Art3_Victorville_FY19_BikePed_OldTownPhase1_ExtScopeOctober 7, 2022
Brian Gengler
City Engineer
14343 Civic Drive
Victorville, CA 92393
Transmitted via email.
RE: 2019 TDA Article 3 Old Town Sidewalk Connectivity Project (L20-0702-0751-00) – Scope Change and
Dear Mr. Gengler:
Per SBCTA Board approval on October 5, 2022, this letter serves as a response granting the City of
Victorville’s request to modify the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 grant funded project scope
as outlined below.
Original Revision
Project Description See attachment. Omit construction of retaining wall on
“B” Street (Site 9).
Allocation Number L20-0702-0751-00 No change
TDA Article 3 Award $244,000 No change
Local Match $244,000 No change
Local Share 50% No change
ATP Share (if applicable) NA No change
Total Project Cost $488,000 No change
Deadline 12/31/2022 6/30/23
Extension Number* 0 0.5
*As long as the project is progressing, SBCTA staff has the authority to grant two one year extensions. Additional
extensions must be approved by the SBCTA Board.
As a friendly reminder, the TDA Article 3 grant award is paid through a reimbursement process upon project
completion or through progress payments for awards over $200,000. It is required that a TDA claim form and
supporting documentation of project completion or progress are submitted to SBCTA prior to disbursement of
funds. The TDA Article 3 grant award is for a maximum reimbursable amount. Should your project exceed the
maximum reimbursable amount, SBCTA will not provide any additional reimbursement. For projects completed
under the awarded amount, SBCTA will reimburse your agency for the TDA Article 3 share of the project using
the match percentage identified above and in your grant application.
Upon project completion, please go to for the TDA Claim Form and filing instructions.
Ginger Koblasz
Sr. Planner
DATE: July 15, 2022
FROM: Pearl Bandringa
Finance Manager
TO: Brian Gengler
City Engineer
SUBJECT: Bid Results for “Old Town Sidewalk Connectivity Project”, CC23-008
Six informal bids were received by 2:30 p.m. on July 14, 2022 for the above referenced
project. The Bid Document was posted on the city’s website and on ebidboard June 9,
2022. and was emailed to (44) forty-four potential bidders on June 9, 2022. A non-
mandatory pre-bid meeting was held June 28, 2022. The following bidders responded:
Company City Total Bid Amount
Gentry General Engineering Rancho Cucamonga $1,129,577.00
LCR Earthwork & Engineering Ontario $1,197,350.28
DM Contracting, Inc Colton $1,372,550.00
DOD Construction Bakersfield $1,014,761.00
Jergensen Construction Oak Hills $ 924,585.96
S & H Civilworks** Colton $ 763,285.00
Withdrew bid due to mathematical miscalculations
Copies of the submitted Bid Proposal Forms are attached for analysis; each contractor
is CSLB-licensed, DIR-Registered, not debarred federally or by the state or on the
Russian Sanctions listing. All bidders acknowledged Addenda #1. Bid bonds were
required and were submitted
Please provide your recommendation as soon as possible.
Submitted by Pearl Bandringa, Finance Manager
Contract Award to: _________________________________
Other: ________________________________________________________
City Engineer Signature Date
µ,ERNAR91 y
May 3, 2019
Project Description
This project will construct missing sidewalk connections on several street segments in
Old Town Victorville that do not have continuous sidewalk on either side of the street.
The project scope includes 2,285 lineal feet sidewalk, 38 curb ramps and 25 driveway
approaches with pedestrian by passes.
Please refer to the Attachment 1, a vicinity map showing the Old Town Area.
Project Location and Limits
The table below shows the street name, limits, length of missing sidewalk, number of
curb ramps and number of drive approaches needed for each street segment.
Side Missing Curb Drive
of Sidewalk Ramps Approach
Segment Street Limits Street LF EA EA
1 2nd St B St to C St W 240 2 3
2 4th St C St to D St W 110 2 2
3 5th St B Stto C St W 270 2 5
4 Forrest Ave 4th St to 5th St N 85 2 3
5 A St 4th St to 5th St S 225 4 2
6 A St 5th St to 6th St S 105 1 1
7 A St 6th St to 7th St S 10 4 3
8 B St 4th St to 5th St S 300 4 2
9 B St Hesperia Rd to 10th St N 120 4 1
10 C St 2nd St to 3rd St N 130 2 1
11 C St 4th St to 5th St N 280 4 0
12 C St Hesperia Rd to 10th St N 205 3 2
13 C St 10th St to 11 th St S 205 4 0
Totals 2,285 38 25
Please refer to the Attachment 2, the project location map. Attachment 3 has photos of
the sidewalk locations.
Project Purpose and Need
The purpose of the project is to provide pedestrian accessible paths of travel at missing
sidewalk locations in Old Town Victorville. The project will meet American Disabilities
Act requirements at all locations where feasible. Pedestrians in this area that will be
served include walkers of various ages, including school children, the physically
disabled and people using baby strollers.
