Art3_Redlands_FY17_BikePed_PIPPtoHSIP_App_CLOSED4/15/2020 1 of 5 Date: C83534 Item No. F, D or M Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Item Cost %$%$%$ 1 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000 100%$15,000 2 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 100%$5,000 3 1 LS $2,000.00 $2,000 100%$2,000 4 100% 5 100% 6 3500 SF $8.00 $28,000 100%$28,000 7 1700 SF $25.00 $42,500 100%$42,500 8 300 LF $50.00 $15,000 100%$15,000 9 4 EA $7,000.00 $28,000 100%$28,000 10 2 EA $12,000.00 $24,000 100%$24,000 11 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 100%$10,000 12 5 EA $3,000.00 $15,000 100%$15,000 13 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 100%$10,000 14 3 EA $1,500.00 $4,500 100%$4,500 15 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 100%$5,000 16 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 100%$10,000 17 550 LF $1.50 $825 100%$825 18 240 LF $3.00 $720 100%$720 19 1 LS $3,000.00 $3,000 100%$3,000 20 20000 SF $0.50 $10,000 100%$10,000 21 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 100%$10,000 22 100% 23 100% 24 2 EA $7,000.00 $14,000 100%$14,000 25 60 LF $1.50 $90 100%$90 26 120 LF $3.00 $360 100%$360 27 1000 SF $8.00 $8,000 100%$8,000 28 100% 29 100% 30 2 EA $7,000.00 $14,000 100%$14,000 31 50 LF $1.50 $75 100%$75 32 50 LF $3.00 $150 100%$150 33 22 EA $400.00 $8,800 100%$8,800 34 26400 SF $0.50 $13,200 100%$13,200 35 1600 SF $8.00 $12,800 100%$12,800 36 170 LF $50.00 $8,500 100%$8,500 37 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 100%$5,000 38 100% 39 100% 40 2 EA $7,000.00 $14,000 100%$14,000 41 50 LF $1.50 $75 100%$75 42 50 LF $3.00 $150 100%$150 43 16 EA $400.00 $6,400 100%$6,400 44 25000 SF $0.50 $12,500 100%$12,500 45 1600 SF $8.00 $12,800 100%$12,800 46 170 LF $50.00 $8,500 100%$8,500 47 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 100%$5,000 48 100% 49 100% 50 160 LF $1.50 $240 100%$240 51 170 LF $3.00 $510 100%$510 52 4 EA $400.00 $1,600 100%$1,600 53 100% 54 100% 55 160 LF $1.50 $240 100%$240 56 160 LF $3.00 $480 100%$480 57 4 EA $400.00 $1,600 100%$1,600 Detailed Engineer's Estimate and Total Project Costs Important: Read the Instructions in the first sheet (tab) before entering data. Do not enter data in shaded fields (with formulas). Project Information: Agency:7/7/2017City of Redlands 12" Crosswalk Striping 24" Crosswalk Striping Electrical Shade Sail Footings Bike Racks Drainage 4" Concrete Safety Lighting 8" Curb & Gutter Perimeter Crash Barrier Irrigation Curb Ramp Mobilization Cajon & Vine Pavers Item Demolition Decorative & Landscaping-related Items (Label items as "F" for Functional, "D" for Decorative, or "M" for a mix of Decorative and Functional) Signage 12" Crosswalk Striping Curb Ramp Smiley Park 24" Crosswalk Striping 24" Crosswalk Striping Striping 4" Concrete 8" Curb & Gutter Project Description:Redlands PIPP Implementation Project Downtown Area Licensed Engineer in responsible charge of preparing or reviewing this PSR-Equivalent Cost Estimate:Jason Montgomery License #: Project Location: General Overhead-Related Construction Items Erosion Control Plan Traffic Control General Construction Items (non-decorative only) Miscellaneous Striping Slurry Seal 24" Crosswalk Striping Engineer's Estimate and Cost Breakdown: Engineer's Estimate (for Construction Items Only) Cost Breakdown Eligible Costs/Items Ineligible Costs/Items Corps/CCC to construct Grant Street Curb Ramp 12" Crosswalk Striping Striping Eureka Street 6th Street 12" Crosswalk Striping 4th Street 12" Crosswalk Striping 24" Crosswalk Striping Signage Curb Ramp 12" Crosswalk Striping Signage Slurry Seal 4" Concrete 8" Curb & Gutter 24" Crosswalk Striping Signage Slurry Seal 4" Concrete 4/15/2020 2 of 5 Date: C83534 Detailed Engineer's Estimate and Total Project Costs Important: Read the Instructions in the first sheet (tab) before entering data. Do not enter data in shaded fields (with formulas). Project Information: Agency:7/7/2017City of Redlands Project Description:Redlands PIPP Implementation Project Downtown Area Licensed Engineer in responsible charge of preparing or reviewing this PSR-Equivalent Cost Estimate:Jason Montgomery License #: Project Location: 58 100% $387,615 $387,615 $19,381 <= 5% of eligible CON costs (max. decorative, if applicable) 25.00%$96,904 $96,904 $484,519 $484,519 Non-participating Costs $484,519 Total (Construction Items & Contingencies) cost: Total Project Cost:$484,519 Subtotal of Construction Items: