Art3_Highland_FY15_BikePed_Connector_ATP_ExtRqst_210127 City of HIGHLAND Inc. 1987 To: Mr. Sean Yeung Date: January 26, 2021 District 8 Local Assistance Engineer PPNO: 1181A & 1181 B Caltrans, Office of Local Assistance PROJECT#:ATPL-5449 (035) 464 W. 4th Street, 6th Floor, MS760 Project ID: 0817000047 San Bernardino, CA 92401 Project Description: Highland/Redlands Regional Connector Location: Eight different routes in the cities of Highland & Redlands County: San Bernardino Assembly District: 40 Senate District: 23 Dear Sean: We request that the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approve a request for a time extension for this project. A. Project description: Highland/Redlands Regional Connector This is a multi-jurisdictional project located along 8 different routes in the cities of Highland and Redlands. This project will construct Class I, ll, and IV Bicycle/Pedestrian paths, bicycle/pedestrian bridge, bike signals & detection, pedestrian heads, sharrows, safety beacons, waytinding signs, lighting, speed feedback signs, and SRTS Implementation. Proposed Total Project Cost Program (with time extension) $1 0008 Component 2016/2017 2017/2018 2019/2020 2022/2023 Total PAED 200 200 PS&E 335 335 R/W 100 100 CON 3,900 3,900 TOTAL 200 0 445 3,900 4, 545 Mayor Mayor Pro Tem City Council City Council City Council City Manager Penny Lilburn Larry McCallon Jesse Chavez Anaeli Solano John P.Timmer Joseph A. Hughes 27215 Base Line • Highland,CA 92346 Tel:909.864.6861 • Fax: 909.962.3180• www.cityofhiShland.org 15 B. Project element for which extension requested: (check appropriate box) Completion Allocation* Expenditure Award (contract �X acceptance) C. Phase (component)of oroiect: Environmental a Plans, Specs. Right of Construction Studies & & Estimate we X Permits • Per CTC ATP Guidelines, all ATP projects must adhere to the Timely Use of Funds in Section 66 of the CTC STIP Guidelines. D. Allocation and deadline summary Allocation Date Allocated Number of Months By Phase Amount Original of Extension Extended (if applicable) By Phase .Deadline Requested Deadline if a livable CON $3,596,000 2/28/2021 20 10/31/22 CON NI $40,000 2/28/2021 20 10/31/22 E. Reason for project delay A 20-month time extension request was approved by the CTC for allocation of Construction and Construction Non-Infrastructure Phases. The original deadline of 6/30/2019 to obligate construct funds was extended to 2/28/2021. The extension was given due to delayed approval of the Habitat Conversation Conservation Plan. Following project milestones were also revised: • NEPA: CE with Technical Studies 2128/20 • Right of Way Certification: 9/30/20 Although NEPA compliance was done on 1/16/2020, slightly ahead of the revised schedule, we ran into a three major issues during the permitting process: 1) Covid-19 related interruptions as noted below. 2) California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is Imposing costly mitigation requirements. The City received a Draft California Endangered Species Act Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2019-029- 06, which includes $6.4 million in mitigation per Section 9. It should be noted that the estimated construction project cost is $4.45 million. The City sent a formal response to the Draft ITP on 1211112020. This response was delayed due to COVID 19, staffing changes and a cyberattack on the City's network. Covid-19 directly affected productivity at the City. During the pandemic, City staff alternated working between home and City Hall. The City does not have a VPN set up. Not having a VPN made it difficult for staff working at home to be fully productive. The City recently used Cares Act funding to purchase a VPN. The VPN however has been delayed due to high demand and long lead to procure all necessary material. The City also had to shut down City facilities a couple times due to positive Covid-19 cases to disinfect facilities and wait for adequate quarantine period during these occurrences before allowing employees to return and open back up to the public. The most recent shut down at City Hall occurred during the week of Thanksgiving. In regards to staffing changes, we had two consultants leave the City. The consultant project manager on this project retired. The other consultant left to work for another agency. The City's Public Works Director/City Engineer also retired in March of 2020. The City had to fill these three positions during the pandemic. As if the pandemic wasn't enough, there was a cyberattack on the City's network in late September of 2020. All computers had to be replaced and with new hardware and software. The City purchased new networks but it was difficult to get them due to Covid-19. City computer systems were down for approximately 2 months. The computer system at City Hall is finally back up and running. The City recently received a response CDFW to discuss reasonable mitigation for this project. 