Art3_Yucaipa_FY15_Transit_Rte310_3_ExtRqst2_201201 CITY OF
December 1, 2020 �
Josh Lee
Chief of Planning
San Bernardino Associated Governments
1170 W. 3rd Street,2nd Floor Poo/
San Bernardino, 92410
RE: Bus Stop Landing and Sidewalk Improvements for OmniGo Route 310
Dear Mr. Lee,
The purpose of this letter is to request a time extension to complete the City of Yucaipa's
Transportation Development Act (TDA), Article 3 Transit Stop Access Program. In April of 2016,
the City of Yucaipa was informed that the SANBAG Board of Directors approved funding in the
amount of$50,502 for the design and construction of the Project.
The plans, specifications and estimate for the Project have been completed. The construction
contract for the Project will be advertised for competitive bids by March of 2021 and the
construction contract is scheduled to be awarded in May of 2021. Construction will begin in June of
2021 (perhaps sooner) and will be completed by fall/winter of 2021. The City of Yucaipa
anticipates that the construction of the Project and submittal of the TDA reimbursement claim form
and supporting documentation of project completion will be completed by December of 2021.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me at (909) 797-2489,
Ext. 240. Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerel ,
Fermin Preciado. P.E.
Director of Development Services/City Engineer
City of Yucaipa
34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, CA 92399-9950
909/797-2489 ♦ FAX 909/790-9203 ♦ e-mail: