Art3_Highland_FY17_BikePed_CreekAlabama_Ext_210623State of California California State Transportation Agency DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
“Provide a safe and reliable transportation network that
serves all people and respects the environment.”
From: STEVEN KECK, Chief Financial Officer
Reference Number: 2.8a.(11), Action Item
Prepared By: Dee Lam, Chief
Division of Local Assistance
Should the California Transportation Commission (Commission) extend the period of project
allocation for 47 projects, programmed in the Active Transportation Program (ATP), for Fiscal
Year 2020-21?
The California Department of Transportation (Department) recommends the Commission
extend the period of allocation for 47 projects programmed in the ATP, for 2020-21.
These agencies will not be able to request an allocation for funds by the June 30, 2021
deadline. The attachment shows the details of the projects and the explanation for the delays.
The respective agencies are requesting extensions, and the regional planning agencies
Current ATP Guidelines, adopted by the Commission, stipulate that funds that are
programmed for all components of local grant projects are available for allocation only until the
end of the fiscal year identified in the ATP. The Commission may approve a waiver to the
timely use of funds deadline, one-time only, for up to 20 months.
Reference No.: 2.8a.(11) June 23-24, 2021 Attachment
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Project Number: 34 Applicant: City of Highland City: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1227 Extended Amount: $2,354,000 Phase: Construction Number of Months Requested: 20 months
Extended Deadline: 02/28/2023
Department Recommendation: Support
City Creek and Alabama Street Bikeways project
The City of Highland (City) requests a 20-month extension to allocate funding for the
construction (CON) phase of the City Creek and Alabama Street Bikeways project. The City experienced delays during the environmental and Right of Way (RW) phases of the project.
The project proposes to install Class I and Class II bikeways, a freeway undercrossing, and
bicycle and pedestrian enhancements along the west levee of City Creek. However, the project
is experiencing unforeseen delays with environmental permitting. Due to the difficulties discovered during the environmental phase, the City submitted and received an approved 20-month allocation time extension to the RW phase funding at the December 2020 Commissionmeeting. The delay in the environmental phase has subsequently affected all phases of this
project by 20 months. Once the City requests allocation for RW then it must complete the RW
phase prior to requesting CON allocation. The City is asking for additional time to complete theenvironmental phase and subsequently obtain RW certification and then allocate CON funding.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 20-month time extension to allocate CON by
February 28, 2023
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Project Number: 35 Applicant: City of Redlands City: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1229 Extended Amount: $2,112,000 Phase: Construction Number of Months Requested: 20 Months
Extended Deadline: 02/28/2023
Department Recommendation: Support
East Valley Corridor Bike Route Interconnect Project
The City of Redlands (City) requests a 20-month extension to allocate funding for the construction (CON) phase of the East Valley Corridor Bike Route Interconnect project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase.
The project proposes to install a Class I bikeway across the Santa Ana River connecting to
Highland and San Bernardino, install a Class IV Cycle track on San Bernardino Avenue and
Santa Ana River Trail and install Class II bike lanes along Alabama Street. In the early stages of the project there was a delay in the federal approval of the Santa Ana Wash Plan Land Exchange Act. This delayed the environmental phase by 12 months. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic) has significantly impacted the City’s operations and their limited
resources. The City has experienced delays due to closure of City offices and due to staff transitioning to work from home. Furthermore, the Pandemic created new duties and responsibilities for City staff, leading to additional delays. This caused a delay in the completion of the environmental documents and design by an additional eight months. The City is now back on track to completing the design footprint of the project for environmental approval. Once
initial design of the project is complete, the City will submit documents for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) clearance. This City anticipates seven months to complete initial design, an additional five months to obtain CEQA clearance and then eight months to obtain Right of Way clearance. Thus, the City is asking for a total of 20 months to allocate CON funds.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 20-month time extension to allocate CON phase by February 28, 2023.