Construction Item Contingencies (% of Construction Items): General Overhead and Contingency Related Construction Items Mobilization, RE office, Traffic Control, Water Quality, Clearing and Grubbing, temporary items, etc.LS Engineering Estimates at the "PSR-Equivalent" phase may or may not include these items. The extent that these items are included in the estimate should be inversely proportional to the size of the "Construction Contingency" used. Mobilization LS Dependent on project size & location Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan LS $5,00 to $10,000 Erosion Control LS 1.50% Hydroseed SF Average $1 Fiber Rolls LF Average $5 Traffic Control LS Clearing and Grubbing LS Removal, Excavation, and Import Related Construction Items Roadway Excavation CY $12 to $35 Embankment / Fill / Import Material CY Average $25 Remove Fence, Culvert, Inlet, Curb, etc.Varies Engineering Estimates at the "PSR-Equivalent" phase may or may not include these items. The extent that these items are included in the estimate should be inversely proportional to the size of the "Construction Contingency" used. Remove Concrete (Miscellaneous)CY Sidewalk, Pavement & Curb/Gutter Average $75 Sawcut existing AC LF Sawcut and Remove existing AC and AB SF Remove Existing Pavement SF Remove Existing Sidewalk SF Cold Plane AC (2" thickness)SY $1.75 to $3.50 Remove Tree EA Remove Power Pole EA Utility Relocation LS Roadway Paving Items Roadway Excavation CY $12 to $38 Class 2 Aggregate Base CY $30 to $70 Hot Mix Asphalt TON 1 ton covers approx. 12' x 6.5' at 2" final thickness $40 to $125 Place HMA Dike LF average $1.75 Adjust Frame and Cover to Grade EA average $650 Slurry Seal AC Dike Sidewalks, Concrete, Plazas, etc Concrete curbing LF 6" x 6" average $3.50 Curb & Gutter Concrete Sidewalk SF average $15 Concrete Driveway Minor Concrete (Textured Paving)SF average $5 Prepare and Stain concrete SF average $2.75 Concrete Pavers / Bricks SF Curb Ramp EA $3000 to $5,500 Bollards EA $100 to $750 ATP Construction Item Unit Cost Guide (For items common to ATP projects) Index #Description Typical Units Notes ATP Construction Item Unit Cost Guide (For items common to ATP projects) Index #Description Typical Units Notes Crosswalk and Roadway-Crossing Items Thermoplastic Crosswalk LF Bulb-outs (No Drainage)EA Bulb-outs (Include Drainage)EA Bulb-outs (Surface Mounted)EA Striping and Pavement Marking Items 4" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe LF $0.65 to $0.75 6" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe LF average $1.00 8" Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe LF average $1.00 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking/Legend SF average $5.5 Signs, Flashing Beacons, Ped Signals, Signal Upgrades Sign- 1 post EA $250 to $300 Sign- 2 post EA average $550 Radar Speed Feedback Sign EA Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (Ped Actuated)EA average $5000 Lighting Pedestrian Lights (Poles only)EA Pedestrian Lights (including: conduit, boxes, etc.)EA Street Lights (Poles only)EA Street Lights (including: conduit, boxes, etc.)EA Conduit and Boxes LF or LS Option stand-alone item (can be part of lighting) Landscaping Items Transplant Tree EA No Palm Trees allowed. Average $400 Tree Well EA average $600 Remove Tree EA Small trees are accounted for in clearing and grubbing (5" diameter or smaller) $700 to $800 Tree Grate EA average $350 Fall Tree EA average $1,000 Other Miscellaneous Items Minor Concrete (Minor Structure)CY average $1200 6' Retaining Wall CY 6' tall L shape wall 0.60 cy/lf. Average $800 4' Retaining Wall CY 4' tall L shape wall 0.45 cy/lf. Average $700 Ped/Bike Bridge EA ATP Construction Item Unit Cost Guide (For items common to ATP projects) Index #Description Typical Units Notes Roadway Drainage LS Chain Link Fence Iron / Decorative Fence ▍1/4mileradiusN 5TH STLINDA P L GLEN W O O D D R S BUENA V ISTA STN 1ST STSAN GORGON IO DRN KENDALL STW CITRUS AVE E OLI V E A V E E VINE STKENDALL ST E CITRUS AVE ALVARADO ST6TH STORANGE STW VINE STN EUREKA STE STATE ST E REDLANDS BLVD W CITRUS AVE GLE N W O O D D R GRANT ST W STATE ST BRO O K SI D E A V E GRANT STS BUENA V ISTA STPAW CL A R K S T CAJON ST W REDLANDS BLVD S 4TH ST W OLI V E A V E S EUREKA ST City Hall, Smiley Park, and Library 1 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 4 4 6 6 ! ! ! ! LEGEND City Hall, Smiley Park, and Library 0 600 1,200300 Feet N """""«10/31/2016 Source: Esri World Imagery 