Art3_Redlands_FY13_BikePed_OBTIII_Inv10_170131_CLOSED City of R REDLANDS CHRIS DIGGS MUED Director Incorporated 1888 MICHAEL POOL Municipal Utilities& Engineering Department �OZ AT 4^ 35 Cajon Street, Suite 15A Assistant City Engineer Redlands, CA 92373 909-798-7698 January 31, 2017 Nancy Strickert RECEIVED San Bernardino County Transit Authority FEB 0 9 2017 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 8�BemArdina County San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 Transportation Authority ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL PHASE III PROGRESS PAYMENT REQUEST #10 Ms. Strickert, City of Redlands submits to San Bernardino County Transit Authority (SBCTA) progress payment request #10 for Phase III of the Orange Blossom Trail. City Resolution No. 7299, adopted on July 16, 2013, accepted Transportation Development Act Article 3 grant funding in the amount of$918,722.00 and allocated $162,128.00 of City's Palmetto Grove Fund to be used as the grant match. Progress payment request 910 is in the amount of$6,497.83. Attached are the following documents for your review and processing: 1. Claim Form Checklist 2. Claim Form 3. Financial Reporting Form 4. Invoice, check and backup documents for payments If you have any questions, please contact me at 909-798-7524 Ext. 1. Sincerely, y *RWittman ject Manager "AQNTl erWom" San Bernardino County Transportation Commission Local Transportation Fund - Article 3 Pedestrian, Bicycle Facilities and Access to Transit Claim Form Claimant: City of Redlands Date: 1/31/2017 The Check-List below are items that must be included with your submission for reimbursement x 1. Claim Form x 2. Financial Reporting Form (Complete the estimated column for anticipated interest, refunds and expenditures) x I Request for Progress Payment (projects over$200,000) (Certified copy of resolution or minute action authorizing the filing of the claim and requesting progress payments) 4. Governing Body Authorization (Completed Projects) (Certified copy of minute action or resolution authorizing the filing of the claim and Project acceptance) 5. Project Completion Report (Council's Project acceptance can be used. Pictures of completed project must be included.) x 6. Other (optional) (List any other information you wish to submit to support your claim) #9-Check List, Claire Form& Financial Reporting Form Check List Page 1 San Bernardino County Transportation Commission Local Transportation Fund - Article 3 Pedestrian, Bicycle Facilities and Access to Transit Claim Form Fiscal Year: FY2017 Claimant: City of Redlands Attention: Ross Wittman 35 Cajon Street, Suite 15A Senior Project Manager Redlands, CA 92373 Phone M 909-798-7698 Amount: $ 6,497.83 PURPOSE: ( )Article 3, PUC Section 99234a Pedestrian Facilities (x)Article 3, PUC Section 99234a Bicycle Facilities ( )Article 3, PUC Section 99234a Pedestrian Access to Transit Facilities Authorizing Signature: (Signature) Chris Diggs, MUED Director (Type Name&Title) Condition of Approval: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the allocation instruction. #9-Check List,Claim Form&Financial Reporting Form Claim Form Page 2 San Bernardino County Transportation Commission Local Transportation Fund - Article 3 Bicycle, Pedestrian and Access to Transit Financial Reporting Form Claimant: City of Redlands Date: 1/31/2017 Project % Project Budget TDA Actual Cost Budget Cost 1. Project Name: Orange Blossom Trail Phase Total Project Expenditure $ 1,080,850 $ 7,644.50 3 TDA Article 3 (SB 821) $ 918,722 85% $ 6,497.83 5_Iq07 - iiC * Local Match $ 162,128 $ 1,146.68 2. Project Name: Total Project Expenditure $ - TDA Article 3 (SB 821) $ - Local Match $ - 3. Project Name: Total Project Expenditure $ - TDA Article 3 (SB 821) $ Local Match $ - I certify that the information on this Financial Reporting form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signed: Chris Diggs, MUED Director #9-Check List, Claim Form& Financial Reporting Form Page 3 rr. . • -• a - ^-• yClY.Y 01r"' r' c s. ti Ura"Is"NA. � °r i " � 1!W'.4LAnryhMt lOa1Sa a. , 5 ,• f E ➢_ ' Check No. . 173 731, POt3ax306S•Reddards,CA42373 "ACCOLINTS.PAYABLE CHECK'' Cheek 01/19/17 - ,SEVW Thousand. 