen Comstock's Walk of Honor and Reception; Monte Vista Park Chino Splash Pad Grand Reopening Ceremony; Chief of Police Wes Simmons' Swearing In Ceremony; Kiwanis Concerts on the Lawn at City Hall; Chino Relay for Life event, Al McCombs 90th Birthday Celebration; and Planning Commission meeting. Council Member Hargrove expressed his condolences to everyone affected by the tragedies that occurred in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton. He requested staff look into the possibility of removing Kimball Avenue as a truck route. Also, he announced that the Chino Youth Boxing Club will host its Legends Boxing Showcase event on August 25, 2019 at the Neighborhood Activity Center in Chino. Lastly, he wished the community a happy Labor Day Holiday. Council Member Lucio Council Member Lucio reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting which included the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Awards and Recognition Dinner; All American Car Wash and 7-Eleven Ribbon Cutting Ceremony; Community Services Commission meeting; Relay for Life event; and National Night Out event. He encouraged the community to attend the upcoming "Chino City Hall on the Move" event on August 10, 2019. Council Member Lucio invited anyone who would like to provide comments regarding the proposed Parcel Delivery Facility to attend the Public Hearing or to send their comments to the City for the administrative record. Council Member Rodriguez Council Member Rodriguez reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting which included Assemblymember Freddie Rodriguez's Town Hall; China Valley Chamber of Commerce 2019 Business Awards and Recognition Dinner; Chief of Police Karen Comstock's Walk of Honor and Reception; Chino Youth Boxing Foundation Open House; SCAG (Southern California Association of Governments) meeting regarding Regional Housing Needs Assessments; Senior Citizens Club August Birthday Celebration; Chino Relay for Life event; Al McCombs 90th Birthday Celebration; Climate Change Conference in Riverside; and National Night Out event. City Manager's Report City Manager Matt Bailantyne thanked the Preserve community for hosting the meeting and City staff from the Community Services Department and Chino Channel 3 for organizing the venue. He reported that in response to residents' concerns regarding aircraft flight patterns, Mayor Ulloa issued a letter to the Ontario International Airport Authority. Also, he reported that a letter of support from Mayor Ulloa for the riders of Foothill Transit Line 497 was sent to Foothill Transit regarding the proposed elimination of this line. City Manager Ballantyne issued a reminder that office hours at the Preserve Community Center will take place on September 5, 2019 from 6 to 8 pm. In conclusion, he congratulated Chief of Police Wes Simmons on his appointment. 1 CHINO CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 7, 2019 7 City Attorney's Report City Attorney Fred Galante congratulated Chief of Police Wes Simmons on his appointment. He reported that the City Attorney's office will continue to monitor the status of housing bills being considered by the State Legislature. Police Chiefs Report Chief of Police Wes Simmons thanked the City Council, City Manager, and community for their support. Also, he thanked everyone who participated in National Night Out. Fire Chiefs Report Deputy Fire Chief Scott Atkinson, Chino Valley Fire District, congratulated Chief of Police Karen Comstock on her retirement and Wes Simmons on his appointment to Chief of Police. ADJOURN IN THE MEMORY OF JIM ERICKSON The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm in memory of Jim Erickson. The next Regular Meeting of the City Council will be held on Tuesday, September 3, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. (Closed Session at 6:00 p.m. if necessary) in the City Council Chambers located at 13220 Central Avenue. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS V DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2019. EUNICE M. ULLOA, MAYOR ATTEST: ox� () ANGELA BLES, CITY CLERK wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (These minutes are not official until signed.) • y' MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 7, 2019 TO: MATTHEW C. BALLANTYNE, CITY MANAGER FROM: AMER JAKHER, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SYSTEMS PROJECT TR201. RECOMMENDATION Accept the Traffic Signal Accessible Pedestrian Systems Project TR201 as complete and authorize staff to request reimbursement of grant funds. FISCAL IMPACT None. The project and funding were established at the April 16, 2019 City Council Meeting, and no additional funds are required. There was no construction associated with this project, therefore there is no retention due. Revenue: Expenditure: 3217180-48025-G7201, 3227190-48025-TR201 Transfer In: Transfer Out: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AUGUST 7, 2019 SUBJECT: ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SYSTEMS PROJECT TR201 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND In April 2016, the City of Chino was awarded the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program grant funds for a project titled "Talk the Walk" in the amount of $45,617. The City's contribution was $152,383 from Measure I Local Pass-Through funds. Staff refined the scope of the project with the input of the Accessibility Coordinator and concurrence from the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) to procure equipment only. There is no construction associated with this project. On April 16, 2019 the City Council established a new CIP project TR201 entitled "Talk the Walk", appropriated $45,617 in TDA Article 3 Fund 321 funds, appropriated $152,383 from the unappropriated reserves of the Measure I Fund 322, adopted Resolution No. 2019-014 accepting TDA Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program funding in the amount of $45,617 from SBCTA, authorized staff to submit reimbursement claim forms, authorized Sole Source Procurement of Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) Systems from McCain, Inc.; and authorized the City Manager to execute all necessary documents on behalf of the City. The City has recently received multiple requests from residents who are visually impaired or blind to replace existing pedestrian push buttons at specified locations with "Accessible Pedestrian Signals" (APS). APS systems communicate information about the "WALK" and "DON'T WALK" intervals at signalized intersections in a non-visual format by providing both audible and vibrotactile surface indications to aid in crossing signalized intersections. Upon receiving a request, Development Services and Public Works staff review, document, and verify that the existing traffic signal equipment is adaptable to the installation of an APS system. A potential intersection requiring an APS system could also be identified by the Accessibility Coordinator. Staff procured APS systems and associated parts from McCain, Inc. in the amount of $197,988.85, which will provide systems for approximately 36 intersections. The APS systems are now on-hand and ready to deploy citywide as needed. The TDA Article 3 grant award is paid through a reimbursement process upon completion of the project. Should the City Council accept this project as complete, a TDA claim form and supporting documentation of the project's completion will be submitted to SBCTA for reimbursement of the grant funds. ISSUES/ANALYSIS All work has been completed per the terms of the contract. The following is a summary of the final accounting of costs for the project: Original Contract Amount----------------- $ 198,000.00 Final Contract Amount-------------------- $ 197,988.85 The project was completed