Art3_MBTA_FY21_Transit_BikeLockers_App 1/2 TDA Article 3 Grant Application: Transit Stop Access Improvements Project Title Bike Lockers Contact Name Cheri Holsclaw Agency Morongo Basin Transit Authority Contact Phone 760-366-2986 Contact Email cheri@mbtabus.com Project Need & Project Description Purpose Bike and ride (bike lockers)will provide secure storage facilities at our transit centers for a multimodal commute which will make public transit a practical solution for those who have to overcome distances between destinations, inconvenience and barriers. This would be another next steps in helping curb unhealthful emissions resulting in less congestion, lower costs in transportation or wear and tear on personal vehicles. These enhancements will allow passengers the ability to make their first part of their trip by bicycle, provide a secure location to store their bike while they use transit to complete their trip(s). Attach Pictures, Bike Lockers Estimate.xls 30KB Documents Bike Lockers.jpg 20.65KB Resolution 21-05.pdf 540.52KB Turtle Storage Estimate.pdf 417.82KB Location Yucca Valley Transit Center&29 Palms Transit Center Priority Number: (If 1 agency submits Note that up to 10 stops can be combined into one submittal. multiple projects) Daily Buses 72 Daily Boarding & 53 Alighting Agency Owns ROW W Yes r No ROW Easement Yes Required No 2/2 Cost Effectiveness Project Cost(K): 30,181 Matching Funds (K): 0 TDA Project Funds 30,181 Requested (K): Matching Source: Previous Awards & Status Project Evaluation Criteria Overall Quality of Application: 15 pts Project Need and Purpose: 40 pts Cost Effectiveness: 15 pts Timeliness of Prior Project Completion: 10 pts Matching Funds: 20 pts I have read the W (1)the total award amount will be rescinded if the agency fails to submit a Claim guidelines and Form and Authorizing Resolution within SIX months of award notification, and understand:* I have read the R (2)two one-year extensions may only be granted without SBCTA Board approval guidelines and IF: (a) progress has been made on the project, and (b) an extension request understand:* including an appropriate justification for the delay and a revised project completion date is provided THREE MONTHS BEFORE the project sunset date. 6. TURTLE STORAGE, LTD. Estimate dba. American Bicycle Security Company Composite Plastic Products P.O. Box 7359 t _ Ventura, CA 83006 6f21�zoz1 BC Ph: 800-BIKE-SAF(245-3723)or Fax. (805)933-1865 18118 turtle@ameribike.com Estimated To w Morongo Basin Transit Authority Morongo Basin Transit Authority 62405 Verbena.lid 62405 Verbena.Rd Joshua Tree,CA 92252 Joshua Tree,CA 92252 Contact Mark Goodale Job Name Phone 760-3366-2.986 Fax E-mail mark@mbtabus.com Expires Terms Lead Time* Estimate is guaranteed for 30 days 5o%Dep&Bal Due at shipment 3-4 Weeks Qty. Item Description Class Cost/U... Total 6 #301 Model#301 Bike-Shell Bike Locker-Molded one-piece fiberglass Retail 1,939.00 11,634.00T composite(no assembly required);includes all installation hardware. Maximum handle bar width is 35".Maximum bicycle height is 43"• Bicycle Capacity:1 bike capacity per locker. Dimensions:49"H X 30"W X 74.5"L Options: -Locking System:PN#011:Chrome T-Handle Lock with 3 keys per lock and internal locking bar system.PN#oto:Stainless Steel Padlock/U-Lock Handle Lock replaces standard lock.Padlocks/U-Locks not included. -Standard Color:Tan or Medium Grey DISCOU... Discount-Bike Lockers Retail -580.00 -580.00 1 FREIGH... Packing Materials Retail 570.00 570.00 1 FREIGHT Freight-Customer is responsible for unloading truck unless otherwise Retail 900.00 900.00 noted.NO LIFT GATE IS INCLUDED.If lift gate is needed,additional fees may apply.*JOB SITE* *Based on current production schedule,subject to changes. Subtotal $12,524.00 The customeerfs responsible for unloading the truck,freight does not include liftgate on truck,unless CA-Sales Tax(].]