'slx, i r`idred--FORTY C3IIR E10 tars` and • }: '1FTY C%rits *x**7; 644:.50 . VOID IF NOT CASHED WITHIN SIX MONTHS PAY;TOTHE ORDER OF MICHAEL 'BAKERY 1NTERNATiONAL ?0 BOX,515714;.. LC?S ,ANGELES, `CA 9 0 051 5195 1 THIS CHECK CONTAINS MULTIPLE SECUIRITY FEATURES-SEE BACK_176ROETAILS INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. PO NO. AMOUNT PAID DESCRIPTION 12/28/16 964410 P012563 7, 644.50 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN } CITY OF REDLANDS VENDOR ACCT NO. CHECK DATE CHECK TOTAL VENDOR NO. CHECK NO. 01/19/17 7,644.50 V00004146 173731 CITY Of ROW" PURCHASE ORDER CALii' t3LNrA P.O.NUMBER P 12 63 DATE 07 29 15 PO Sax 3005•itcdfands,CA 92373 VENDOR ,D. V Phone(909)79$-7525 FAX(909)798-7522 I Y TG' IMICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL FOB REQUISITION N 7297I 14725 ALTON 1?KWY OUR PURCHASE ONM R NUMBER Musr IRVINE, CA 92618-2027 APPEAR ON ALL NVOICEs,PACKING LIST AND COMESI'MDENCE4. Pa12563 DELIVER ITEMS TO: . INVOICE TO: e MUEA I 35 CAJON STREET ST£ 15A CITY OF REDLANDS REDLANDS, CA 92373 ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE P.O. BOX 3005 REDLANDS, CA 92373 1T);M 13ESCRlPTIOIY Q7Y: )LiNIT'-"'UNIT P..lG>= I TENSION 0001 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN 99,000ILT i 64 98, 000.00 SERVICES FOR THE ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL PHASE 3 AS PER Genera I ormatlon' , nal, COUNCIL, APPROVAL AND AGIEEMENT PO Num r 12563 DATED MAY 15,2015 Progress a ment Nu 7iber 1 11 ATTENTION! REFERENCING Invoice N mber (may p PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER ON P U INVOICE WILL EXPEDITE PAYMENT. 1Prag Ida _ nt, ales"� SEE ATTACHED COPY OF . THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. NOTE: PURCHASE ORDER FILL BE Original ontract VAILD ONLY WITH A CURRENT Conlin e c JAI MOMIIHIl APPROVED MINIMUM LIABILITY Ori final ontract Inc] din ontin en _ ] COVERAGE ON FILE WITH RISK Value of ork Corn ] led td Date MANAGEMENT. Total Amount of Chan a Orders'Total Amount Billed This Pe hod , Total Am unt Due ThisPeriod Previous layments De artm nt Me d Da e Tax 0.0( TOTAL 1001 ACCotdrtt NUMtMrs: 240400 5190 47019 0 THE ARTICLES SP ED AR �FOLLOVANG CONDITI le t. Goods ather ose spedl on this or4er st b led Cr ptices changed with art o e. 2.The Fight of cancella0an in case of long rved a. If the quantity shIPP back order or cancelled, SSE ' 4. Prepay shipping charges,it any,and add to Invoice. S. Ship open Account" No C.O.O.s will he accepted, AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE I certify that the Articles andlar Servtces have been received and that Same have been inspected and accepted as Otherwise indicated hereon. Date: Signed: INTERNATIONALMichael Baker Invoice Date December 28,2016 Project No: 1470S7 Invoice No: 964410 City of Redlands Michael Baker International Attn:Accounts Payable PO Box 515714 35 Cajon Street Las Angeles,CA 90051-5195 Redlands,CA 92373 Project No*147057 Orange Blossom Trail-Phase 3 Project Manager:Jeremy Franzin1(949)472-3415 Project Biller:Wendy Van Leuven(949)855-7086 Professional consulting services related to the agreement dated May 5,2015,to perform engineering and design services for Orange Blossom Trail-Phase 3. Professional hr h November Percent Task Fee Complete Billed to Date Current 1 Kickoff Meeting $1,320.DG 100.00% $1,320.00 $0.00 2 Topographic Survey $9,535.00 100.00% $9,535.00 $0.00 3 Data Collection and Review of Existing Conditions $4,666.00 100100% $4,666.0D $0.00 4 Demolition Plan $5,324.00 100.00% $5,324.00 $532.40 5 Roadway and Trail Improvements $18,018.00 100.00% $18,018.00 $1,80110 6 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP) $5,096.00 100.0m $5,096.00 $509.60 7 Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) $8,235.00 100.OD% $8,235.00 $823.50 8 Construction Details $4,836.00 100.00% $4,836.00 $483.60 9 Irrigation Pans and Details $11,150.00 100.00% $11,150,00 $1,115.00 10 Construction/Planting Plans and Details $24,050.00 100.00% $14.050.00 $1,405.00 11 Technical Specifications $2,890.00 100.00% $2,89D.00 $289.00 12 Construction Cost Estimate $2,816.00 100.00% $2,816.00 $281.60 13 Project Coordination and Meeting Attendance $4,030.00 100.00% $4,030.00 $403.00 14 Construction Services $4,666.00 0.00% $0.00 $0.00 Reimbursable Expenses Allowance $1,368.00 $1,261.58 $0.00 Total Fee S.98.000.00 SnIL76SO S7,f"J0 Previous Fee Billing $85,583.08 TOTALAMOUNT DUE THIS INVOICE $7,644.50 Michael Baker International Michael Baker international Citizens Bank PO Box 525714 �i) �,1�IipkrNthip owlmed ABA:03"76-150 Los Mgeles,CA Ut:l`cs ti Ong�� Account No.:6101710975 SWIFT:CTZlU533 GKTOPW , t 015-"r `ly 42 1