within budget and staff is ready to file TDA claim forms for grant fund reimbursement. THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE ATrES3T ..Q'nll l`1 201 C RESOLUTION NO. 2019-014 ( '� '`'```' ) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF < CHI4Q, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT (TDA), ARTICLE 3, BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM GRANT MONIES IN THE AMOUNT OF $45,617 AND AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF CLAIMS TO SBCTA FOR THE ARTICLE 3 FUNDS FOR THE TALK THE WALK PROJECT WHEREAS, the State of California enacted the Transportation Development Act (TDA) to provide funds for transportation needs that exist in California and are allocated to each county; and WHEREAS, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) administers the Transportation and Development Act (TDA) Article 3 fund for a wide variety of transportation programs in San Bernardino County including planning and program activities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community transit related services, and public transportation; and WHEREAS, SBCTA has awarded the City of Chino $45,617 in TDA Article 3 grant funds for procurement of Accessible Pedestrian Systems; and WHEREAS, the proposed grant acceptance will incorporate $45,617 in funds for the Purchase of Accessible Pedestrian Systems, and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires submittal of claims for TDA Article 3 funds when authorized by the City Council, and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Council approves the acceptance of the awarded grant from SBCTA and authorizes the submittal of periodic claims to SBCTA for TDA Article 3 funds that are awarded for the Talk the Walk Project Section 2. That the Mayor shall sign and the City Clerk shall attest to the adoption of this resolution, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 16'" day of April 2019. NI E M. ULL A, MAY ATTEST: ANGeLA _ BLES, CITY CLERK i I w � I I i RESOLUTION NO, 2019-014 Page 2 of 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO ) ss CITY OF CHINO ) j I, Angela Robles, City Clerk of the City of Chino, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Chino at their regular meeting on the 16th day of April 2019, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Ulloa, Haughey, Hargrove, Lucio, Rodriguez NOES: None ABSENT: None CJ�-' Angela l4obes City Clerk NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST FIBER BY CORNER CONECT Siemens Siemens 1 Ramona Avenue Riverside Drive FO PD SE LPR box 2 Central Avenue Columbus Street FO PD NE TS-Box New Cat 6 3 Central Avenue D Street FO PD NE LPR box 4 Central Avenue El Prado Road FO PD NW TS-Box New Cat 6 5 Mountain Avenue Walnut Avenue FO PD SW LPR box New Cat 6 New Box 6 Mountain Avenue Riverside Drive FO PD NW TS-Cab New Cat 6 New Box 7 1 Ramona Avenue Walnut Avenue SW LPR box 8 Hellman Avenue Pine Avenue FO PD SW TS-Box New Cat 6 9 Central Avenue Edison Avenue FO PD SW HUB New Cat 6 11 Central Avenue Riverside Drive FO CIP SE TS-Cab Monte Vista Avenue Riverside Drive FO CIP NW TS-Cab Benson Avene Riverside Drive FO CIP NW-SE TS-Cab Central Avenue Walnut Avenue FO NA Pipeline Avenue Chino Avenue FO CIP Fut Pipeline Avenue Schaefer Avenue FO CIP Fut Pipeline Avenue Spectrum North FO CIP Fut Pipeline Avenue Edison Avenue FO EX Fut Spectrum West Grand Avenue FO CIP Fut Ramona Avenue Edison Avenue FO CIP Fut Monte Vista Avenue Edison Avenue FO CIP Fut Yorba Avenue Edison Avenue FO CIP Fut El Prado Road Kimball Avenue FO CIP Mountain Avenue Kimball Avenue FO CIP Fern Avenue Kimball Avenue FO CIP Rincon Meadows Avenue Kimball Avenue FO CIP Main Street Kimball Avenue FO CIP East Preserve Loop Pine Avenue FO CIP West Preserve Loop Pine Avenue FO CIP Mill Creek Avenue Pine Avenue FO CIP Mill Creek Avenue Bickmore Avenue FO CIP THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK,CITY OF CHINO,CALIFORNIA. CHINO CITY COUNCIL Date: 2-n.2-0 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Attest by: C�_Z®--9� REGULAR MEETING—CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 13220 CENTRAL AVENUE Title: L ! _ CHINO,CA 91710 t TUESDAY APRIL 16, 2019 OPEN SESSION—7:00 PM MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The April 16, 2019, Regular Meeting of the Chino City Council /Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:00 pm by Mayor Eunice M. Ulloa in the Council Chambers. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Eunice M. Ulloa, Mayor Pro Tern Tom Haughey and Council Members Mark Hargrove, Marc Lucio, and Paul Rodriguez. Absent: None. FLAG SALUTE Council Member Rodriguez led the assembly in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. CEREMONIALS Proclamations Mayor Ulloa read into the record the Proclamation designating April 14-20, 2019 as "National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week" in Chino and presented it to Police Captain Wes Simmons and staff members of the Chino Police Department Dispatch Unit. Mayor Ulloa read into the record the Proclamation designating April 22, 2019 as "Earth Day" in Chino and presented it to Joslyn Blakely, Project Coordinator in the Department of Public Works and George Cruz, Green Team Member. Mayor Ulloa read into the record the Proclamation designating May 2, 2019 as "National Day of Prayer" and presented it to Marco Miranda of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley. AGENDA ADDITIONSIREVISIONS City Manager Matt Ballantyne announced that there were no agenda additions or revisions. INFORMATION Mayor Ulloa announced that the Chino Economic Development Report for the month of March 2019 was included in the agenda packet. The report gives an overview of the City's business news and information. PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Ulloa invited the community to attend Chino Bike Day on Saturday, May 11, 2019 from 7:30 am to 11:00 am at Ayala Park. She issued a reminder about the City's participation in the Wyland Mayor's Challenge for Water Conservation and encouraged everyone to participate by taking "The Pledge" on mywaterpledge.com and selecting City of Chino. CHINO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2019 2 Mayor Ulloa introduced Glenda Chavez of Waste Management who provided a presentation about recycling and the importance of Earth Day. Mayor Ulloa announced that the meeting would adjourn in memory of Jerald Dean Conley, father of Sondra Elrod who is the wife of former Chino Council Member Earl Elrod. She expressed her condolences to the family. PUBLIC COMMENTS Marco Miranda of Calvary Chapel Chino Valley provided the Invocation. Melissa Compani of 4th District County Supervisor Curt Hagman' s office, announced that Supervisor Hagman in partnership with Athens Services is hosting a free compost event on April 27, 2019 at the Chino Airport from 9 am to 12 noon. Zeb Welbourne, Executive Director of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce, reported on the Taste of Chino Valley event and highlighted upcoming events, which include the Charity Golf Tournament on June 24, 2019 at Western Hills Country Club and City of Chino State of the City Address of June 26, 2019 and the Chino Chaffey College Community Center. Bob Velker spoke about the Planes of Fame Airshow happening on May 4 and 5, 2019 at the Chino Airport as well as the career opportunities in the aviation industry. Mayor Ulloa invited the students from Ontario Christian High School to the lectern for introductions. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Warrants. Approve expenses as audited and within budget for warrants 743713 to 743843, and Electronic Fund Transfers 508948E to 508993E, totaling $694,626.88. 2. Minutes. Regular Meeting of April 2, 2019 (all Members present). 