Art3_Highland_FY15_BikePed_WaterSt_App_CLOSED Project Location in Relation to SANBAG’s Non-Motorized Transportation Plan: Although the Water Street Bikeway proposed herein (between Church Street and Weaver Street) is not a direct part of the Regional System, or included in SANBAG's NMTP, it will join existing bikeways of the NMTP at two locations, on Church Street and on Weaver Street, extending the non-motorized option for regional transportation to virtually all of Highland's residents. Because the Water Street Bikeway is not included in the NMTP, the bikeway improvements will be paid for entirely with local funds as outlined in the Project's Cost Estimate in the attachments. City of Highland Bikeway Network Map As Shown in SANBAG’s Non-Motorized Transportation Plan, Fig. 5-24, Pg.5-84 PROJECT LOCATION Proposed Locally Funded Class II Bike Lane on Water Street (Church St to Weaver St) N Existing HSIP Funded Class II Bike Lane (Constructed in 2015) Proposed MSRC Funded Class II Bike Lane to be Constructed in 2016 Proposed BTA Funded Class II Bike Lane to be Constructed in 2016 Proposed SLPP Funded Class II Bike Lane to be Constructed in 2017 BASE LINE BASE LINE 9TH STREET 5TH STREET Proposed EDA Funded Class II Bike Lane to be Constructed in 2016 3RD STREET GREENSPOT RD VICTORIA AVE PALM AVE CHURH ST WEAVER ST *7-OaksDamFuture TrailNode Kiosk*Future Class I BikewaySanta Ana River TrailClass I BikewayESESESESESESESESMSCivicCenter PattonState HospitalSan ManuelCasino**CommCenter******Existing or Funded Class II Bikeways (TYP)-Funded Bikeways will be constructed Withinthe Next 2 YearsRedlandsMunicipal AirportPlazaPlazaPlaza*Plaza*Plaza***HS*IndustryRedlands East ValleyHigh School***Shopping CenterLEGENDActivity Center (Shopping/Entertainment/Business)*ESSchool (ES-Elementary/MS-Middle/HS-High)Existing BikewayFuture Class I Bikeway*Activity Center (Government/Employment/Transportation)IndustryIndustryMSHSConstruct Sidewalk and Bikeway Improvements*San BernardinoInternational Airport*Master-PlannedCommunity4,000 du'sWater ConservationAreaBase LineHighland AveGreenspot RdChurch St Greenspot RdBase LineFuture Bike RackFuture Bike "Way-Finding" SignBBFireB*BBExisting ParkPPExisting Restroom FacilitiesRRExisting Shower and Locker FacilitiesSPRSPlaza*********FireStationB*FireStationB9th StCitrus PlazaUniversityof Redlands*To Snow Valleyand Big Bear*To Big Bea*Future Class II BikewayPROPOSED SIDEWALKAND BIKEWAYIMPROVEMENTSOMNITRANS Bus Route *Station*Weaver StFundedATP ProjectCitrus Valley HSFundedMSRC ProjectTo San*BernardinoMertrolinkDel Rosa Drive FundedBTA ProjectACTIVITY CENTERS EXHIBIT Streater DrGleanheather DrCenterCommunityBase LineHighland AveChurch St Weaver StWATER STParkArauntiaClub View Dr Elder Gulch Paseo Shelton Trail Browning Rd Clover Hill DrGrove E.S.HighlandM.S.BeattieBaptist ImmanuelSchoolChurch &Orange St Greenspot RdCONSTRUCT SIDEWALKParkland TrailsNatural N.T.S.CONSTRUCT BIKE LANESLEGENDExisting SidewalkExisting Bike LaneExisting TrailProposed Bike LaneProposed SidewalkSIDEWALKS/TRAILS/BIKEWAYS CONNECTIONS MAP TRANSIT ACCESS CONNECTIONS MAP PROJECT LOCATION Existing Omnitrans Bus Routes Project provides access to Omnitrans Bus Routes #3, #4 and #15 #15 #3 and #4 #3 and #4 #15 #15 #15 Orange St Palm Ave 9th St Base Line Highland Ave Church St 3 