Art3_Victorville_FY23_BikePed_Village Drive Sidewalk_AppTDA Article 3 Grant Application: Bicycle & Pedestrian Project
Project Title
Priority if Submitting
Multiple Applications
Project Type
Project Length
Village Drive Sidewalk Project
Installation of new facility
0.46 miles
Local Match Funding Measure I Local Streets
Contact Name Brian Gengler
Agency Victorville
Contact Phone 760-955-5156
Contact Email bgeng ler@victorvi I leca. gov
Project Need & Purpose
Clear project
Provide data to
The project scope includes constructing a continuous sidewalk along the east side
of Village Drive between the intersections of Tawney Ridge Lane and Puesta Del Sol
Drive, a total distance of 2,408 feet, almost 0.5 miles. The project scope includes 5.5
foot-wide concrete sidewalk through 19 driveway approaches. The missing sidewalk
locations are along street frontages that are 90% developed. Please refer to the
Attachment 1, a vicinity map for the project, and Attachment 2, the project location
map. Attachment 3 has photos of the proposed sidewalk locations.
Puesta Del Sol Elementary School, 0.3 miles to the east, with about 720 students.
support potential use Typically, students living two or more miles away from a school can ride a bus. Data
of the bicycle or
sidewalk facility
was not available for the number of walkers to the school, but the surrounding area
is almost entirely residential with a high percentage of school age children.
CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Data
This proposed project is within Census Tract No. 6071009905. The overall
percentile rating is 79. Some of the selected factors are: poverty -79; and
unemployment -93. Children age 10 or less is 20% of the population. Please refer
to Attachment 4, a map of the area. It is reasonable to conclude that because of the
high poverty and unemployment fewer people have access to an automobile
compared to other areas in Victorville and depend more on walking or VVTA to
reach a destination.
July 7, 2023
1. Project Description
The project scope includes constructing a continuous sidewalk along the east side of
Village Drive between the intersections of Tawney Ridge Lane and Puesta Del Sol
Drive, a total distance of 2,408 feet, almost 0.5 miles. The project scope includes 5.5
foot-wide concrete sidewalk through 19 driveway approaches. The missing sidewalk
locations are along street frontages that are 90% developed. Please refer to the
Attachment 1, a vicinity map for the project, and Attachment 2, the project location map.
Attachment 3 has photos of the proposed sidewalk locations.
2. Data to Support Potential Use
Puesta Del Sol Elementary School, 0.3 miles to the east, with about 720 students.
Typically, students living two or more miles away from a school can ride a bus. Data
was not available for the number of walkers to the school, but the surrounding area is
almost entirely residential with a high percentage of school age children.
CalEnviroScreen 4.0 Data
This proposed project is within Census Tract No. 6071009905. The overall percentile
rating is 79. Some of the selected factors are: poverty – 79; and unemployment – 93.
Children age 10 or less is 20% of the population. Please refer to Attachment 4, a map of
the area. It is reasonable to conclude that because of the high poverty and
unemployment fewer people have access to an automobile compared to other areas in
Victorville and depend more on walking or VVTA to reach a destination.
3. Relation Regional System
Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (NMTP)
The City of NMTP, dated June 2010, Section 4.3, Pedestrian Facilities, Attachment 5,
has a goal, policies, and implementation measures for sidewalks. The goal is to “Create
an environment that includes support facilities necessary to encourage commuter and
recreation walking. One of the implementation measures is “Sidewalk construction
should be prioritized to increase access to schools, parks, shopping areas, employm ent
centers and transit stops. This project is consistent with the goal and implementation
Bike Lanes
Bike lanes on Village Dr. were planned in the NMTP. There are 6.8 miles of Class II
bike lanes (installed in 2019) on both sides alon g the entire length of the road from
Mojave Drive to Air Expressway.
4. Destinations Served
This project will serve the following destinations.
• Puesta Del Sol Elementary School, 0.3 miles to the east , with about 720 students.
• Village Drive to the north and west leading to Challenger School of Sports and
Fitness, 1.2 miles away, with about 900 students.
• Village Park, which is a City park, 500 feet to the west on Eto Camino Road.
• VVTA bus stop, near Tawney Ridge Lane, on Village Dr., for Route 32 from Old Town
Victorville to north Adelanto.
Attachment 6 has photos of the destinations.
Project Connectivity
This project will connect sidewalk to the following sidewalk network.
A. Village Dr. to the south - This project will connect between two traffic signals funded
by Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grants. The Village Dr. / Tawney
Ridge Lane Traffic Signal, funded by a $539,000 HSIP grant, is under construction
and is estimated to be complete by August of 2023. The Village Dr. / Puesta Del Sol
Dr. Traffic Signal, funded by a $526,500 HSIP grant, is estimated to start
construction by spring of 2024.
B. Village Dr. to the west - Existing sidewalk continues on Village Dr. 0.8 miles west of
Puesta Del Sol Dr. and leads to school, 1.2 miles away.