3. Elected City Officials' Report Regarding Travel, Training, and Meetings. Receive and file the Elected City Officials' Report reflecting City Council business related expenses incurred by the City and forecast of future events and trainings. 4. City Council Workshops, Meeting Date Changes, and Cancellations. 1) Authorize staff to cancel the May 21st, August 6th, and August 20th Regular City Council meetings; 2) schedule a City Council public workshop that will occur on Friday, May 3rd at 9:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers and a Budget Workshop that will occur on Thursday, May 9th at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers; 3) schedule special called City Council meetings on Wednesday, May 22nd at 7 p.m. and Wednesday, August 7th 7 p.m. to ensure the continuation of City business 5. Resolution No. 2019-015 amending the Classification and Salary Schedule. Adopt Resolution No. 2019- 015, approving the new classification of one Emergency Services Coordinator to be assigned to the Police Department. 6. Deny Claim Against the City - Guadalupe Thomas. Reject liability claim filed by Guadalupe Thomas on March 21, 2019 for property damage that occurred on March 1, 2019. 7. Deny Claim Against the City - Kimberly Cristillo. Reject liability claim filed by Kimberly Cristillo on February 22, 2019 for property damage that occurred on February 14, 2019. 8. Deny Claim Against the City - Bernadette Rhoades. Reject liability claim filed by Bernadette Rhoades on February 25, 2019 alleging sewer lateral damages that occurred on February 20, 2019. 9. Deny Claim Filed Against the City - Laurie Boullion. Reject liability claim filed by Laurie Boullion on March 7, 2019 for property damage that occurred on February 15, 2019. 10. Award of Contract- Police Department Real Time Crime Center Electrical Improvements Project(PF191). Award a contract in the amount of$15,747 to Rymax Electric, Inc., Upland, CA for the Police Department Real Time Crime Center project(PF191), for electrical improvements. CHINO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2019 3 11. Award of Contract - Public Works Services Center Block Wall Project (I13315). Award a contract in the amount of$56,524.56 to SDC Engineering, inc., Long Beach, CA for the Public Works Services Center Block Wail project. 12. Contract Amendment - Wastewater Monitoring & Analytical Lab Services. Approve a contract amendment with Babcock Laboratories, Inc., in the amount of $10,000 for wastewater monitoring and analytical lab services. 13. Contract Amendment - Chino Valley Unified School District Master Contract. Approve a contract amendment to the CARE Master Contract with the Chino Valley Unified School District to provide services for students enrolled in the McKinney-Vento program. 14. Notice of Completion - Police Department Firing Range Storage Room Improvements Project. Accept the Police Department Storage Room improvements installed by Courts Construction, Inc., Glendora, CA as complete. 15. Notice of Completion - Police Department Firing Range Epoxy Mortar System Floorinq Project. Accept the Police Department Firing Range Epoxy Mortar System Flooring Project installed by Specialty Flooring, Inc., Riverside, CA as complete. 16. Public Improvement Agreement - PL 17-0115 & PL 17-0118 (Canyon Ridge Hospital, Inc.). Approve a Public Improvement Agreement and securities with Canyon Ridge Hospital, Inc. to primarily construct accessibility and sidewalk improvements at the southeast corner of Central Avenue at G Street. 17. Annexation of Territory into Community Facilities District No. 2003-3 Improvement Area 5 for Municipal Services. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-017, declaring the City of Chino's Intention to annex Territory to Improvement Area 5 of Community Facilities District No. 2003-3 for municipal services. 18. Annexation to Landscape and Lighting District 2002-1 (Zone 80) Tract Map No. 18924, Meritage Homes of California, Inc. Approve the Engineer's Report and adopt Resolution No. 2019-013 ordering the annexation of Tract Map No. 18924 located at the east side of Central Avenue, north of Francis Avenue in the Landscape and Lighting District No. 2002-1, Zone 80; and approve a Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Tract Map No. 18924. 19. Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 - Protect List for FY2019-2020. Adopt Resolution No. 2019- 016 approving the List of FY 2019-20 Projects to be funded by the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1-RMRA). 20. Establish New CIP Pro6ect and Project Budget for Accessible Pedestrian System "Talk the Walk" Project, Accept Funds from TDA Article 3 Grant Funding, and Authorize Sole Source Procurement of APS Equipment. Adopt Resolution No. 2019-014 to accept TDA Article 3 Grant funds for "Talk the Walk" project and authorize staff to submit reimbursement claim forms. 21. Adopt Ordinance No. 2019-004 (Second Reading) (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities). Adopt Ordinance No. 2019-004 (Second Reading), amending Title 12 of the Chino Municipal Code adding Chapter 12.30 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities in Public Right-of-Way). ORDINANCE NO. 2019-004 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 12 OF THE CHINO MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING CHAPTER 12.30 WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT- OF-WAY. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Haughey, seconded by Council Member Lucio, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote,to approve Consent Calendar items 1 through 21 as presented. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCID, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. CHINO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2019 4 ABSENT: NONE. NEW BUSINESS 22. Introduction to Ordinance No. 2019-005. Introduction of Ordinance No. 2019-005, amending Chino Municipal Code Chapter 1.15 Administrative Fines and Chapter 9.36 Loud or Disorderly Gathering Police Services. ORDINANCE NO. 2019-005 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHINO AMENDING CHAPTER 1.15 (ADMINISTRATIVE FINES) AND CHAPTER 9.36 (LOUD OR DISORDERLY GATHERINGS - POLICE SERVICES) OF THE CHINO MUNICIPAL CODE. Staff Report by: Wes Simmons, Police Captain. In response to Council's question Captain Simmons clarified that if a police officer is called to an unruly gathering the initial response would be a warning and subsequent responses would result in cumulative administrative fines. City Attorney Fred Galante explained that the ordinance would apply to any privately-owned property. City Attorney Galante read the title of the ordinance into the record. Moved by Council Member Lucio, seconded by Council Member Hargrove, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to approve the Introduction of Ordinance No. 2019-005, amending Chapter 1.15 (Administrative Fines) and Chapter 9.36 (Loud or Disorderly Gatherings — Police Services) of the Chino Municipal Code to be read by number and title only, and waive further readings of the Ordinance. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. 23. _Reimbursement to LS College Park LLC - Eastside Water Treatment Facility (Phase 1). Approve an immediate reimbursement to LS College Park, LLC in the amount of $600,000 for the Eastside Water Treatment Facility (Phase 1) Staff Report by: Sylvia Ramos, Management Analyst. Moved by Mayor Pro Tem Haughey, seconded by Council Member Lucio, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to 1) appropriate $600,000 from the unappropriated reserves of the Water Capital Fund; 2) schedule a year-end transfer in the amount of $300,000 from the Citywide Water Development Impact Fee Fund (253) and $300,000 from The Preserve Water Development Impact Fee Fund (261); 3) approve an immediate reimbursement to LS College Park, LLC in the amount of$600,000 for Phase I of the Eastside Water Treatment Facility (Reimbursement Agreement No. 2017-177); and 4)authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the City. