Art3_County_FY00_BikePed_SantaAnaRiverTrail_5_ExtRqst3_211026October 26, 2021 File: H13463 San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Attention: Ginger Koblasz 1170 West Third Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 RE: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL TIME EXTENSION FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT) ARTICLE 3 FUNDS FOR THE SANTA ANA RIVER TRAIL PHASE III PROJECT Dear Ms. Koblasz: San Bernardino County respectfully requests a second extension to the deadline for the use of the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds in the amount of $306,639 for the Santa Ana River Trail Phase III Project (Project) from December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2028. As noted in our letter to SBCTA dated January 20, 2021, the $306,639 TDA Article 3 funds can only be used to cover a small portion of approximately $1,400,000 environmental mitigation related costs and the County was seeking additional funding through the ATP Cycle 5 grant program. The County is happy to report that the application was successful and the $1,105,000 in ATP funds have been awarded and allocated by the California Transportation Commission at its October 2021 meeting. However, ATP grant funds require the Project to be completed within 36 months after award of contract, limiting its use for the five-year plant establishment period required under an environmental permit. The other funding source for the Project, the Coastal Conservancy funds, cannot be used for environmental mitigation either. Approval of this time extension request will give the County the flexibility it needs to meet the environmental mitigation requirement of the Project. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Jinghui Bradley at (909) 387-8173. Sincerely, HAROLD ZAMORA, P.E., Engineering Manager Transportation Planning Division HZ:JB:js cc: Beahta Davis, County Regional Parks Mervat Mikhail, County Public Works Department of Public Works •Flood Control •Operations •Solid Waste Management •Special Districts •Surveyor •Transportation David Doublet, M.S., P.E. Assistant Director Main Office - 825 East Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 | Phone: 909.387.7910 Fax: 909.387.7911 Brendon Biggs, M.S., P.E. Director Trevor Leja Assistant Director