Art3_MBTA_FY17_Transit_Airway_App_CLOSEDArticle 3 Funding Application 2017 Project Descriptions Location 1 Location: Hwy 62 at Airway Ave. – Eastbound, Yucca Valley Description: Construction of new bus stop that includes sidewalk, shelter pad and shelter with retrofit to existing curb ramp. Stop was requested through the Unmet Transit Need hearing process. Details: Construct approximately 142 feet of new sidewalk and shelter pad starting from the existing curb ramp located at the southeast corner of Hwy 62 and Airway Ave. This project will include the construction of curb and gutter with a 3’ retaining wall. Procure and install MBTA bus shelter. Current location consists of a dirt path extending from the curb ramp and does not meet current ADA standards. Remove existing bus stop located in the dirt approximately 50 yards east of proposed project. Activity: Airway Medical Complex with Yucca Valley Commercial Business Centers. Routes: Intercity (Route 1 YV‐29 Palms), neighborhood routes (7b Yucca Valley North and Route 21 Landers) and Commuter (Route 12 /15) estimated 50 boarding per day with 26 Buses daily. ITEM DESCRIPTION Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Sawcut and remove existing AC pavement 560 SF 7.00$ 3,920.00$ 2 Sawcut and remove existing AC curb 140 LF 7.00$ 980.00$ 3 Grading 1 LS 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 4 6" Concrete curb and gutter 142 LF 35.00$ 4,970.00$ 5 8" concrete slab 880 SF 12.00$ 10,560.00$ 6 6' wide, 4" thick concrete sidewalk 852 SF 6.00$ 5,112.00$ 7 Extend existing 4' wide sidewalk 45 SF 10.00$ 450.00$ 8 4' wide, 6" thick concrete bus shelter pad 80 SF 10.00$ 800.00$ 9 Retain curb 65 LF 20.00$ 1,300.00$ 10 3' high retaining wall 80 LF 120.00$ 9,600.00$ 11 AC backfill 280 LF 15.00$ 4,200.00$ 12 Install MBTA furnished bus shelter 1 EA 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ 13 Permit, coordination with Caltrans, and traffic control 1 LS 7,000.00$ 7,000.00$ 14 Relocate bus stop sign 1 EA 500.00$ 500.00$ 15 Relocate traffic sign, double post 1 EA 1,000.00$ 1,000.00$ 16 Construction staking 1 LS 5,000.00$ 5,000.00$ Total Construction: 67,392.00$ 20% Contingency: 13,478.40$ Engineering Cost 13,200.00$ Total: 94,070.40$ Hwy 62 and Airway Ave Preliminary Cost Estimate TWENT Y N I N E P A L M S H W YAIRWAY AVE