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. 24. Award Professional Services Agreement- On-Call Construction Inspection Services.. Award Professional Services Agreement to Albert A Webb Associates, Riverside, CA in the amount of $250,000 for on-call construction inspection services. Staff Report by: Mike Heroux, Deputy Director of Development Services. Moved by Council Member Hargrove, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez, and carried on a 5- 0 roll call vote, to 1) award a Professional Services Agreement to Albert A Webb Associates, CHINO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2019 5 Riverside, CA in the amount of$250,000 for on-call construction inspection services; 2) authorize up to two, one-year contract extensions; and 3) authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents on behalf of the City. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. MAYOR AND COUNCIL REPORTS 25. Ratify the Mayor's appointment of Linda Takeuchi to the Community Services Commission for a three- year term ending on June 30, 2022, and administer the oath. Mayor Ulloa requested City Council support for the reappointment of Commissioner Takeuchi who has served on the Commission since 1989 and brings an abundant amount of experience and knowledge of the City's needs. Moved by Mayor Pro Tern Haughey, seconded by Mayor Ulloa, and carried on a 5-0 roll call vote, to reappoint Linda Takeuchi to the Community Services Commission for a three-year term ending June 30, 2022. AYES: HARGROVE, HAUGHEY, LUCIO, RODRIGUEZ, ULLOA. NOES: NONE. ABSENT: NONE. City Clerk Angela Robles administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner Linda Takeuchi. Mayor Ulloa Mayor Ulloa reported on meetings attended since the last meeting, which included the OmniTrans Board of Directors meeting; San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Board of Directors meeting; West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District budget meeting; meeting with Christie Robbins a graduate student working on her Master's Degree regarding the issue of teen pregnancy; and a meeting with Chino Hills Mayor Cynthia Moran, Chick-fil-A Operator David Dinasanm and staff at the Chino Chaffey College Community Center to discuss the upcoming "Chess Not Checkers" leadership event scheduled for August 26, 2019, featuring guest speaker Mark Miller. Mayor Ulloa reported on events attended since the last meeting, which included the BevMo grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony, Chino Senior Center birthday celebration; Soroptimist Brew and Chew fundraiser; Chino Volunteer Dinner at Chino Chaffey College Community Center, and Kiwanis Corn Feed Run Car Show event. Mayor Ulloa noted that San Bernardino County Regional Parks has an online survey to gather input on the Prado Regional Park Master Plan. She encouraged everyone to compete the online survey available at http://cros.sbcounty.gov/parks/Home.aspx and give their input. Mayor Pro Tern Haughey Mayor Pro Tern Haughey reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included the Economic Development Subcommittee meeting; Chino Desalter Authority Board of Directors; BevMo grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony; City of Chino Office Hours community meeting at The Preserve regarding traffic and road closures; Soroptimist Brew and Chew fundraiser; Chamber of Commerce Taste of Chino Valley; San Bernardino County Transportation Authority meeting; Kiwanis Corn Feed Run Car Show; and the Girl Scouts 101h annual Flag Retirement event at the Planes of Fame Museum. CHINO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2019 6 Council Member Hargrove Council Member Hargrove reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included the Economic Development Subcommittee meeting; BevMo grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony; City of Chino Office Hours community meeting at The Preserve; demonstration of the Bell 505 Helicopter at Chino Airport; FabFitFun ribbon cutting ceremony; Arbor Day and First Friday event at the Chino Youth Museum; Healthy Family Day at Ayala Park; Prado Master Plan Community meeting; Soroptimist Brew and Chew fundraiser; Chamber of Commerce Taste of Chino Valley; and CIM and C!W Citizens Advisory Committee. He reported that the California Institution for Men spent $400,000 on fence improvements at the facility, that inmate population has risen from 3,000 to 3,800, and the announcement of CIM Warden's retirement in July 2019. Council Member Hargrove attended the Chino Volunteer Dinner at Chino Chaffey College Community Center; League of California Cities Legislative Action Day webinar; meeting with representatives from the Chino Police Department; Kiwanis Corn Feed Run Car Show event; Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors meeting; and Chino Planning Commission meeting. Council Member Lucio Council Member Lucio reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included the demonstration of the Bell 505 Helicopter at Chino Airport; Healthy Family Day at Ayala Park; Prado Master Plan Community meeting; Chamber of Commerce Taste of Chino Valley; Chino Volunteer Dinner at Chino Chaffey College Community Center; and Kiwanis Corn Feed Run and Car Show. Council Member Rodriguez Council Member Rodriguez reported on meetings and events attended since the last meeting, which included the Southern California Association of Governments meeting; Chino Senior Center birthday celebration; demonstration of the Bell 505 Helicopter at Chino Airport; Healthy Family Day at Ayala Park; Chamber of Commerce Taste of Chino Valley, meeting with Doctor Henry Shannon of Chaffey College regarding the career pathways opportunities; Chino Volunteer Dinner at Chino Chaffey College Community Center; Kiwanis Corn Feed Run and Car Show; and meeting with representatives from Alliance for Education regarding career pathways for youth and residents. City Manager's Report City Manager Matt Ballantyne provided an update on the status of the proposed 50-bed mental health crisis facility at the California Institution for Men (CIM). He reported the City provided comments to the State's Environmental Impact Report and a response to those comments is pending. City Manager Ballantyne reviewed the City Council meeting dates changes and cancellations for May and August 2019. He announced that Office Hours at The Preserve are taking place on the first and third Thursdays of the month from 6 pm to 8 pm in the Community Center. Lastly, he noted that on April 24, 2019 the City will host City Hall on the Move at The Preserve Community Center from 5 pm to 8 pm. City Attorney's Report City Attorney Fred Galante reported that he was invited and made a presentation for Career Day at Magnolia Junior High School. Police Chiefs Report Police Captain Wes Simmons issued a reminder that April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month Fire Chiefs Report A Chino Valley Fire District Representative announced that a Sharps Collection event at the Fire District Training Center located on 5092 Schaffer in Chino is taking place on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 8 am to 1 pm. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 8:37 pm in honor of Jerald Dean Conley. The next meeting of the City Council will CHINO CITY COUNCIL APRIL 16, 2019 7 be a Workshop with the Executive Management Team on Friday, May 3, 2019 at 9 am in the Council Chambers. The next Regular Meeting of the City Council will be held on Tuesday, May 7, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. (Closed Session at 6:00 p.m. if necessary) in these Council Chambers. