Art3_Highland_FY19_BikePed_9th_AwardCorrectedAugust 11, 2022
City of Highland
27215 Base Line
Highland, Ca 92346
To Whom it May Concern:
This is to serve as a correction to the award letter Cameron Brown provided on July 12, 2019.
As stated in his letter, it is our pleasure to inform you that on July 10, 2019, the San
Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Board of Directors approved
funding from the Transportation Development Act (TDA), Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian
Facilities Program, for the 9th Street Transit Stops, Sidewalk, and Bikeway Improvements Project in an
amount of $67,436.
The TDA Article 3 award is considered a grant and is paid through a reimbursement process and the filing
of a TDA claim, including proper documentation of project expenditure. The award is for a maximum
reimbursable amount. Should your project exceed the maximum reimbursable amount, SBCTA will not
provide any additional reimbursement. For projects completed under the awarded amount, and
for progressive payment purposes, SBCTA will reimburse your agency for the LTF share of the project
up to 10.16% (not 50% as mistakenly stated in the original award letter) as identified in the partial
award allocated by the SBCTA Board. The SBCTA Board also set the period of time for
completion of your project to comply with TDA provisions, therefore the project funded under this
letter of award must be completed by December 31, 2022.
Your grant allocation amount has been submitted to the auditor controller. At the time of reimbursement
request, a completed claim form must be submitted to SBCTA as well as additional
documentation supporting your request. Progress payments may be requested for all projects
regardless of the total project cost or the amount of the reimbursement. For questions on
reimbursement and next steps for obtaining your allocation and claim form instructions, please
contact Ginger Koblasz at
We look forward to the rapid implementation of your project. Should you have any questions please
contact me at (909) 884-8276 or
Ginger Koblasz
Senior Planner