Art3_Redlands_FY17_BikePed_PIPPtoHSIP_ScopeRqst_190815_CLOSEDAugust 15, 2019 City of REDLANDS Incorporated 1888 Municipal Utilities & Engineering Department 35 Cajon Street, Suite 15A Redlands, CA 923 73 909-798-7698 Christopher Boatman Interim Director Cameron Brown . Senior Planner San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) 1170 W. 3 rd Street, 2 nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 9241 O City of Redlands Pedestrian Points of Interest Plan - TOA Article 3 Grant Mr. Brown, On October 16, 2017, SBCTA awarded the City of Redlands up to $161,214 to implement their Pedestrian Points of Interest Plan (PIPP). This project entailed construction of pedestrian improvements in two separate locations in the downtown area. The first was the construction of bulb-outs at the intersection of Cajon Street and Vine Street. The second was the construction of bulb-outs at Olive Avenue and Eureka Street, and Brookside Avenue and Grant Street, as well as the conversion of Eureka and Grant to one-way streets around the Redlands Bowl. Subsequent to the grant award, City staff met with residents and business owners on Eureka Street and Grant Street to discuss the project and receive feedback. At that meeting, residents overwhelmingly opposed the concept of making Eureka and Grant one way streets as well as the construction of the bulb-outs. Representatives from the Redlands Bicycle Classic were also opposed to the bulb-outs on Cajon and Vine because it restricted their event route. Within the same timeframe, the City was also award a Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant to provide pedestrian enhancements in the downtown area. Bids were recently opened and costs exceeded grant funding. The project is proposing to install in-roadway lights at the uncontrolled crosswalks in the downtown area on Redlands Boulevard at Seventh, Ninth, State, and Clark Streets, on Orange Street at Shoppers Lane and at Citrus Avenue at Central Avenue. The scope of the HSIP project is in line with the PIPP project and are within the guidelines of the TOA Article 3 program. As a result of these oppositions and the shortfall in the HSIP project, the City is requesting reallocation of the PIPP funding to the HSIP project to provide for the funding shortfall for the HSIP project. City will honor the TOA grant match requirements and will use the HSIP grant for the 2/3 match. The city anticipates awarding the project in September and completing it before the end of the calendar year.