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 7t" DAY OF MAY, 2019. r EUNICE M. ULLOA, MAYOR ATTEST, cl ANGEtAR ES, CITY CLERK (These minutes are not official until signed.) MEMORANDUM CITY OF CHINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 16, 2019 TO: MATTHEW C. BALLANTYNE, CITY MANAGER FROM: AMER JAKHER, PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ESTABLISH NEW CIP PROJECT AND PROJECT BUDGET FOR ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SYSTEM "TALK THE WALK" PROJECT, ACCEPT FUNDS FROM TDA ARTICLE 3 GRANT FUNDING, AND AUTHORIZE SOLE SOURCE PROCUREMENT OF APS EQUIPMENT. RECOMMENDATION 1) Establish a new CIP project entitled "Talk the Walk"; 2) appropriate $45,617 in the TDA Article 3 Fund 321 with a corresponding increase to the grant account ; 3) appropriate $152,383 from the unappropraited reserves of the Measure I Fund 322; 4) adopt Resolution No. 2019-014 Accepting TDA Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program funding in the amount of $45,617 from SBCTA; 5) authorize staff to submit reimbursement claim forms; 6) authorize Sole Source Procurement of Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS) Systems from McCain, Inc.; and 7) authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents on behalf of the City. FISCAL IMPACT Appropriate $152,383 from the unappropriated reserves of the Measure I Fund. (The approved Measure 15-Year CIP Project List includes the Talk the Walk Project.) Appropriate $45,617 from the unappropriated reserves of the Transportation Fund 320. TDA Article 3 grant funds will reimburse the same amount upon project completion. Revenue: Expenditure: 3217180-40000-G7201; 3227190-40000-TR201 Transfer In: Transfer Out: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: APRIL 16, 2019 SUBJECT: ESTABLISH NEW CIP PROJECT AND PROJECT BUDGET FOR ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SYSTEM "TALK THE WALK" PROJECT, ACCEPT FUNDS FROM TDA ARTICLE 3 GRANT FUNDING, AND AUTHORIZE SOLE SOURCE PROCUREMENT OF APS EQUIPMENT PAGE 2 BACKGROUND In April 2016, the City of Chino was awarded the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program grant funds for a project titled "Talk the Walk" in the amount of $45,617. The City's contribution was $152,383 from Measure I Local Pass-Through funds. Staff recently refined the scope of the project with the input of the Accessibility Coordinator and concurrence from the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA). The City has recently received multiple requests from visually-impaired residents to replace the existing pedestrian push buttons at specified locations with "Accessible Pedestrian Signals" (APS). APS systems communicate information about the "WALK" and "DON'T WALK" intervals at signalized intersections in a non-visual format by providing both audible and vibrotactile surface indications to aid in crossing signalized intersections. Upon receiving a request, Development Services and Public Works staff review, document, and verify that the existing traffic signal equipment is adaptable to the installation of an APS system. A potential intersection requiring an APS system could also be identified by the Accessibility Coordinator for installation. The funds will be to procure the APS systems which will be deployed as described above. This will allow the City to quickly respond to the needs of our residents by having the required equipment on-hand, and can be utilized City-wide. The City conducted an evaluation of all available APS Systems and determined that the Polara Engineering, Inc. (Polara) product best integrates with the existing pedestrian push button assemblies. This system requires minimal modification or rewiring to our existing traffic signals. Polara manufactures the City-specified standard pedestrian push buttons, APS systems, and associated parts. McCain Inc. (McCain) is the exclusive authorized distributor in Southern California for Polara equipment. As such, a direct purchase from McCain qualifies as one of the public bidding exceptions under Chino Municipal Code subsection 3.32.060, B.2. Staff is requesting that Council approve a sole source procurement of the APS systems, with an amount not to exceed the project total of $198,000, which will procure systems for approximately 36 intersections. The TDA Article 3 grant award is paid through a reimbursement process upon completion of the project. A TDA claim form and supporting documentation of project completion are submitted to SBCTA prior to disbursement of funds to the City. Per the terms of the grant, the revised project completion deadline for the project shall be no later than December 31, 2021. ISSUES/ANALYSIS Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 2019-014, accepting a TDA Grant award in the amount of $45,617, and in addition, staff is requesting authorization to procure the APS system through a sole source vendor procurement to McCain, Inc. Attachments: Resolution No. 2019-014 Talk the Walk —TDA Article 3 Award Grant Authorized distributor letters City of Chino,Chino,CA 91710 PAGE:1 OF 1 CHECK NUMBER:00745345 INVOICEDATE INVOICE • INVOICE • UNT 06/05/2019 INVO241351 TR201/G7201 TRAFFIC SIGNAL APS EQUIPMENT $197,988.85 GL#:3217180-48090 $45,617.00 GL#:3227190-48090 $152,371.85 VENDORD• AMOUNT 6121 MCCAIN TRAFFIC SUPPLY INC 745345 07/03/2019 $197,988.85 OF Ch'j� CITY OF CHINO Vendor Number Check Number Check Date v 0 13220 CENTRAL AVE 6121 745345 07/03/2019 CHINO,CA 91710 (909)334-3348/(909)334-3311 i,�CORpOryEp,quo ap@cityofchino.orq ***One Hundred Ninety-seven Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty-eight Dollars and 85 Cents*** ***$197,988.85*** Pay To the Order Of MCCAIN TRAFFIC SUPPLY INC FILE COPY 2365 OAK RIDGE WAY VISTA, CA 92081-0000 NON-NEGOTIABLE Am Mw p INVOICE INVOICE NO: INVO241351 , w INVOICE DATE: 6/512019 ���/► CUSTOMER NO: 0223 REMIT TO: 2365 OAK RIDGE WAY ACH Payment Information I.MVlSA r VISTA"CA 92081-8945 Routing:121137522 (760)727-8100`FAX(760)727-8264 SWIFT,Account:1 BDUS334 - - -- ---- Remittance Advice:accountsreceivable@mccain-inc_com SWIFT:MNBQtlS33 s"�°��3�t�tee B Chino City of S Chino City of S Chino City of I Finance Dept_Attn_A/P H Victor Ling @ 909-334-32 O Finance Dept, Attn.A/P L Po Box 667 I Transportation Division 1y 18-1 L Po Box 667 D Chino, CA 917080667 Chino, CA 917080667 P 5050 Schaefer Ave T T Chino, CA 91710 T O O O OUR ORDER NO CUSTOMER PO NO F.O.B. RESALE NUMBER SHIP VIA ORD004512724 70190701 / 1 - Destination,Prepaid BESTWAY TERMS DUE DATE DATE SHIPPED GUST.JOB NO. SALES REPRESENTATIVE Net 30 7/5/2019 06/05/19 0 Jennifer Phelan ITEM LOG QUANTITY PRODUCT/DESCRIPTION DATE UNIT TAX EXTENSION NUM SHIPPED i BACK ORDER COMMENTS SHIPPED PRICE 1 DS 296.00 0.00 S67225 / NAVIGATOR iN2 APS 2 WIRE IN25ANO-B 06/05/19 T 2 DS 38.00 0.00 M73445-SC / NAVIGATOR iN2 CONTROLLER,SHELF MOUNT iCCU-S 06/05/19 T 3 DS 41.00 0.00 M73798-SC / NAVIGATOR IN2 INTERCONNECT BOARD iN2-ICB 06/05/19 T 4 DS 4.00 0.00 M74076-SC / NAVIGATOR iN2 2 WIRE PLC CABLE iN2-2WCABLESDLC 06/05/19 T CABLE SUB TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS SALES TAX FREIGHT PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT 183,748.35 0.00 14,240.50 0.00 197,988.85 PAID ILA/ POSTEt3 �� HM z 0 p����� SHOP Packing Slip No, 11769 Ship Date: 06/05/19 Paige 11 of 7 Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 CR 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 C000059 F 37 �t McCain, Inc. w City of Chino 2365 Oak Ridge Way Transportation Division Vista, CA 92081 5050 Schaefer Ave . gy United States Chino, CA 91710 United States ST00041669 00093173 