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Project Number: 36 Applicant: City of Colton City: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1257A Extended Amount: $292,000 Phase: Plans, Specification and Estimate Number of Months Requested: 12 Months
Extended Deadline: 06/30/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Jehue Corridor and Eucalyptus Avenue Class I Bike Paths project
The City of Colton (City) requests a 12-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the Jehue Corridor and Eucalyptus Avenue Class I Bike Paths project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase.
The project proposes to construct a new Class I bike and pedestrian path in west Colton that will
serve four public schools. The project will provide a safer path of travel for students and residents. The procurement of consultants for the Project Approval and Environmental Document portion of work was delayed. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic), the mandated shelter in place, and the guidelines that restricted travel, the City encountered a significant impact on staffing. Furthermore, most of the project’s proposed Right of Way is within
the Southern California Edison (SCE) easement and Rialto School District property. Although the project is still in Project Approval and Environmental Documents phase, the project needs extensive coordination with related entities to develop the design alignment and conduct surveys for environmental and land surveying work. The coordination and communication with SCE and Rialto District have taken longer than anticipated due to the Pandemic. The City is asking for
additional time to obtain California Environmental Quality Act clearance. The project also has a concurrent time extension request for its Right of Way allocation on this month’s Commission agenda under this same item.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 12-month time extension to allocate PS&E phase by
June 30, 2022.
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Project Number: 37 Applicant: City of Colton City: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1257A Extended Amount: $125,000 Phase: Right of Way Number of Months Requested: 12 Months
Extended Deadline: 06/30/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Jehue Corridor and Eucalyptus Avenue Class I Bike Paths
The City of Colton (City) requests a 12-month extension to allocate funding for the Right of Way (RW) phase of the Jehue Corridor and Eucalyptus Avenue Class I Bike Paths project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase.
The project proposes to construct a new Class I bike and pedestrian path in west Colton that will
serve four public schools. The project will provide a safer path of travel for students and
residents. The procurement of consultants for the Project Approval and Environmental Document portion of work was delayed. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic), the mandated shelter in place, and the guidelines that restricted travel, the City encountered a significant impact on staffing. Furthermore, most of the project’s proposed Right of Way is within
the Southern California Edison easement and Rialto School District property. Although the project is still in Project Approval and Environmental Documents phase, the project needs extensive coordination with related entities to develop the design alignment and conduct surveys for environmental and land surveying work. The coordination and communication with SCE and Rialto District have taken longer than anticipated due to the Pandemic the City is asking for
additional time to obtain California Environmental Quality Act clearance. The project also has a
concurrent time extension request for its Plans, Specifications and Estimates allocation on this month’s Commission agenda under this same item.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 12-month time extension to allocate RW phase by
June 30, 2022.
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Project Number: 38 Applicant: City of Lake Elsinore City: Riverside
District: 8
PPNO: 1262 Extended Amount: $350,000 Phase: Plans, Specification and Estimate Number of Months Requested: 12 Months
Extended Deadline: 06/30/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Murrieta Creek Multi-Use Trail - Palomar Trail to Lake Trail
The City of Lake Elsinore (City) requests a 12-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the Murrieta Creek Multi-Use Trail - Palomar Trail to Lake Trail project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase.
The project proposes to construct one mile of safety improvements, including a multi-use trail,
one viewpoint, retaining walls, safety fences, striping, and pedestrian lights to connect places of
destinations between Skylark Drive and the Like Levee trail in the City of Lake Elsinore. The City is requesting the additional time in response to the unprecedented, prolonged delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic). Due to the Pandemic and the mandated shelter in place directive, the City has experienced delays due to closure of City offices and because of the
transitioning to work from home, staff do not have access to resources and tools in the office such as printers, network connection, and in-person meetings. In addition, the City conducted a feasibility study and found that unforeseen environmental surveys were required by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. These surveys will determine the presence or absence of sensitive species. The added surveys will require 8 months to complete and process. Once the
surveys are complete, the City anticipates obtaining the California Environmental Quality Act clearance (CEQA). The City is requesting an additional 12 months to accommodate these delays to complete the CEQA documentation and subsequently request PS&E allocation.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 12-month time extension to allocate PS&E phase by
June 30, 2022.