�%� $ 6.6 otherwise specified. $ 5 9 International Shipments do MOT include duties,taxes,&customs fees. Total US D $13,380.69 If Additional Insured for insurance is required there is a fee of$too per entity that must be named on the certificate.This fee is not fncluded in this estimate. Thank you for the opportunity of quoting your project. MORONGO BASIN TRANSIT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION 21-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE, OF THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE MORONGO BASIN TRANSIT AUTHORITY CALIFORNIA, AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A CLAIM TO THE SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITYFOR TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 FUNDS FOR BIKE LOCKER PROJECT WHEREAS, the Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act (SB 325) was enacted by the California Legislature to improve existing public transportation services and encourage regional transportation coordination. Known as the Transportation Development Act (TDA) of 1971, this law provides funding to be allocated to transit and non-transit related purposes that comply with regional transportation plans; and WHEREAS, TDA provides two funding sources, the Local Transportation Fund (LTF) and State Transit Assistance fund (STA); and WHEREAS, LTF is derived from a '/4 cent of the general sales tax collected statewide and apportioned by population to areas within the county; and WHEREAS, STA is derived from the statewide sales tax on diesel fuel, plus an additional vehicle registration fee authorized under Senate Bill 1, referred to as the State of Good Repair, and both are apportioned by the State Controller's Office 50% by population and 50% by transit operator revenues; and WHEREAS, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) authorizes funding for a wide variety of transportation programs in San Bernardino County, including planning and program activities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community transit services, public transportation, and bus and rail projects to local transportation agencies through annual apportionment and allocation processes, and approves payments periodically throughout the year; and WHEREAS, SBCTA awarded Morongo Basin Transit Authority TDA Article 3 grant funds in the amount of$30,181 for development of the Bike Locker Project within the Moron go Basin Transit Authority jurisdiction through a competitive"Call for Projects"; and WHEREAS, TDA Article 3 grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis; and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires Moron go Basin Transit Authority, to submit a claim and request(s) for reimbursement; and WHEREAS, submittal of the claim for TDA Article 3 funds must be first authorized by the General Manager; and WHEREAS, the Bike Locker Project award is over $200,000, and is eligible for progress reimbursement, or under, and eligible for reimbursement at project completion; and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires the designation of individuals authorized to certify Project completion; and WHEREAS, General Manager, or their designee, is authorized to certify project completion, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the General Manager of the Moron go Basin Transit Authority authorizes submittal of a claim and request for reimbursements) for TDA Article 3 funds for the Bike Locker Project in the amount of$30 181 and that the General Manager is authorized to certify project completion. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 22r14 day of July, 2021. y Daniel L Mintz, r Chair cf the Board ATTEST Cheri Hoisclaw Assistant Board Secretary ITEM DESCRIPTION Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Cost 1 Deliver MBTA furnished bike locker from MBTA yard to s 4 EA 1,000.00 4,000.00 2 Set in place and anchor bike locaker at site 4 EA 500.00 2,000.00 Total:6,000.00 20% Contingency:1,200.00 Total Construction:$7,200.00 1 Remove landscape, relocate irrigation and sprinklers 1 LS 1,000.00 1,000.00 2 Grade flat area for bike lockers (6' x 2.5' x 2) & dispose 30 SF 20.00 600.00 3 4" thick concrete slab 30 SF 30.00 900.00 4 Deliver MBTA furnished bike locker from MBTA yard to s 2 EA 1,500.00 3,000.00 5 Set in place and anchor bike locker at site 2 EA 500.00 1,000.00 6 Final cleanup 1 LS 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total:8,000.00 20% Contingency:1,600.00 Total Construction:$9,600.00 Estimated total for both projects 16,800.00 Bike Locker (29Palms and Yucca Valley) Budget Estimate Yucca Valley: 29Palms: