Art3_Chino_FY17_BikePed_Facilities_06_SBCTA Ext3_220408 April 8, 2022 Maria Fraser CIP Engineering Manager Via email at: mfraser@cityofchino.org RE: Transit and Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Awards – Extension Dear Maria Fraser: On April 6, 2022, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Board of Directors approved the City of Chino’s February 10, 2022 request to extend the deadline to complete the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 grant funded projects as outlined below. Transit Award Original Revision #1 (9/14/20) Revision #2 (12/7/20) Revision #3 (4/6/22) Allocation # L18-CHI-13 1. Monte Vista Ave from B St. to C St. 2. B St. from Monte Vista Ave. to 4th St. 3. C St. from Monte Vista Ave. to 4th St. 1. Monte Vista Ave from B St. to C St. 2. B St. from Monte Vista Ave. to 4th St. May include design and/or construction costs for Chino High School improvements (Chino Unified School Dist. Construction Contract reimbursement): Intersection grind and overlay, striping, crosswalks, access ramps removal and reconstruction. Tenth St. at: • Jefferson Ave., • Mt. Vernon Ave., • Gettysburg Ave., • Washington Ave., & • Park Pl. Provides accessibility improvements along 10th St. to access existing transit stop at Central Ave./Washington Ave. via Washington Ave. No change Award $87,000 No Change No Change No Change Local Match $87,000 (or 50%) No Change No Change No Change Total Cost $174,000 No Change No Change No Change Deadline 10/4/2019 10/4/2021 No Change 12/31/2023 No. Yrs. Ext. 0 2 No Change 4 Bike/Ped Award Original Revision #1 (9/14/20) Revision #2 (12/7/20) Revision #3 (4/6/22) Allocation # L18- 0702-07034-00 1. B St. from Monte Vista to 7th St. 2. B St. from 9th St. to Benson Ave. 3. C St. form Monte Vista Ave. to Sequoia Ave. 4. 7th St. from B St. to C St. 5. 9th St. from B St. to C St. 6. Sequoia Ave. for C St. to Rosario St. 7. Rosario St. from C St. to Magnolia Ave. 8. Washington Ave. from Telephone Ave. to Benson Ave. 9. Park Pl. from Benson Ave. to 10th St. 10. Benson Ave. from Park Pl. to Tronkeel Ave. 1-10 as originally awarded plus: 11. 10th St. from Walnut Ave. to Chino Ave. 12. 12th St. from B St. to Chino Ave. 13. Tronkeel Ave. from Benson Ave. to Oaks Ave. 14. Oaks Ave. from Tronkeel Ave. to Chino Ave. In addition to Items 1-14 at left, may include design and/or construction costs for Chino High School improvements (Chino Unified School District Construction Contract reimbursement): • Benson Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to Park Pl. • Jefferson Ave. from 10th St. to Benson Ave. • Park Pl. from 10th St. to Benson Ave. Including pedestrian route and sidewalk replacement; path of travel asphalt rehabilitation, intersection grind and overlay, cross gutter repair, striping, crosswalks, access ramps removal and replacement at: • Benson Ave. at Monroe Ave, • Benson Ave. at Serene Ave. • Benson Ave. at Park Pl. • Jefferson Ave. at 10th St. • Jefferson Ave. at Jacaranda Pl • Jefferson Ave. at Catalpa Pl.. • Jefferson Ave. at Benson Ave. • Park Pl, at 12th St. • Park Pl. at 13th St. • Park Pl. at 10th St. • Park Pl. at Benson Ave. No change TDA A3 Award $353,081 (balance $271,673) No Change No Change No Change Local Match $757,020 (or 68.2%) No Change No Change No Change Total Cost $1,110,000 No Change No Change No Change Deadline 10/4/2019 10/4/2021 No Change 12/31/2023 No. Yrs. Ext. 0 2 No Change 4 As a friendly reminder, the TDA Article 3 grant award is paid through a reimbursement process upon project completion or through progress payments for awards over $200,000 (with a 10% retention until project completion). It is required that a TDA claim form and supporting documentation of project completion or progress are submitted to SBCTA prior to disbursement of funds. The TDA Article 3 grant award is for a maximum reimbursable amount. Should your project exceed the maximum reimbursable amount, SBCTA will not provide any additional reimbursement. For projects completed under the awarded amount, SBCTA will reimburse your agency for the TDA Article 3 share of the project using the match percentage identified above and in your grant application. Please also keep in mind that staff expenses may only be used to fulfill the local match requirement under select circumstances. Upon project completion, please go to www.gosbcta.com/tda3 to access claim forms and instructions for reimbursement filing. If you have any questions, please contact me via email at gkoblasz@gosbcta.com or by phone at (909) 884-8276 x112. Sincerely, Ginger Koblasz Senior Planner Entity: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Minute Action AGENDA ITEM: 10 Date: April 6, 2022 Subject: Transportation Development Act Article 3: Extension Requests from San Bernardino County and the Cities of Chino, Rialto, and Yucaipa Recommendation: That the Board, acting as the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority: Approve additional deadline extensions for the following Transportation Development Act Article 3 Awards:  San Bernardino County Fiscal Year (FY) 2000/2001 Santa Ana River Trail from 12/31/2024 to 12/31/2028.  Chino FY 2017/2018 Sidewalk Retrofitting from 10/4/2021 to 12/31/2023.  Chino FY 2017/2018 Bicycle Path and Pedestrian Facilities from 10/4/2021 to 12/31/2023.  Rialto FY 2017/2018 Cedar Ave Railroad Crossing Pedestrian Improvements from 10/4/2021 to 12/31/2022.  