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Project Number: 39 Applicant: City of Fontana City: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1264 Extended Amount: $1,254,000 Phase: Construction Number of Months Requested: 20 Months
Extended Deadline: 02/28/2023
Department Recommendation: Support
Fontana Safe Routes to School Gap Closure project
The City of Fontana (City) requests a 20-month extension to allocate funding for the construction (CON) phase of the Fontana Safe Routes to School Gap Closure project. The City experienced delays during the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) phase.
The project proposes to install missing sidewalk segments, accessible ramps, high-visibility
crosswalks, lighting, Class II and Class III bikeways, and striping and signage near three public schools. The City is requesting the additional time in response to the unprecedented, prolonged delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic). Due to the Pandemic and social distancing mandates, the City endured reduction in staff and current staff were reassigned to other positions to handle the impact of the Pandemic. Once the City was back on schedule with
more staff, the City was able to complete the California Environmental Quality Act with a Notice of Exemption in September 2020. The City then allocated its PS&E and the Right of Way (RW) funding in December 2020. Since then, the City has prepared the Request for Proposals for the PS&E phase and it is expected to have a consultant on board within the next few months. It is anticipated that the design phase could take several months to complete while accounting for
unexpected design issues that may arise and any delays related to the current Pandemic. The City is asking for time to obtain a consultant, complete design, obtain RW certification and allocate CON funding.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 20-month time extension to allocate CON phase by
February 28, 2023.
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Project Number: 40 Applicant: City of Twentynine Palms County: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1266 Extended Amount: $51,000 Phase: Plans, Specifications and Estimate Number of Months Requested: 16 Months
Extended Deadline: 10/31/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Twentynine Palms Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Implementation Grant
The City of Twentynine Palms (City) requests a 16-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the Twentynine Palms Safe Routes to School Infrastructure Implementation Grant project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase.
The project proposes to construct sidewalk and asphalt paths, curb ramps, high visibility crosswalks, pedestrian hybrid beacons, speed feedback units, school signage, and tree and shrubbery relocation. The environmental consultant was selected in the summer of 2020 and began the preliminary engineering work within the Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED) phase in the Fall of 2020. In preparing the Area of Potential Effects maps
for the PA&ED phase, one sidewalk segment was presented to the City as an option. Because
the option conflicted with the City's goals, the City requested additional options and alternatives be evaluated, which resulted in delays in the project delivery schedule. Furthermore, the City is requesting the additional time in response to the unprecedented, prolonged delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic). Due to the Pandemic and the mandated shelter in place
directive, the City has experienced delays due to closure of City offices and because of the transitioning to work from home, staff do not have access to resources and tools in the office such as printers, network connection, and in-person meetings. The City has had to redirect staff to urgent COVID-19 safety implementation and other tasks within the City that have experienced increased need for critical services. The City continues to work diligently through the PA&ED
phase despite the unusual circumstances.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 16-month time extension to allocate Plans, Specifications and Estimate phase by October 31, 2022.
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Project Number: 41 Applicant: City of Ontario City: San Bernardino
District: 8
PPNO: 1268B Extended Amount: $156,000 Phase: Construction Non-Infrastructure Number of Months Requested: 12 Months
Extended Deadline: 06/30/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Pedestrian Improvements around Haynes, Vista Grande and Oaks Schools program
The City of Ontario (City) requests a 12-month extension to allocate funding for the Construction
Non-Infrastructure (CON-NI) phase of the Pedestrian Improvements around Haynes, Vista Grande and Oaks Schools program. The City experienced delays to the construction of the infrastructure portion of the project.