61 379 FREIGHT-CUSTOME 1,608.00 CASE0049070 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE00490711 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049072 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049073 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049074 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049075 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049076 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049077 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049078 Tracking Number'. M Pac M n g S 0 i p PaoMng Slip No. 11769 Ship Date. 06/05/19 Page 2of7 Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 CR 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049079 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049080 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049081 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049082 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049083 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASED049084 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049085 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049086 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049087 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049088 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA G'®-gpnnAgnRq Trarkinn Nh imhAr Y Packhcg4 S H P Packing SHp No: 11769 Ship Dates 06/05/19 (gage 3 of 7 TI !14 Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 CR 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049090 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049091 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASED049092 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049093 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049094 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049095 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049096 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASED049097 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049098 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049099 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA Trarkinri Ni imhpr rlac k [ g S H p Packing Slip No. 11769 Ship Dates 06/05/19 Page 4 of 7 P. 0 Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 CR 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CAS[E0049`1101 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE00491102 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049103 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049104 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049105 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049106 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049107 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049i00 Tracking Number, iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049109 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049110 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA (a_q&=n AQii 1 Trarkinri Nh imhPr a�� U� . .. ..... __ o n g SUP Paclkong Sfip ��®0 11769 Sf�up Date. 06/05/19 Page 5 of 7 VITI It ON Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 C R 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE07049iii2 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049113 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049114 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE004911S Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049116 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CAS[E004911117 Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE00491iO Tracking Number: iN25AN0-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 6 EA CASE0049119 Tracking Number: iN25ANO-B iN2 PBS, 5X7 BLACK 2 EA CASE0049120 Tracking Number: iCCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE0049121 Tracking Number: iCCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA f_,&-gPnnAQ199 Trarkinn M imhar PacNncg SUp Packing Up No: 11769 Ship Date: 06/05/19 Page 6 of 7 Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 CR 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 ICCU-S ICCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE00491123 Tracking Number: iCCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE0049124 Tracking Number: ICCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE0049125 Tracking Number: ICCU-S ICCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE0049120 Tracking Number: ICCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE0049127 Tracking Number: ICCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASED049128 Tracking Number: ICCU-S ICCU SHELF MODEL 4 EA CASE0049129 Tracking Number: ICCU-S iCCU SHELF MODEL 2 EA CASE0049130 Tracking Number: iN2-ICB iN2 INTERCON BOARD-ICCU-S/ICCU-B 41 EA iN2-2WCABLE 8' 2 WIRE CABLE FOR ICCU 4 EA Mark: 70190701 paccNng SUP PacMng Slap No: 11769 Wp Date: 06/05/19 Page 7off7 r_ 4 I t T I�G `� !r H .At�w VA ION Polara Enterprises LLC 1497 C R 2178 Greenville, TX 75428 *** CERTIFICATION*** All products delivered to issuer of this Purchase Order are certified to have been produced, inspected and tested in accordance with the requirements, specfications and drawing applicable to this order. By Q.A. Representative Date: Serial#'s: Lot Ws: Date Codes: Job Operation Listing Report POLQM.A, Job: JT00032073-0000 Start Date: 5/20/2019 Status: R Released Destination: I Co-product Mix: End Date: 6/17/2019 Item: NPA4X2-B Released: 16.00 NAVIGATOR POLE ADAPTER,BLACK FOR 2 9X12 Revision: A ,,.,. .:....., . .,vm.h .. \ ,.. ;. ..t. .,.. .:: ta. v , A\y. F. .s S �,,, ,, t t • v.,a.. t....,... i.. .. d�' 10 KIT Kitting 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 ? ? 111111111 Material 811-78-PC-B 9X12 NAVIGATOR SPACER,POWDER COAT BLA 32.00000 EA 20 ASSYE Assembly-ENAV 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes 60.00000000 H 0.00000000 ? ? ATTACH HARDWARE AND PACKAGE IN PAIRS DWG 450-1009 REV QTY ACCEPT QTY REJECT QTY SCRAP SCRAP/REJ REASON EMPLOYEE# DATE Material HK-004 HARDWARE KIT-APBC,PBF5, 8WPBS 32.00000 EA Material HK-020 WIRE COVER USED with NPA4XY-X 32.00000 EA TX-Prod Polara Enterprises,LLC ]Page I of 4 shammond Job OperationListing Job: JT0032075A-0000 Start Date: 6/5/2019 Status: R Released Destination: I Co-product Mix: End Date: 6/5/2019 Item: HK-020 Released: 32.00 WIRE COVER USED with NPA4XY-X Revision: C ... \., .J ...1 . , , \'. ., 1. 1 ,. ... •. ,,., , .. :ti.., M.,.. ..,.. .:: • :: 4. �'.. , ,. :.. W ..a •1 1 9 V Y \ .w.,•. v ..V..t.\. , \ .V A. ..\\ , :'... ,:. , ... ,. ._.... 1. . L, , a ,H e •. ,k ,, u �r .r .•. .::., ...... , •, c�l,Lbr. our .. chi,�To� ) �� e��c a ah s Clf�se�. 