C. Puesta Del Sol Dr. to the east – Existing sidewalk on the north side of Puesta Del Sol
Dr. continues to Puesta Del Sol Elementary School, 0.3 miles to the east and the
neighborhood to the east. In 2019, sidewalk was constructed which was funded by a
Safe Route to School grant.
D. Village Dr. has 6.8 miles of Class II bike lanes (installed in 2019) on both sides along
the entire length of the road from Mojave Drive to Air Express way.
5. Pedestrian Safety
This project will provide sidewalk on the east side of Village Drive along a segment that
currently does not have continuous sidewalk on either side of the street. This project will
provide an ADA compliant continuous path of travel, consistent with the City’s design
standards, separate from motor vehicle traffic. This will provide a sidewalk for
pedestrians behind the curb of the street.
6. Transit System Connectivity
VVTA Route 32, North Adelanto, connects with Village Dr. / Tawney Ridge Lane. This
route originates from Victorville Transportation Center in Old Town. There is a bus stop
on Village Dr. about 200 feet south of Tawney Ridge Lane. Please refer to Attachment
7, a map of Route 32.
7. Project Readiness
This project can be ready to advertise for construction with minimal effort.
• Existing Infrastructure – All sidewalk, access ramps and driveway approaches to be
constructed are adjacent to existing curb and gutter.
• Environmental Clearance – This project is categorically exempt under CEQA and
only requires a notice of exemption.
• Right of Way – The project will be constructed within existing City street right of way.
• Permits – No permits from outside agencies are required.
• Design – The design effort is relatively easy. Surveying, plans, specifications and
estimates will be completed in-house. Driveway by passes will require some design
to meet ADA requirements and this is a routine procedure for Victorville Engineering
TDA Award Delivery Schedule
City staff are committed to adhering to the delivery schedule milestones. A preliminary
schedule is shown below.
Funding Award by SBCTA Board October 2023
Authorizing Resolution by City Council December 2023
Advertise for Construction July 2024
Start Construction October 2024
Complete Construction April 2025
Local Participation
Victor Elementary School District staff were contacted for input about the project scope
and are in support of this project.
8. Past Project Delivery
There are currently two TDA Article 3 funded projects in Victorville.
• Old Town Sidewalk Connectivity Project Phase 1 – This project received a 6-month
time extension until June 30, 2023. This project was completed on June 16, 2023.
There are $244,000 of TDA article 3 funds and a total project cost of $795,895.
• Old Town Sidewalk Connectivity Project Phase 2 – There are $249,640 of TDA article
3 funds and a total project cost of $795,000. This project is estimated to start
advertising for construction by December of 2023 and is expected to be complete by
June 30, 2024. The project must be completed by June 30, 2025.
9. Maintenance of Facility
The City of Victorville Public Works Dept. has a concrete crew assigned to maintain,
repair, and replace sidewalk and access ramps throughout the City. This maintenance
is included in the City’s annual budget. However, the sidewalk is expected to require
relatively low maintenance. There are not any trees close enough to the proposed
sidewalk to cause uplift from root intrusion.
Looking North from Tawney Ridge
Looking South from Eto Camino
Looking North from Eto Camino
Looking Southeast from Puesta Del Sol
Looking East on Puesta Del Sol
-,. ___ ..
I I Puesta Del Sol School
Puesta Del Sol School
Looking Northwest from
Puesta Del Sol
Village Park
Village Park
VVTA Bus Stop
.LI M I T 45 -
VVTA Bus Stop
Attachment 4
CalEnviroScreen Map
Attachment 7
VVTA Route 32 Map
Quantity Unit Unit Price Item Price
1.Construct sidewalk 13,079 SF $19.00 $248,501
2.Construct 6" A-Curb back of Sidewalk 200 LF $45.00 $9,000
3.Reconstruct 19 residential driveway
approaches for sidewalk to meet ADA 3,720 SF $40.00 $148,800
4.Earthwork 450 CY $35.00 $15,750
5.Retaining Wall, 4 ft. high 100 LF $425.00 $42,500
6.Metal handrailing 30 LF $200.00 $6,000
7.Parkway Drain 30 LF $1,250.00 $37,500
8.General Conditions, mobilization, traffic control,
SWPPP, etc.1 LS $55,000 $50,000
Subtotal $508,051
Contingency approx. 10%$50,949
TOTAL $559,000
Requested TDA Art. 3 Funds $250,000
Proposed Match 55%$309,000
Design and inspection of this project will be funded entirely with City local funds.
It should be noted that the cost estimate includes the reconstruction of 19 residential driveway
approaches to meet the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards. These driveway approaches
exceed the 2.0 percent maximum cross slope for a sidewalk and therefore require reconstruction to
accommodate the proposed sidewalk. Unit costs were taken from recent road projects (including
sidewalk) advertised by the City of Victorville.
Puesta Del Sol Dr. to Tawney Ridge Lane, East Side
Village Drive Sidewalk
Construction Cost Estimate
Attachment 8