Art3_Yucaipa_FY17_BikePed_OakGlen_1_Ext1_200417 April 17, 2020 Todd Gutjahr Public Works Analyst City of Yucaipa 34272 Yucaipa Blvd. RE: FY17/18 Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility – First Extension Dear Gutjahr: This letter serves as a response granting the City of Yucaipa’s request to extend the deadline to complete the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Board of Directors approved Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 grant funded project as outlined below. Award Year FY 17/18 Project Type Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Description Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility TDA Article 3 Award $89,728 Local Match $48,315 (or 35%) ATP Share (if applicable) NA Total Project Cost $138,043 Original Deadline 10/4/2019 Revised Deadline 10/4/2020 Extension Number* 1 *AS LONG AS THE PROJECT IS PROGRESSING, SBCTA STAFF HAS THE AUTHORITY TO GRANT 2 ONE YEAR EXTENSIONS. FURTHER EXTENSIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE SBCTA BOARD. As a friendly reminder, the TDA Article 3 grant award is paid through a reimbursement process upon project completion. It is required that a TDA claim form and supporting documentation of project completion are submitted to SBCTA prior to disbursement of funds. The TDA Article 3 grant award is for a maximum reimbursable amount. Should your project exceed the maximum reimbursable amount, SBCTA will not provide any additional reimbursement. For projects completed under the awarded amount, SBCTA will reimburse your agency for the TDA Article 3 share of the project using the match percentage identified above and in your grant application. Upon project completion, please contact me for the TDA Claim Form and filing instructions. Sincerely, Ginger Koblasz Senior Planner