0 1, 10 KIT Kitting 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yes H 0.00000000 H 0.00000000 ? ? Type Item Description Description Job Qty UM Material 400-1000-1A BAG,PLASTIC,ZIP LOCK 3X4 2 MIL 32.00000 EA Material 8-32X3/8PHPHSS SCREW,8-32 X 3/8 PHILLIPS PAN HEAD SS 64.00000 EA Material 811-110-BA ENAV WIRE COVER,ANODIZED USED with NPA 32.00000 EA Material FPB8-NSS WASHER,8 FLAT B N SS .188x.375x.040 64.00000 EA Material ITO8CSZ WASHER, 8 ITLW AB CZ.172x.332x.020 64.00000 EA 20 ASSY Assembly-Accessories 0.00 0.00 0.00 No 150.00000000 H 0.00000000 ? ? OUTSIDE PROCESS-BAG DWG HK-020 REV QTY ACCEPT QTY REJECT QTY SCRAP SCRAP/REJ REASON EMPLOYEE # DATE TX-Prod Polara Enterprises,LLC Page 1 of 1 shammond PCI oc�Do���g 5T00041669 IN25ANO-8 1917031744051 1917031744098 1917031744059 1917031744032 1917031744036 1917031744096 1917031744167 1917031744130 1917031744184 1917031744129 1917031744126 1917031744144 1917031744017 1917031744074 1917031744014 1917031744175 1917031744137 1917031744116 1915031590043 1915031590050 1915031590068 1917031744185 1917031744101 1917031744006 1917031744180 1917031744156 1917031744134 1917031744195 1917031744174 1917031744157 1915031590007 1915031590009 1915031590008 1915031590190 1915031590189 1915031590086 1917031744179 1917031744091 1917031744131 1917031744132 1917031744133 1917031744138 1915031590041 1915031590042 1915031590010 1915031590082 1915031590081 1915031590070 1917031744140 1917031744136 1917031744178 1917031744177 1917031744093 1917031744194 1915031590101 1915031590102 1915031590146 1915031590105 1915031590106 1917031744010 1917031744037 1917031744016 1917031744058 1917031744020 1917031744031 1917031744034 1917031744026 1917031744141 1917031744161 1917031744041 1917031744050 1917031744067 1917031744056 1917031744095 1917031744015 1917031744039 1917031744057 1917031744038 1917031744090 1917031744048 1917031744188 1917031744089 1917031744049 1917031744045 1917031744153 1917031744160 1917031744172 1917031744112 1917031744113 1917031744151 1917031744166 1917031744145 1917031744163 1917031744024 1917031744030 1917031744044 1917031744158 1917031744176 1917031744117 1917031744033 1917031744111 1917031744115 1917031744005 1917031744186 1917031744162 1917031744102 1917031744170 1917031744025 1917031744173 1917031744155 1917031744154 1917031744073 1917031744072 1917031744118 1917031744121 1917031744148 1917031744147 1917031744125 1917031744109 1917031744047 1917031744139 1917031744152 1917031744159 1917031744052 1917031744171. 1917031744135 L _ puwi � 1917031744103 1917031744104 1917031744123 1917031744004 1917031744149 1917031744122 1917031744013 1917031744097 1917031744114 1917031744200 1917031744071 1917031744011 1917031744027 1917031744046 1917031744110 1917031744150 1917031744164 1917031744169 1917031744055 1917031744054 1917031744040 1917031744099 1917031744100 1917031744198 1917031744165 1917031744146 1917031744105 1917031744023 1917031744003 1917031744168 1917031744196 1917031744199 1917031744076 1917031744053 1917031744060 1917031744077 1917031744028 1917031744022 1917031744002 1917031744061 1917031744124 1917031744108 1917031744078 1917031744012 1917031744035 1917031744120 1917031744092 1917031744079 1917031744001 1917031744029 1917031744183 1917031744107 1917031744062 1917031744021 1917031744080 1917031744094 1917031744075 1917031744191 1917031744019 1917031744018 1917031744064 1917031744065 1917031744068 1917031744127 1917031744043 1917031744042 1917031744192 1917031744193 1917031744197 1917031744119 1917031744088 1917031744007 1917031744085 1917031744084 1917031744083 1917031744070 1917031744066 1917031744069 1917031744086 1917031744182 1917031744087 1917031744106 1917031744181 1917031744190 1917031744143 1917031744142 1917031744063 1917031744009 1917031744008 1917031744128 1915031590099 1915031590156 1915031590094 1915031590158 1915031590159 1915031590155 1915031590048 1915031590067 1915031590026 1915031590021 1915031590045 1915031590049 1915031590196 1915031590097 1915031590098 1915031590093 1915031590091 1915031590157 1915031590003 1915031590022 1915031590025 1915031590046 1915031590029 1915031590069 1915031590199 1915031590035 1915031590018 1915031590095 1915031590096 1915031590092 1915031590006 1915031590044 1915031590064 1915031590002 1915031590001 1915031590062 1915031590052 1915031590039 1915031590032 1915031590037 1915031590036 1915031590015 1915031590047 1915031590066 1915031590103 1915031590023 1915031590030 1915031590004 1915031590055 1915031590075 1915031590038 1915031590012 1915031590013 1915031590031 1915031590083 1915031590084 1915031590085 1915031590024 1915031590088 1915031590005 1915031590034 1915031590011 1915031590014 1915031590033 1915031590051 1915031590040 1915031590104 1915031590087 1915031590089 1915031590065 1915031590028 1915031590165 1915031590153 1915031590198 1915031590197 1915031590164 1915031590061 1915031590027 II 1Po"..jA 06/04/19 ST00041669 III IN25ANO-B 1921031773173 1921031773169 i i j a I i P LNARA Ster Numbers ST00041669 ICCU-S 1848541210446 1848541210498 1848541210606 1915031612087 1848541210227 1848541210771 1915031612091 1848541210286 l 1915031612244 1848541210186 1848541210683 1848541210391 1848541210281 1848541210279 1915031612086 1915031612076 i 1915031612146 1848541210394 1848541210283 1848541210395 1848541210526 1848541210435 1915031612247 1848541210582 1848541210765 1848541210400 1915031612044 1848541210740 1848541210605 1848541210230 1848541210199 1848541210228 1848541210308 1848541210686 1915031612238 1915031612174 1848541210677 1848541210274 www.polara.com of Cy; CITY OF CHINO Purchase Order Mail Invoices To: Fiscal Year 2019 Page: 1 of 1 Finance Dept.Attn:A/P RPORAIED � P.Q. BOX 667 TOPROCESSPAYMENT,thisPurchase Order number CHINO, CALIFORNIA 91708-0667 MUST appear shipping papers. (909)334-3250 or Email Invoices to:ap@cityofchino.org Purchase Order# 70190701 Vendor Ship To MCCAIN TRAFFIC SUPPLY INC PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING 2365 OAK RIDGE WAY 13220 CENTRAL AVE VISTA, CA 92081 CHINO,CA 91710 VENDOR PHONE NUMBER VENDOR FAX NUMBER CONTRACT NUMBER REQUISITION NUMBER DELIVERY REFERENCE 760-734-5020 760-727-8184 70190861 MARIO FLORES/VICTOR... DATE ORDERED VENDOR NUMBER DATE REQUIRED •./TERMS DEPARTMENT/LOCATIO 05/01/2019 6121 FOB CHINO CA PUBLIC WORKS TR201/G7201 TRAFFIC SIGNAL APS EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTIONITEM# QTY UOMEXTENDED PRICE 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS EQUIPMENT-TALK 1.0 EACH $45,617.00 $45,617.00 THE WALK GRANT- GL Account: 3217180-48090-G7201 $45,617.00 2 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS EQUIPMENT-TALK 1.0 EACH $152,383.00 $152,383.00 THE WALK-MEASURE I FUNDING- GL Account: 3227190-48090-TR201 $152,383.00 3217180-48090-G7201 $45,617.00 3227190-48090-TR201 $152,383.00 Total Ext.Price $198:000.00 Total Sales Tax $0.00 Total Freight $0.00 �} Total Discount $0.00 - ✓ // , 2�,_ Total Credit $0.00 Authorized Signature Authorized Signature Purchase Order .; ,000.00 Vendor Copy O� OF O y o COq"on��MO•10 'Ofl4TEO PURCHASE ORDER-TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.ACCEPTANCE: I.TAXES:Seller shall pay all taxes that may arise out of its sale of the 1.This order is the City of Chino's offer to purchase the goods and/or goods and services to the City.The City agrees to pay applicable State services described on the attached hereof from Seller.The City's placement Sales or Use taxes or to provide Seller an exemption certificate. of the order with Seller is expressly conditioned upon Seller's acceptance of J.LIENS,CLAIMS AND ENCUMBRANCES:Seller warrants and represents all the terms and conditions of purchase contained or attached to this order. that all the goods will,when delivered hereunder,be free and clear of all 2.Any additional or different terms or conditions which may appear in any liens,claims or encumbrances of every kind. communication from Seller are hereby expressly rejected and shall not be effective or binding on the City unless specifically agreed to in writing by the K.REJECTION:All goods purchased hereunder are subject to the City's City,and no such additional or different terms or conditions in any printed inspection and approval.Goods rejected by the City for whatever reason form of Seller shall become part of this contract despite the City's shall be held,transported and/or stored at Seller's sole expense.Seller shall promptly reimburse the City for any such expenses. acceptance of goods or services. 