The program proposes to provide an educational program to encourage children to walk to
school (walking school bus) and residents to walk to local destinations and improve their health (walking clubs). The City cannot provide the adequate educational program to the communities until the infrastructure portion of the project is constructed and ready for use. The construction (CON) infrastructure funds will be allocated at the June 2021 Commission meeting and the
completion of the CON phase is anticipated by June 2022. The City is asking for additional time
to complete the construction of the project in time to provide the educational benefits to the community.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 12-month time extension to allocate CON-NI by
June 30, 2022
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Project Number: 42 Applicant: City of Stockton
City: San Joaquin
District: 10 PPNO: 3454 Extended Amount: $380,000 Phase: Plans, Specification and Estimate
Number of Months Requested: 10 Months
Extended Deadline: 04/30/2022 Department Recommendation: Support
Stockton Safe Routes to Schools Safety and Connectivity Improvements
The City of Stockton (City) requests a 10-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans, Specification and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the Stockton Safe Routes to Schools Safety and Connectivity Improvements project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase.
The project proposes to construct bike lanes, missing sidewalk segments, install high visibility crosswalks, flashing beacons, curb ramps, safety medians, pedestrian refuge and traffic islands. Specific cost challenges arose from developing an updated cost estimate. Therefore, the scope was refined to meet the current budget. The City submitted a scope changed to the Department
for review. The Department and the Commission agreed that the scope change would be a major scope change that requires Commission approval at a future Commission meeting. The major scope change to the project was approved at the May 2021 Commission meeting. The City is working on completing the California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act documents to include the new scope. The City is asking for additional
time for the completion of the environmental documents.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 10-month time extension to allocate PS&E phase by April 30, 2022.
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Project Number: 43 Applicant: City of Stockton City: San Joaquin
District: 10
PPNO: 3462 Extended Amount: $452,000 Phase: Plans, Specification and Estimate Number of Months Requested: 20 Months
Extended Deadline: 02/28/2023
Department Recommendation: Support
Safe Routes to Schools Sidewalk Gap Closure project
The City of Stockton (City) requests a 20-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans,
Specification and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the Safe Routes to Schools Sidewalk Gap Closure project. The City experienced delays during the project development phase.
The project proposes to install curb, gutter and sidewalk to close sidewalk gaps, upgrade or
install curb ramps, bulb-outs and install crosswalks to complete the pedestrian network at
various schools. This project received partial funding for the construction phase. This project received partial funding for the construction phase. The City has been unable to secure the remaining funding to fully fund the project. The City is requesting the additional time to develop a plan to fully fund the construction phase. The City is optimistic that with the additional ATP
augmentation funds may complete the construction funding for this project. The City is asking
for additional time to come up with a plan to fully fund the construction phase. The project also has a concurrent time extension request for its Right of Way allocation on this month’s Commission agenda under this same item.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 20-month time extension to allocate PS&E phase by
February 28, 2023.
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Project Number: 44 Applicant: City of Stockton City: San Joaquin
District: 10
PPNO: 3462 Extended Amount: $113,000 Phase: Right of Way Number of Months Requested: 20 Months
Extended Deadline: 02/28/2023
Department Recommendation: Support
Safe Routes to Schools Sidewalk Gap Closure project
The City of Stockton (City) requests a 20-month extension to allocate funding for the Right of
Way (RW) phase of the Safe Routes to Schools Sidewalk Gap Closure project. The City experienced delays during the project development phase.
The project proposes to install curb, gutter and sidewalk to close sidewalk gaps, upgrade or
install curb ramps, bulb-outs and install crosswalks to complete the pedestrian network at
various schools. This project received partial funding for the construction phase. This project received partial funding for the construction phase. The City has been unable to secure the remaining funding to fully fund the project. The City is requesting the additional time to develop a plan to fully fund the construction phase. The City is optimistic that with the additional ATP
augmentation funds may complete the construction funding for this project. The City is asking
for additional time to come up with a plan to fully fund the construction phase. The project also has a concurrent time extension request for its Plans, Specification and Estimate allocation on this month’s Commission agenda under this same item.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 20-month time extension to allocate RW phase by
February 28, 2023.