The SBCTA Points of Interest Pedestrian Plan, prepared in 2017, identified Old Town
as a priority point of interest. There is a clear need for the project due to high pedestrian
activity in the Old Town area. Please refer to Attachment 4, two pages from the Plan for
Old Town Victorville. The Plan identified pedestrian opportunities, key connections,
circulation challenges and constraints in Old Town. Pedestrian counts at 7th St. / C St.
averaged 24, 39 and 38, respectively, for 2-hour morning, midday and afternoon
periods. Suggested improvements included the following:
B St & C St Pedestrian Improvements — suggested sidewalks on B St. and C St.
are included in this project. Shifting stop bars at B St. Hesperia Rd. and C St. /
Hesperia Rd. will be implemented by Victorville Traffic staff. Crosswalk infrastructure
across Hesperia Rd. has been considered but it not recommended at this time.
6th & 7th St. Connections to 6th St. Primary School — City Staff worked with School
District staff and installed a mid-block high visibility crosswalk with rectangular rapid
flashing beacon (RRFB) signs. Crossing guards assist students with crossing 6th St.
Old Town Victorville Station — At D St. / 6th St. a visibility crosswalk with rectangular
rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) and fluorescent yellow green crossing signage was
suggested. This intersection is on State Route 18 and is under Caltrans jurisdiction
Staff does not recommend any changes to Caltrans at his time.
Disadvantaged Community Area
The missing sidewalk locations are along street frontages that are 90% developed. Old
Town Victorville has been designated by the State of California as an SIB 535
Disadvantaged Community (DAC) Area. Please refer to Attachment 5, a map of the
DAC area. From the CalEnviroScreen data, Old Town has the next to highest scoring
category (81% to 90%). The census tract that contains Old Town (No. 6071009800) has
the highest score (81.27) out of 16 census tracts that cover Victorville. This census tract
has the second highest poverty percentile (93.35) of the 16 census tracts. It is
reasonable to conclude that because of the high poverty percentile fewer people in Old
Town have access to an automobile compared to other areas in Victorville and depend
more on walking to reach a destination.
Old Town Specific Plan
The Old Town Specific Plan was updated in December of 2018. Section 7.2 of the Plan
discusses the pedestrian and bicycle network. Section 7.2.1, Sidewalks, is quoted as
follows: "Pedestrian facilities are provided throughout the majority of the Specific Plan
area. Sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian-actuated traffic signals create a
pedestrian-friendly environment, particularly through the 7th Street and 6th Street
corridor. Implementation of the roadway cross sections should improve the environment
by providing safe, shaded walking areas in the Old Town core." This project is
consistent with the Specific Plan. The City's roadway cross sections include sidewalks
for pedestrian travel.
Destinations Served
This project will serve the following destinations (among others) in Old Town.
Attachment 6 has photos of the destinations.
1. 6th Street Prep School (6th St. between Forrest Ave. and A St.) The school is K-6
and serves the Old Town Area. There is high pedestrian activity to and from the
school in the area.
2. 5th Street Park (5th St. between Forrest Ave. and A St.) The park utilized by the
school as is part of the school campus.
3. St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church (6th St. between A St. and B St.) The church has
daily services that attract pedestrians.
4. High Desert Chinese Church (6th St. at B St.)
5. Victorville Transportation Center (D St. between 4th St. and 6th St.). There are
several VVTA bus route connections and an Amtrack stop at the Transportation
6. Businesses (4th St between C St. and D St.) There are several businesses located
on this block that serve the local community.
7. Mobile Home Park (C St between 2nd St. and 3rd St.).
Safety Benefits
This project will provide sidewalk on several streets segments that currently do not have
continuous sidewalk on either side of the street. This project will provide an ADA
compliant continuous path of travel along the streets, separate from motor vehicle
traffic. This will encourage pedestrians to utilize the sidewalk instead of street pavement
for walking.
Project Connectivity
This project connects missing sidewalk segments to the existing sidewalk system in Old
Town. The project also connects to VVTA bus stops located at: B St. / 4th St.; B St. / 7th
St.; B St. / 11th St.; and the Transportation Center. Please refer to the Attachment 7, a
map of VVTA bus stops and routes in the project area. This project also connects to the
Mojave Riverwalk Project which traverses through Old Town on Forrest Ave., 6th St., C
St. and 4th St.
Previous TDA Article 3 Awards and Project Status
The Mojave Riverwalk Project, which was awarded $180,428 from TDA Article 3 funds,
is currently under construction. Construction is scheduled for completion by July 13,
Proiect Cost Estimate
A cost estimate has been prepared using unit costs from recently bid projects. The cost
estimate for the project is $487,255. Attachment 8 is the Engineer's estimate for the
project. Unit costs were taken from recent road projects advertised by the City of
Victorville. The costs include a 10 percent construction contingency and materials
Fund Request and Local Matching Funds
The fund request is $243,627 for the construction phase of the project. 50% of the
project cost will be matched from the City's Local Transportation Fund. The design and
construction management of the project will be funded by the City.
Project Readiness
This project can be ready to advertise for construction with minimal effort.
Existing Infrastructure — All sidewalk, access ramps and driveway approaches to
be constructed are adjacent to existing curb and gutter.
Environmental Clearance — This project is categorically exempt under CEQA and
only requires a notice of exemption.
Right of Way — The project will be constructed within existing City street right of
Permits — No permits from outside agencies are required.
Design — The design effort is relatively easy. Surveying, plans, specifications and
estimates will be completed in-house. Access ramps and driveway by passes will
require some design to meet ADA requirements and this is a routine procedure
for Victorville Engineering staff.
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