3.Any objection by Seller to the terms and conditions hereof shall be L.WARRANTIES:Seller warrants goods supplied and work or services ineffective unless the City is advised in writing thereof within ten days of the performed under this order conform to specifications herein and are date of this order and City agrees in writing to change or waive such terms MERCHANTABLE and fit for the particular purpose for which goods are or conditions at issue.Clarification.The ten day period begins upon the ordinarily employed. Seller's receipt of City's order. M. INSPECTION AND QUALITY CONTROL:All items furnished under this B. IDENTIFICATION:All invoices,packages,shipping notices,instruction order by Seller to the City shall be subject to inspection and tests by the manuals and other written documents affecting this order shall contain the City.The City agrees to conduct inspections and tests at no expense to the applicable order number. Packing lists shall be enclosed in each box or Seller.To the extent practicable,inspection may be made at all times and package shipped pursuant to this order,indicating the contents therein. places,including the period of manufacture and prior to acceptance. Invoices must be itemized and will be processed for payment as each Inspection of purchased goods includes tests for functionality,safety, complete finished product is received and inspected. conformance with specifications,and workmanship. C.SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS:All goods are to be shipped freight prepaid, N. INDEMNIFICATION: HOLD HARMLESS:Seller shall indemnify and hold F.O.B.destination,unless otherwise stated.Where the City has so City harmless from and against all claims,losses,expenses,damages, causes of actions and liabilities of every kind and nature including without authorized in writing,goods may be shipped F.O.B.shipping point,but Seller shall prepay all shipping charges,route the goods by the cheapest limitation reasonable attorneys fees,without waiver of Seller's obligation to indemnify the City hereunder,arising from or out of any alleged breach of common carrier,or the carrier specified,and list said charges as a separate any of Seller's obligations or warranties hereunder or from other act or item on Seller's invoice. Each invoice for shipping charges shall be omissions of Seller,its officers,agents,employees,sub-contractors,and accompanied by the original or a copy of the bill indicating that such charges have been paid.The City reserves the right to reject C.O.D. guests howsoever caused, Instituted by persons who purchase from the shipments.Seller shall not insure the goods for City's account during City or use product purchased from Seller. shipment except upon the City's written request,or where the shipping O.ATTORNEY'S FEES. In any suit or action brought to enforce any item, mode is parcel post. condition,or covenant herein,or to recover damages arising from any D.SPECIAL CHARGES:Seller shall be responsible for the payment of all breach of this contract,the losing party shall pay to the prevailing party charges for handling, reasonable attorney's fees and all other costs and expenses which may be g g,packaging,wrapping,bags,containers and related incurred by the prevailing party in any suit or action and in any reviews matters unless the City has assumed an express obligation thereof by thereof and appeals therefrom. notation on the reverse side hereof. E.DELIVERY:Time is of the essence,and this order may be terminated if P.PREVAILING WAGES:Seller is aware of the requirements of California delivery is not made or services are not performed by the date specified on Labor Code Sections1720,et seq.,and 1770,et seq.,as well as California the reverse side hereof.No change in the scheduled delivery date of Code of Regulations,Title 8,Section 16000,et seq., ("Prevailing Wage performance will be permitted without the City's prior written consent.No Laws"),which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the performance of other requirements on certain public works and acceptance of goods or services after the scheduled delivery date will waive maintenance projects. If the Services are being performed as part of an the City's rights with respect to such late delivery nor shall it be deemed a applicable public works or maintenance project as defined by the Prevailing waiver of future compliance with the terms hereof. Wage laws,and if the total compensation is$1,000 or more,Seller agrees F.PAYMENT:The City will remit payment to Seller by mail in accordance to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage Laws.Seller shall provide City with terms as stated on the front of this document.Seller agrees not to with a copy of the prevailing rates of per diem wages in effect at the deliver goods on a sight draft bases. commencement of this Agreement.Seller shall make copies of the G. PRICES: If price is not stated on this order,it is agreed that the goods or prevailing rates of per diem wages for each craft,classification,or type of services shall be billed at the price last quoted,or paid by a customer of worker needed to execute the Services available to interested parties upon Seller,or the prevailing market price,whichever is lower. request,and shall post copies at the Seller's principal place of business and at the project site.Seller shall defend,indemnify and hold the City, its H.CASH DISCOUNT: If the City is entitled to a cash discount,the period of elected officials,officers,employees and agents free and harmless from any computation thereof will commence on the date of acceptance of a correctly claims,liabilities,costs,penalties or interest arising out of any failure or completed invoice or receipt of each complete item shipped,whichever is alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. later. If an adjustment in payment is necessary due to damage,the cash Q. INSURANCE:Seller shall provide proof of commercial general liability discount period shall commence on the date on which an agreed adjustment of price is reached. If a cash discount is made part of the contract,but the and automobile insurance to the City Representative in amounts and with invoice does not reflect the existence thereof,the City is entitled to a cash policies,endorsements and conditions required by the City for the Services. discount with the period commencing on the date the City determines that a If Seller is an employer or otherwise hires one or more employees during cash discount applies.Clarification. If a number of items are ordered and a the term of this Agreement for Services,Seller shall also provide proof of partial shipment is made,so long as each item received is in itself a usable workers compensation coverage for such employees,which meets all end product,the City will remit payment for that item. In contrast,if partial requirements of state law. shipment is received which is only a component part of the end product, then the City will only remit payment upon total receipt and acceptance. ® r►� t Victor Ling in vling@cityofchino.orQ QUOTATION Estimator: Jennifer Phelan Quote #: JLP032119C (760)734-5050 Agency: Chino City of jennifer.phelan@mccain-inc.com Job Name; Polara iN2 Shelf Mount Systems Bid Date: 4/26/19 Bid Item Qnty Description Price Extension 295 NAVIGATOR iN2 APS 2 WIRE IN25AN0- $353.00 $104,135.00 B 38 NAVIGATOR iN2 CONTROLLER, SHELF $2,009.65 $76,366.70 MOUNT iCCU-S 40 NAVIGATOR IN2 INTERCONNECT $69.53 $2,781 .20 BOARD iN2-ICB 44 NAVIGATOR iN2 2 WIRE PLC CABLE $10.73 $472.12 iN2-2WCABLESDLC CABLE *special messages are not programmed on the button. *does not include braille *does not include 50-pin connector or iN2- SDLC-CABLE turn on support is not included Reference Total $183,755.02 Prices firm for 30 days. Freight included. Add sales tax. Sale is subject to McCain's standard terms and conditions. The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or legally privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. 10 If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. r. •. � V , BUTTONPUSH FOR I v ,�a, t"'1,tA�a ra}r,� !•.t`.. '`l"��'a�5•.'4�a�:u1. PHOTO- PURCHASED PROJECT PARTS(PACKAGED) r eT low JIM „ rX y - = �I�6i([DfIIIIPi � =r z w a o Q 'ti am t W- l Sena ttt R7t!WO� i7iJi8 IE za � a.