Art3_County_FY21_Transit_Pedley_App July 2, 2021 Ginger Koblasz, Senior Planner San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 Subject: Omnitrans Support for San Bernardino County’s Application 2021 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Improvements Program Dear Ginger, I write in support of the San Bernardino County Department of Public Works’ grant application for 2021 TDA Article 3 Transit Stop Access Improvement funds. The purpose of this project is to provide safe and convenient access to Omnitrans Route 15 near the corner of East 3rd Street at Pedley Road in the unincorporated community of East Valley, CA. The bus stop is within ½ mile walking distance of a High-Quality Transit Area and destinations such as three schools, County Child & Family Services, County Registrar of Voters, other County offices, Helping Hands Food Pantry, a Goodwill store and offices, community gardens, and local businesses. The proposed project includes a new ADA-compliant boarding area with improved level surface, sidewalk repairs connecting the bus stop to the intersection, and an ADA-compliant curb ramp at the northwest corner of the intersection. The improvements will greatly improve travel for all pedestrians including those with disabilities. Once improvements are constructed, Omnitrans will refurbish and install a standard bus shelter at this location as an in-kind local match. Omnitrans is highly supportive of this project receiving TDA Article 3 grant funds. Please feel free to contact me at (909) 379-7256 or anna.jaiswal@omnitrans.org if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Anna Jaiswal Development Planning Manager 3RD STREET AT PEDLEY BUS STOP San Bernardino Area Legend: ADA-Compliant Boarding Area Sidewalk Repairs ADA-Compliant Ramp LOCATION MAP 3RD STREET AT PEDLEY WESTBOUND BUS STOP Proposed Bus Stop Improvements TDA ARTICLE III 2021 GRANT COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Project Name: Location/Street: Type of Work: Date: 6/14/2021 Description: Reconstruct Bus Landing Pad, Construct ADA Ramp, Reconstruct AC Sidewalk and Dike Item Appx. Quant. Meas. Unit Item Description Unit Cost Total 1 5,000 L.S. Supplemental Work (Unforeseen Differing Site Conditions and Utility Conflicts) $1.00 $5,000 2 1 L.S. Water Pollution Control Program $3,000.00 $3,000 3 1 L.S. Mobilization $6,000.00 $6,000 4 1 L.S. Traffic Control System $3,000.00 $3,000 5 1 L.S. Clearing and Grubbing $1,000.00 $1,000 6 1 L.S. Develop Water Supply $1,000.00 $1,000 7 1 L.S. Finishing Roadway $1,000.00 $1,000 8 10 S.Y. Remove Concrete Bus Landing Pad $85.00 $850 9 1 L.S. Relocate Bus Bench and Trash Can $1,200.00 $1,200 10 1 L.S. Remove and Replace Bus Stop Sign $600.00 $600 11 1 L.S. Relocate Street Sign $600.00 $600 12 65 S.Y.Remove Asphalt Concrete Surfacing and Asphalt Concrete Dike $85.00 $5,525 13 14 TON Asphalt Concrete (Type A)$300.00 $4,200 14 65 L.F. Asphalt Concrete Dike $50.00 $3,250 15 1 E.A.Curb Ramp Detectable Warning Surface $750.00 $750 16 5 C.Y. Minor Concrete (Bus Landing Pad)$1,000.00 $5,000 17 2 C.Y. Minor Concrete (ADA Ramp, Curb)$1,000.00 $2,000 $43,975 $6,596 $8,795 $59,366 $11,873 $5,500 $76,740 20% Design: Permits: 15% Contingencies: Project Total: Construction Total: 20% Construction Engineering: Engineer Estimate (EE) 3rd and Pedley Bus Landing Pad 3rd and Pedley Bus Stop Improvements Subtotal : 2021 TDA ARTICLE 3: 3rd Street at Pedley Westbound Bus Stop Improvements Project 3rd Street at Pedley Westbound Bus Stop Improvements Project (3rd Street): 3rd Street at Pedley Westbound Bus Stop Improvements Project (3rd Street): 2021 TDA ARTICLE 3: 3rd Street at Pedley Westbound Bus Stop Improvements Project 3rd Street at Pedley Westbound Bus Stop Improvements Project (3rd Street):