Art3_Redlands_FY21_Transit_Busstops_ClaimSigned TDA Article 3: Claims/Change Request Type of Request TDA Article 3:Claims Project Title Transit Stop Improvements in the City of Redlands Project Type Transit Project Contact Name Veronica Medina Agency Redlands Contact Phone (909)798-7584 ext.6 Contact Email vmedina@cityofredlands.org Type of Claim Claim Form&Authorizing Resolution Claim Form & Authorizing Resolution Signed Claim Form Signed Claim Form.pdf 156.85KB Authorizing Reso 8284.pdf 419.81 KB Resolution San Bernardino Associated Governments Claim Form Article 3 Grant Program Project Name: Transit Stops Improvements in the City of Redlands Grant Allocation No: L22-0702-0746-00 Claimant: City of Redlands Address: 35 Cajon St.,Suite 15A Redlands,CA 92373 Attention: Veronica Medina Phone No: (909)798-7584 ext.6 E-mail Address: vmedina@cityofrediands.org Award Amount $ 46,340.00 Purpose: Please check one purpose. ❑ Article 3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities,Public Utilities Code(PUQ 99233.3 0 Transit Stop Access Improvements,PUC99233.3 Authorizing Signature: (Authoriz A ecified in Authorizing Resolution) 1 Date: Signature John R. Harris,Municipal Utilities and Engineering Director Type Name&Title Condition of Approval: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the approved allocation instruction. Art3_Redlands_FY21_Transit_Claim(2) Claim Form Page 1 RESOLUTION NO. 8284 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF REDLANDS, CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A CLAIM TO THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY FOR TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 FUNDS FOR 2021 TDA ARTICLE 3 TRANSIT STOP ACCESS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act (SB 325) was enacted by the California Legislature to improve existing public transportation services and encourage regional transportation coordination.Known as the Transportation Development Act("TDA")of 1971,this law provides funding to be allocated to transit and non-transit related purposes that comply with regional transportation plans; and WHEREAS, TDA provides two funding sources, the Local Transportation Fund ("LTF") and State Transit Assistance fund("STA"); and WHEREAS, LTF is derived from a 1/4 cent of the general sales tax collected statewide and apportioned by population to areas within the county; and WHEREAS, STA is derived from the statewide sales tax on diesel fuel,plus an additional vehicle registration fee authorized under Senate Bill 1,referred to as the State of Good Repair,and both are apportioned by the State Controller's Office 50% by population and 50% by transit operator revenues; and WHEREAS, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority ("SBCTA") authorizes funding for a wide variety of transportation programs in San Bernardino County, including planning and program activities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community transit services, public transportation, and bus and rail projects to local transportation agencies through annual apportionment and allocation processes, and approves payments periodically throughout the year; and. WHEREAS, SBCTA awarded City of Redlands TDA Article 3 grant funds in the amount of$46,340 for development of the 2021 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Improvement Project within the City of Redlands'jurisdiction through a competitive "Call for Projects;"and WHEREAS, TDA Article 3 grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis; and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires City of Redlands to submit a claim and request for reimbursement; and WHEREAS, submittal of the claim for TDA Article 3 funds must be first authorized by the City Council; and I L:\ca\Reso\8284 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Program.docx WHEREAS, the 2021 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Improvement Project award is over $200,000, and is eligible for progress reimbursement, or under, and eligible for reimbursement at project completion; and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires the designation of individuals authorized to certify Project completion; and WHEREAS, the Redlands City Manager, or his/her designee, is authorized to certify project completion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Redlands as follows: Section 1. The City Council hereby authorizes submittal of a claim and request for reimbursements for TDA Article 3 funds for the 2021 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Improvement Project in the amount of$46,340. Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes the City Manager, or his/her designee, to certify project completion. ADOPTED, SIGNED AND APPROVED this 215Y ay of Decem er, 2021. Paul T. Barich, Mayor ATTEST: 5'an>ne Donaldson, City Clerk 2 L:\ca\Reso\8284 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Program.docx I, Jeanne Donaldson, City Clerk of the City of Redlands, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the City Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 215t day of December, 2021, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Tejeda, Davis, Guzman-Lowery; Mayor Barich NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmember Foster ABSTAIN: None J nne Donaldson, City Clerk 3 L:\ca\Reno\8284 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Program.docx