Yucaipa FY 2017/2018 Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility from 10/4/2021 to 6/30/2022. Background: San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) oversees the disbursement of two percent (2%) of the Local Transportation Funds (LTF) made available to counties and cities for facilities for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicyclists, known as the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 Program. In August 1999, the SBCTA Board of Directors (Board) approved a policy that eighty percent (80%) of the Article 3 Program would be made available for projects that improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The remaining twenty percent (20%) would be available for projects that improve access to transit stops for pedestrians and persons with disabilities. According to the TDA Article 3 Guidelines approved by the Board on June 2, 2021, section “IV. Deadline Extensions”: “Two, one-year extensions may be granted at the discretion of SBCTA staff for projects that are moving forward but cannot be completed by the award sunset date. Extension requests must be submitted through the TDA Article 3 portal found at https://gosbcta.com/tda3 (use Chrome or Firefox) at least THREE months before the project sunset date, include appropriate justification for an extension, and provide a revised project schedule with an expected completion date. Subsequent extensions are at the discretion of the Board.” All of the projects requesting extensions have previously been provided extensions and exceed the two, one-year extensions SBCTA staff is authorized to approve. Below is a summary of each request. For additional details, please see the attached request letters submitted by the award recipients. 10 Packet Pg. 85 Board of Directors Agenda Item April 6, 2022 Page 2 San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1. San Bernardino County: Fiscal Year (FY) 2000/2001 Award for Santa Ana River Trail: Waterman Avenue to Alabama Street Additional Extension Requested: December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2028 Reason: The County of San Bernardino would like to use the TDA Article 3 funds towards post-construction 5-year plant establishment expenses. This task is required under the environmental permit however, this is an ineligible expense under other available funding sources. Project Information: Award Amount Dispersed to Date Balance Available Original Last Approved Extension Requested No. of Yrs. Extended (if approved) $559,940 $253,301 $306,639 $300,000 $6,880,000 2004-12-31 2024-12-31 2028-12-31 24.02 Total Project Cost Local Match TDA Article 3 Deadline 2. Chino: FY 2017/2018 Sidewalk Retrofitting Additional Extension Requested: October 4, 2021 to December 31, 2023 Reason: Components of this award are contingent upon completion of Chino High School (HS) Improvements due to be completed in summer of 2023. Project Information: Award Amount Dispersed to Date Balance Available Original Last Approved Extension Requested No. of Yrs. Extended (if approved) $87,000 $0 $87,000 $87,000 $174,000 2019-10-04 2021-10-04 2023-12-31 4.24 Total Project Cost Local Match TDA Article 3 Deadline 3. Chino: FY 2017/2018 Bicycle Path and Pedestrian Facilities Additional Extension Requested: October 4, 2021 to December 31, 2023 Reason: Components of this award are contingent upon completion of Chino HS Improvements due to be completed in summer of 2023. Project Information: Award Amount Dispersed to Date Balance Available Original Last Approved Extension Requested No. of Yrs. Extended (if approved) $353,081 $81,408 $271,673 $757,020 $1,110,000 2019-10-04 2021-10-04 2023-12-31 4.24 Total Project Cost Local Match TDA Article 3 Deadline 10 Packet Pg. 86 Board of Directors Agenda Item April 6, 2022 Page 3 San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 4. Rialto: FY 2017/2018 Cedar Ave Railroad Crossing Pedestrian Improvements Additional Extension Requested: October 4, 2021 to December 31, 2022 Reason: COVID-19 restrictions and revocation of a Southern California Regional Rail Authority Right-of-Entry permit caused the consultant to have to modify the project design and reenlist in Metrolink's safety training course. Project Information: Award Amount Dispersed to Date Balance Available Original Last Approved Extension Requested No. of Yrs. Extended (if approved) $250,000 $225,000 $25,000 $428,000 $678,000 2019-10-04 2021-10-04 2022-12-31 3.24 Total Project Cost Local Match TDA Article 3 Deadline 5. Yucaipa: FY 2017/2018 Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Additional Extension Requested: October 4, 2021 to June 30, 2022 Reason: Rising construction costs required a design modification. Project Information: Award Amount Dispersed to Date Balance Available Original Last Approved Extension Requested No. of Yrs. Extended (if approved) $89,728 $0 $89,728 $48,315 $138,043 2019-10-04 2021-10-04 2022-06-30 2.74 Total Project Cost Local Match TDA Article 3 Deadline Financial Impact: This item is consistent with the Fiscal Year 2021/2022 Budget. Reviewed By: This item was reviewed and unanimously recommended for approval by the General Policy Committee on March 9, 2022. Responsible Staff: Ginger Koblasz, Senior Planner Approved Board of Directors Date: April 6, 2022 Witnessed By: 10 Packet Pg. 87 10.b Packet Pg. 89 Attachment: Chino FY17 Ext Rqsts (8476 : TDA Article 3: Extension Requests from San Bernardino County, Chino, Rialto, and Yucaipa) 10.b Packet Pg. 90 Attachment: Chino FY17 Ext Rqsts (8476 : TDA Article 3: Extension Requests from San Bernardino County, Chino, Rialto, and Yucaipa)