3)This project includes two permanent easements as listed below: • APN 1201-491-75, Lot "Y" owned by Village Lakes Homeowners Association (Village) in Highland • 2. APN 0291-171-10, west side of Orange Street owned by Bear Valley Mutual Water Company(BVMWC) in Redlands Both cities have diligently pursued these two easements, but we unfortunately have not been successful. We have been in close contact with the property manager of the Village and attended a couple Board meetings. At the Board meeting on 9/16/20, we presented the offer to acquire a 15'- wide easement needed for construction and maintenance of the proposed bikeway/walkway within the strip of land owned by the Village. The Board appeared to be receptive to the City's request but also informed us that over two-thirds of the Village property owners support was required via a written ballot process. In the spirit of cooperation, the City prepared a letter to send to property owners with the ballots. On 11/2012020, the City received an email from Shelley Skaggs, Property Manager for the Village stating that the Board was directing the City to go through the court's process of condemnation. The City however is not interested in pursuing this option due to the excessive cost and time involved in such a process. The City is reviewing the design to look at other options within this segment of the project. The City of Redlands has also been challenged in acquiring the easement from BVMWC. In consultation with Epic Land Solutions, Inc., we are exploring the option of Possession and Use Agreement. This agreement is typically used when an owner is in agreement with the project, but not with the compensation. This would allow us to get possession and certify without having finalized the cost. However, if an agreement is not reached, condemnation would be the next step. Redlands prefers not to take this step but be given more time to acquire the easement. Therefore, the City hereby requests a second 20-month time extension to resolve the environmental mitigation requirements with CDFW and right of way needs which are both beyond the City's control for delivery of this important project. The extended deadline to obligate construction would then be 10/31/2022. F. Status of project milestones/revised project milestones 1) Completion of Environmental Document: CEQA- Document type: IS/MND. Original milestone date: 5/30/17. Revised date: 2/20120 NEPA - Document type: CE. Original milestone date: 6/15/18. Revised date: 1/16/20. 2) Right of Way Certification: Original milestone date: 5/30119. Revised date: 5/31/22. 3) Construction: Original milestone date: 6/30/19. Revised date: 10/31/22 G. Timely Use of Funds We request that the CTC approve this request at the 3/24-25/21 meeting. H. Local Agency Certification: This Request for Time Extension has been prepared in accordance with the Procedures for Administering Local Projects in the Active Transportation Program (ATP). I certify that the information provided in the document is accurate and correct. I understand that if the required information has not been provided this form will be returned and the request may be delayed. Please advise us as soon as the time extension has been approved. You may direct any questions to Carlos Zamano at(909) 864-6861, ext.254. Signature: Date: I/ z6/ Zo2.l Carlos Zamano, Pu li Works Director/City Engineer Agency: City of Highland I. Regional Transportation Planning Agency/County Transportation Commission Concurrence: Concurred Signature: G Date: 46 -�1/ Name: LO. ;rk •..pw Title: ��"•fe "��s� Agency: S4n .&dnatW+o G.� r/G.ytkA, */�I" J. Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer Acceptance: I have reviewed the information submitted on the Request for Time Extension and agree it is complete and has been prepared in accordance with the Procedures for Administering Local Projects in the Active Transportation Program (ATP). Signature: Date: Name: , Title: Phone Number: Attachments: Distribution: (1)Original-DLAE (2)Copy-Division of Local Assistance,TP 6 STIP Reporting Lead (3)Copy—MPO/RTPA/County Transportation Commission