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Project Number: 45 Applicant: City of National City City: San Diego
District: 11
PPNO: 1360 Extended Amount: $104,000 Phase: Plans, Specifications and Estimate Number of Months Requested: 12 Months
Extended Deadline: 06/30/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Central Community Mobility Enhancements project
The City of National City (City) requests a 12-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the Central Community Mobility Enhancements project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase of the project.
The project proposes to implement a North-South bicycle boulevard, close a sidewalk gap, and
provide pedestrian enhancements in National City along M, N, and L Avenues, between 4th and
30th Street. The City is requesting the additional time in response to the unprecedented, prolonged delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic). Due to the Pandemic and the mandated shelter in place directive, the City has experienced delays due to closure of City offices and because of the transitioning to work from home, staff do not have access to
resources and tools in the office such as printers, network connection, and in-person meetings. This City has limited resources which was subject to extraordinary demands during the Pandemic. The City had to redirect staff to urgent COVID-19 safety implementation and other tasks within the City that have experienced increased need for critical services. Given the delay caused by the Pandemic, the City is requesting a time extension of 12 months and is diligently
working on completing the environmental phase. The project also has a concurrent time extension request for its Right of Way allocation on this month’s Commission agenda under this same item.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 12-month time extension to allocate PS&E by
June 30, 2022.
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Project Number: 46 Applicant: City of National City City: San Diego
District: 11
PPNO: 1360 Extended Amount: $44,000 Phase: Right of Way Number of Months Requested: 12 Months
Extended Deadline: 06/30/2022
Department Recommendation: Support
Central Community Mobility Enhancements project
The City of National City (City) requests a 12-month extension to allocate funding for the Right of Way (RW) phase of the Central Community Mobility Enhancements project. The City experienced delays during the environmental phase of the project.
The project proposes to implement a North-South bicycle boulevard, close a sidewalk gap, and
provide pedestrian enhancements in National City along M, N, and L Avenues, between 4th and
30th Street. The City is requesting the additional time in response to the unprecedented, prolonged delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic). Due to the Pandemic and the mandated shelter in place directive, the City has experienced delays due to closure of City offices and because of the transitioning to work from home, staff do not have access to
resources and tools in the office such as printers, network connection, and in-person meetings. This City has limited resources which was subject to extraordinary demands during the Pandemic. The City had to redirect staff to urgent COVID-19 safety implementation and other tasks within the City that have experienced increased need for critical services. Given the delay caused by the Pandemic, the City is requesting a time extension of 12 months and is diligently
working on completing the environmental phase. The project also has a concurrent time extension request for its Plans, Specifications and Estimate allocation on this month’s Commission agenda under this same item.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 12-month time extension to allocate RW by
June 30, 2022.
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Project Number: 47 Applicant: City of National City
City: San Diego
District: 11 PPNO: 1362 Extended Amount: $95,000 Phase: Plans, Specifications and Estimate
Number of Months Requested: 6 Months
Extended Deadline: 12/31/2022 Department Recommendation: Support
National City Bike Wayfinding project
The City of National City (City) requests a 6-month extension to allocate funding for the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) phase of the National City Bike Wayfinding project. The City experienced delays during the Environmental phase of the project.
The project proposes to install over 100 bicycle wayfinding signs at decision points throughout
the City's recently constructed bicycle network. The City is requesting the additional time in response to the unprecedented, prolonged delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Pandemic). Due to the Pandemic and the mandated shelter in place directive, the City has experienced delays due to closure of City offices and because of the transitioning to work from home, staff do
not have access to resources and tools in the office such as printers, network connection, and in-person meetings. This City has limited resources which was subject to extraordinary demands during the Pandemic. The City had to redirect staff to urgent COVID-19 safety implementation and other tasks within the City that have experienced increased need for critical services. Given the delay caused by the Pandemic, the City is requesting a time extension of
six months and is diligently working on completing the environmental phase.
Therefore, the City is requesting a 6-month time extension to allocate PS&E by December 31, 2022.