6/3/2014 Opportunity - Key Connections - Circulation Challenges -Additional pedestrian infrastructure and safety treatments needed (3-5) Dense mix of land uses lends to high pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicle volumes (2) Pedestrian generating land uses without designated pedestrian infrastructure in place (1) Constraint - Visibility, alignment, and speed challenging to intersections' improvement (6) Counts Location - See table, above. Counts conducted AM & PM on Tues-Thurs, and midday Sat. PEDESTRIAN POINT OF INTEREST - CITY OF REDLANDS City Hall, Smiley Park, and Library Consider providing wayfinding signs to locations with established crossings and install no crossing signs at unmarked crossing locations that should be avoided. Ensure proper maintenance of existing infrastructure and consider a leading pedestrian interval signal treatment. Average High Low Weekday Morning Peak Period (7-9AM) 46 54 35 Weekday Afternoon Peak Period (4-6PM) 83 130 30 Weekend Mid-day Peak Period (11AM-1PM) 94 - - Pedestrian Counts ! ! W OLIVE AVE S 4 T H S T S E U R E K A S T G R A N T S T 4b 4a PEDESTRIAN POINT OF INTEREST - ! !3b 3a BROOKSIDE AVES E U R E K A S T W CITRUS AVE G R A N T S T 3a) Consider making the crosswalk more visible through the installation of pedestrian crossing signs. Install curb cuts that align with the crosswalk. 3b) Extending the Brookside Ave medians could create pedestrian refuge islands at the crosswalk mid-point. Adjusting the northern curb cuts to align better with crosswalks would enhance pedestrian conditions by shortening crossing distances. ! ! ! ! G R A N T S T S E U R E K A S T W OLIVE AVE S 4 T H S T GLENWO OD DR P A R K W O O D D R 1b 1b 1a 1a) Install high-visibility crosswalks that connect the park pathways to the neighborhood sidewalks on Parkwood and Glenwood Dr. 1b) Implement mid-block crossings (with yield lines) to better connect Smiley Park, Redlands Bowl, and AK Smiley Library based on demand or collision history. CITY OF REDLANDS City Hall, Smiley Park, and Library Suggestions for Improvement Redlands Bowl, Smiley Park & A.K. Smith Library Olive Ave between Grant St & 4th St Brookside Ave at Grant St & Eureka St 5a) Extend southeast curb to shorten intersection crossing and realigning the library driveway entrance/ exit to be perpendicular to Vine St. 5b) Consider making the crossings more visible with additional enhancements. 4a) Convert existing crossing into a high-visibility crosswalk. 4b) Installing curb extensions out to the bike lanes will shorten the length of the north/south crossings and push activated RRFBs will alert drivers of crossing pedestrians. Vine St 5b5aW VINE ST E VINE ST S 4 T H S T S 6 T H S T C A J O N S T S 5TH STE OLIVE AVE 10 CITY OF REDLANDS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT REDLANDS PIPP IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT LOCATION MAP VICINITY MAP NTS NNNNNNNNN BRO O K SI D E A V E N U E OLIV E A V E N U E OLIV E A V E N U E FER N A V E N U E CYP R E S S A V E N U E CYP R E S S A V E N U E CENTER STREETCAJON STREETREDLANDS BOULEVARD REDLANDS BOULEVARD I-10 FREEWAY I -10 FREEWAY CITRUS AVENUE COLTON AVENUE TEXAS STREETCHURCH STREETUNIVERSITY STREET CITY OF REDLANDS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT C A J O N S T R E E T 4 T H S T R E E T E U R E K A S T R E E T G R A N T S T R E E T GLEN W O O D D RI V E VINE STREET OLIVE A V E N U E SMILEY PARK REDLANDS BOWL AK SMILEY LIBRARY CITY HALL P A R KW O O D D R I V E FOX THEATER SEE SHEET 3 FOR EASTERLY LOCATIONSWESTERLY LOCATIONS NNNNNNNNN REDLANDS PIPP IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT 6 T H S T R E E T C A J O N S T R E E T CITY OF REDLANDS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SMILEY PARK NNNNNNNNN REDLANDS BOWL SMILEY PARK P A R KW O O D D R I V E G R A N T S T R E E T GLEN W O O D D RI V E REDLANDS PIPP IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT 12'9'9'11'8'8'CITY OF REDLANDS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GRANT & EUREKA BIKE BOULEVARDBROOKSIDE AVENUEEUREKA STREETOLIVE AVENUEA.K. SMILEY LIBRARY GRANT STREET POST OFFICE VINE STREETGLENWOODDRIVEAHEADREDLANDS BOWL REDLANDS PIPP IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT NNNNNNNNN CITY OF REDLANDS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CAJON STREET & VINE STREET VINE STREET VINE STREET C A JON S TR E E T CITY HALL REDLANDS PIPP IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT