Art3_Redlands_FY23_BikePed_OBT IV_AppTDA Article 3 Grant Application: Bicycle & Pedestrian Project Project Title Priority if Submitting Multiple Applications Project Type Project Length Orange Blossom Trail Phase IV Installation of new facility .55 miles Local Match Funding City of Redlands General Fund Sources Contact Name Veronica Medina Agency Redlands Contact Phone (909)798-7584 ext. 6 Contact Email vmedina@cityofredlands.org Project Need & Purpose Clear project description Installation of a .55 mile Class I recreational multi-use trail from Interstate 10 to California Street, resulting in about 8 miles of continuous Orange Blossom interconnect trail. Has the agency delivered past projects on schedule? If yes, what steps will be Previous projects have been delivered on schedule by the City. Steps taken to complete the projects on time include composing a team of multiple engineers, a construction manager, a construction inspector, a construction inspector assistant, and a project manager for a single project. Combining this with online applications and project management programs, projects stay on track with schedule and taken to ensure payments through this system of redundancy. Various Transportation Development similar results? If no, Act (TOA) Article 3 Grants awarded to the City have been completed including TOA what steps will be Article 3 -Orange Blossom Trail Phase Ill, various Transit Stop Access projects, taken to prevent a and the current TOA 2021 Transit Stop Access Program that is in the process of similar occurrence? completion in a timely manner. What provisions does The City's Facilities and Community Services Department (FCS) ensures all parks the agency have in and trails are maintained regularly for residents to enjoy. FCS has kept up with the place to ensure the maintenance of other trails and bicycle/pedestrian facilities installed using TDA facility will be funds, such as sidewalk facilities, improved transit stops, and the recently completed properly maintained? Orange Blossom Trail Phase Ill. FCS will continue to maintain such facilities, and Describe Project Readiness Attach Map(s) Attach Picture(s) Attach Other this Project will be no different. When planning/designing a project, the Municipal Utilities and Engineering Department (MUED) works closely with FCS to verify that all components of the final project will be easily maintained. As mentioned before, the Project is shovel ready. The funds requested through this application are to complete the environmental study for this project and for Construction. The City has a completed set of plans for this project. All right-of-way agreements have been obtained through with the San Bernardino Flood Control District and there is currently a permit in place to construct and use the property. Phase IV of the Orange Blossom Trail is the last phase, with previous phases already constructed. The City is fully committed and financially invested in ensuring the Project is constructed and completed. Location Map.pdf 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg 5.jpg Link to Project Plans.pdf 4.07MB 317.02KB 327.52KB 383.7KB 297.22KB 384.19KB 203.87KB Preliminary Engineering/Design Cost: Preliminary Engineering/Design Cost $50,000 Right of Way Cost $0 Project Con Cost $1,232,000 Local Match $184,8000 LTF, Article 3 Funds $1,047,200 Requested Total Project Cost $1,282,000 Didn't add up; City submitted corrections upon request: $192,300 $1,089,700 --------------- ---------------