Art3_Chino_FY17_BikePed_Facilities_ClaimSigned San Bernardino Associated Governments Claim Form Article 3 Grant Program Bicycle Path&Pedestrian rac►l►t►es Project Name: project Grant Allocation No: L18-0702-0734-00 Claimant: City of Chino Address: 13220 Central Avenue Chino CA 91710 Attention: Maria Fraser,CIP Engineering Manager Phone No: 909-334-3310 E-mail Address: Mfraser@cityofchino.org Amount Requested for Reimbursement: $ 353,081.00 Purpose: Please check one purpose. (X) Article 3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities,Public Utilities Code(PUC) 99233.3 ( ) Transit Stop Access Improvements,PUC 99233.3 Authorizing Signature: (Claimant's Chief Adminstrator or Financial Officer) Date: 02.10.2022 Signature Matt Ballantyne,City Manager Type Name&Title Condition of Approval: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the approved allocation instruction. Art3_C h i no_FY 17_B i ke Ped_Faci I ities_Clai m Claim Form Page 1