Art3_Highland_FY17_Transit_ADA3routes_ExtRqst_181024_REDIRECTEDFY19 le9T
Inc.T1987 Ia
October 24, 2018
Mr. Josh Lee, Chief of Planning
San Bernardino County Transportation Authority
1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor
San Bernardino, 92410
Subject: Request for Time Extension
TDA Article 3 Funds
Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program and Transit Stop Access Program
Dear Josh:
The City of Highland currently has three TDA Article 3 grant awards:
Year Amount Fund
Awarded Awarded Project Description Expiration
2016 $121,160 Water Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Project 12/31/2018
2016 $55,123 Transit Access Improvements to Omnitrans Bus Routes#3,#4 12/31/2018
Transit Stop Access Improvements on Base
2017 $87,100 Line,Sterling Avenue,and Central Avenue 12/31/2019
In favor of economy of scale, the City has decided to combine all three projects into one
construction bid package. The City started engineering design of the first two projects in July
2017, and the third project in May 2018. Engineering design of all three projects is now 95%
complete and can be finalized once the needed street right-of-way from one parcel in the first
project is acquired.
The City experienced an unexpected right-of-way delay in the first project, which includes
construction of new sidewalk on Water Street west of Weaver Street. This segment of Water
Street was constructed before City incorporation and has been used by the public for a long time.
The assessor's parcel maps and other record plans available to City staff show Water Street is
located within existing street right-of-way. In the final stage of project design while discussing
design details in front of the only parcel on Water Street where the proposed improvements will
be constructed, City staff learned from the long-time property owners that they had never
dedicated any right-of-way to the County prior to City incorporation. This prompted a title
search, which confirmed that the City indeed does not have any dedicated right-of-way for the
entire width of this segment of Water Street.
Mayor Mayor Pro Tern City Council City Council City Council City Manager
Larry McCallon Jesse Chavez Penny Lilburn Anaeli Solano John P.Timmer Joseph A, Hughes
27215 Base Line, Highland, CA 92346
Tel: (909) 864-6861 • Fax: (909) 862-3180 •
The City is currently in negotiations with the property owners to acquire the needed right-of-way
on Water Street. It is anticipated that all three projects will be implemented under the following
2/1/2018 Complete right-of-way negotiation
4/1/2019 Complete plans, specifications and estimates
5/1/2019 Advertise for construction
6/1/2019 Award construction bid
8/1/2019 Start construction
12/1/2019 Complete construction
2/l/2020 Final payment to contractor
4/l/2020 Project close-out
All three projects will be completed by 4/l/2020. The City would like to request that the deadline
to expend TDA Article 3 funds on these three projects be extended to July 1, 2020.
Your favorable consideration is very much appreciated.
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Ernest Wong r
Public Works Director/City Engineer
City of Highland
(909)864-8732 ext. 212
H:\PUBWRK\swkl6001-Art 3(sch 1 Sterling Ave-sch 2 Water St-sch 3 Central Ave-Base Line)\Grant Documents\Article 3 Extension\swk16001
Extension Request to 12-31-19(30-24-18).docx