Art3_County_FY00_BikePed_SantaAnaRiverTrail_3_ExtRqst2_210120        January 20, 2021 File: H13463 San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Attention: Cameron Brown 1170 West Third Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 RE: TIME EXTENSION REQUEST FOR THE TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT) ARTICLE 3 FUNDS FOR THE SANTA ANA RIVER TRAIL PHASE III PROJECT Dear Ms. Koblasz: The County of San Bernardino (County) requests the extension of the deadline to use the Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds in the amount of $306,639 for the Santa Ana River Trail Phase III Project (Project) from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2024. The Project has received environmental approval and the PS&E was approved by the County Board of Supervisors on April 21, 2020. However, a small segment at the confluence of the Santa Ana River and Mission-Zanja Channel had to be excluded because the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) is removing and replacing the existing Redlands Subdivision Bridge (Bridge) at this location. As a part of the Bridge project SBCTA will construct 350' of rough grading at the Bridge location. Upon completion by SBCTA, the County will survey the rough grading and finalize the design for this missing segment. These TDA Article 3 funds were approved by SBCTA in March 2019 for the in-lieu Program Mitigation of Permanent Impacts fees required for this project. However, the total estimated cost of the in-lieu Program Mitigation of Permanent Impacts is now estimated at approximately $1,400,000. The $306,639 TDA Article 3 funds can only cover a small potion. After exploring various funding sources, the County submitted ATP Cycle 5 grant application for the remaining in-lieu Program Mitigation of Permanent Impacts fees in 2020. Due to the COVID pandemic, the announcement of the selected projects has been delayed to March or June of 2021, based on current schedule found on ATP website. Department of Public Works  Flood Control  Operations  Solid Waste Management  Special Districts  Surveyor  Transportation David Doublet, M.S., P.E. Assistant Director Main Office - 825 East Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 | Phone: 909.387.7910 Fax: 909.387.7911 Brendon Biggs, M.S., P.E. Director Time Extension Request January 20, 2021 Page 2 of 2       The construction cost of this Project has been secured and will be funded with Coastal Conservancy funds. As soon as the full funding for the in-lieu Program Mitigation of Permanent Impacts is received the County can move forward with the project construction. Due to the unexpected COVID pandemic delay and also the uncertain nature of grant application, the County requests the TDA Article 3 funding deadline to be extended from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2024. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact Jinghui Bradley at (909) 387-8173. Sincerely, SUNDARAMOORTHY (SRI) SRIRIJAN, Chief Transportation Planning Division SS/JB cc: Beahta Davis, County Regional Parks Mervat Mikhail, County Public Works