miles to Bus Transfer Center and 3.5 miles to Metrolink Train Station San Bernardino International Airport City of Redlands Highland Town Center City of Highland 2015 TDA Article 3 BICYCLE and PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES - Phase 2 Water Street (Church Street to Weaver Street - L=0.75 Miles) Qty Unit Unit Cost ART 3 Eligible (Walkway Components) Article 3 Non- Eligible (Bikeway Components) Total 1 Sawcut AC Pavement 700 LF 2.00$ 1,400.00$ -$ 1,400.00$ 2 Remove AC Pavement 1400 SF 1.50$ 2,100.00$ -$ 2,100.00$ 3 Remove Tree 8 EA 500.00$ 4,000.00$ -$ 4,000.00$ 4 Remove and Replace Mailbox 1 EA 350.00$ 350.00$ -$ 350.00$ 5 Restore Landscape and Irrigation 1 LS 2,500.00$ 2,500.00$ -$ 2,500.00$ 6 Earthwork 464.44 CY 15.00$ 6,966.67$ -$ 6,966.67$ 7 Cold Plane 1400 SF 5.00$ 7,000.00$ -$ 7,000.00$ 8 Pavement Overlay 1400 SF 2.50$ 3,500.00$ -$ 3,500.00$ 9 Construct Curb and Gutter 660 LF 30.00$ 19,800.00$ -$ 19,800.00$ 10 Construct .33' AC Pavement 103.35 T 105.00$ 10,851.34$ -$ 10,851.34$ 11 Construct .50' Agg Base 79.444 CY 75.00$ 5,958.33$ -$ 5,958.33$ 12 Construct 6' Sidewalk 3960 SF 6.00$ 23,760.00$ -$ 23,760.00$ 13 Construct 22' Wide D/A 2 EA 1,500.00$ 3,000.00$ -$ 3,000.00$ 14 Construct .33' PCC Pavement 240 SF 10.30$ 2,472.00$ -$ 2,472.00$ 15 Remove and Replace CL Fence 200 LF 30.00$ 6,000.00$ -$ 6,000.00$ 16 Relocate Gates 2 EA 1,000.00$ 2,000.00$ -$ 2,000.00$ 17 Modify Existing Storm Drain Inlet 3 EA 5,000.00$ 15,000.00$ -$ 15,000.00$ 18 Construct PCC Driveway Pavement 550 SF 8.00$ 4,400.00$ -$ 4,400.00$ 19 Apply Bike Lane Line 7876 LF 1.25$ -$ 9,845.00$ 9,845.00$ 20 Install Bike Lane Signs and Legends 15 EA 500.00$ -$ 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ Construction Subtotal 121,058.34$ 17,345.00$ 138,403.34$ 10% Cont 12,105.83$ 1,734.50$ 13,840.33$ Construction Total 133,164.17$ 19,079.50$ 152,243.67$ Construction Management 19,974.63$ 2,861.93$ 22,836.55$ Design 33,291.04$ 4,769.88$ 38,060.92$ Project Total 186,429.84$ 26,711.30$ 213,141.14$ Project Total - SAY:213,100.00$ WATER STREETCRAM ROAD WEAVER STREET12 3 TYP OF 845678910111213131815161714XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOIN EXISTING SIDEWALKPROTECT EXISTING FENCERELOCATE FH (BY OTHERS)1322'11'11'14'14'8'BIKE8'BIKE30'33'CLN.R/WS.R/WEXIST.EXIST.TYPICAL SECTIONNote: Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk between Cram Road and Weaver StreetBike Lanes between Church St. and Weaver St.Proposed Match-Up Pavement SectionProposed Curb Proposed and GutterProposed SidewalkBike Lane Line(Typ. Both Sides)Proposed Centerline StripeExisting Pavement SectionExisting Curb, Gutterand SidewalkWATER STREET SIDEWALK PLAN 1SAWCUT AC PAVEMENT2REMOVE AC PAVEMENT3REMOVE TREE4REMOVE AND REPLACE MAILBOX5RESTORE LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION6EARTHWORK (ROADWAY EXCAVATION)7COLD PLANE8CONSTRUCT PAVEMENT OVERLAY9CONSTRUCT CURB AND GUTTER10CONSTRUCT 0.33' THICK AC PAVEMENT11CONSTRUCT 0.50' THICK AGGREGATE BASE12CONSTRUCT 6' WIDE SIDEWALK13CONSTRUCT 22' WIDE SIDEWALK14CONSTRUCT 0.33' THICKPCC PAVEMENT15REMOVE AND REPLACE CL FENCE16RELOCATE GATES17MODIFY EXISTING STORM DRAIN INLET18CONSTRUCT PCC DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT19APPLY BIKE LANE LINE20INSTALL BIKE LANE SIGN AND LEGENDCONSTRUCTION NOTES