Art3_Yucaipa_FY15_Transit_Rte310_Ext4_220310 March 10,2022 Nancy Strickert Transit Manager San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 117 W. 3'd Street, Second Floor San Bernardino,CA, 9241 Subject: Extension request for TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Program, for Bus Stop Landing and Sidewalk Improvements for OmniGo Route 310 in an amount of$50,502. , Dear Nancy, The purpose of this letter is to request a time extension to complete the City of Yucaipa's Transportation Development Act(TDA),Article 3 Transit Stop Access Program. In April of 2016,the City of Yucaipa was informed that the SBTCA Board of Directors approved funding in the amount of$50,502 for the design and construction of the Project. The plans, specifications and estimate for the Project were completed as detailed in the extension request dated December 11, 2020. It was anticipated that the construction of the Project would be completed, and reimbursement would be requested by December of 2021. However, an opportunity to capture additional CDBG grant funding arose. This opportunity allowed the inclusion of ADA sidewalk improvements on the north side of Avenue B for two blocks, from Adams Street to 2°d Street, along-the OmniGo Bus Route 319 route. Since the Adams Street and Avenue B projects are connected, they were combined into one Project and the plans and specifications were updated accordingly. The updated plans, specifications, and estimate for the Project are complete. The construction contract for the Project will be advertised for competitive bids by August of 2022. The construction contract is scheduled to be awarded by October of 2022. Construction will begin in in November of 2022 (perhaps sooner) and will be completed by Winter/Spring of 2023. The City of Yucaipa anticipates that the construction of the Project and submittal of the TDA reimbursement claim form and supporting documentation of project completion will be completed by May of 2023. After receiving the TDA Article 3 Grant funding (from 2019 to early 2021), the City's Public Works, Engineering and Development Services Departments have seen a fluctuation in staffing numbers as a result of retirements and/or staff leaving for new employee opportunities. Additionally,the appearance of COVED-19 and the unprecedented uncertainty accompanied by the pandemic resulted in the City not filling these positions until mid-2021. Without this critical support for approximately 18 months, existing department staff worked after hours in order to keep up with existing Citywide projects. Unfortunately,the City's TDA Article 3 was one project that was not able to be completed during that hectic City of Yucaipa 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, CA 92399-9950 909/797-2489 ♦ FAX 909/790-9203 ♦ e-mail: city@yucaipa.org Letter to SBTCA requesting additional extension Page 2 time. Current staff were aware of the Project and made every effort to move the newly expanded Project towards construction. However,timely extension requests to SBCTA were not submitted by City staff. As uncertainty has quelled, the City has been able to fill vacant positions which has helped the department catch up on all City projects. Staff is now prepared to construct this project and are confident in the updated estimated date of completion provided. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (909)797-2489, Ext. 240. Thank you for your consideration. Sincere , Fermin Preciado,P.E. Director of Development Services City of Yucaipa City of Yucaipa 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, CA 92399-9950 909/797-2489 ♦ FAX 909/790-9203 ♦ e-mail: city@yucaipa.org Letter to SBTCA requesting additional extension Page 3 Proof of Proeress and Tareet Dates Date Milestone 12/l/2020 Adams Street Plans and Specifications Completed 12/8/2021 Avenue B Plans Completed and Incorporated into Combined Project 7/l/2022 Beginning of Fiscal Year. Advertise Project for Construction Bids 8/15/2022 Open Construction Bids 9/5/2022 Award Construction Contract 2/6/2023 Construction Completed 4/24/2023 Submittal of the TDA reimbursement claim form and supporting documentation of project completion City of Yucaipa 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, CA 92399-9950 909/797-2489 ♦ FAX 909/790-9203 ♦ e-mail: city@yucaipa.org