Art3_Redlands_FY13_BikePed_OBTIII_Inv02_160401_CLOSED City of EDLANDSC1�1z1SDIGGs R MUED Director ��'-� � ''•'� Incorporated 1888 MICHAEL POOL Municipal Utilities& Engineering Department Interim CityEngineer 35 Cajon Street Suite 15Ag --- Redlands, CA 92373 909-798-7698 April 1, 2016 RECEIVED APR 0 4 2016 Vanessa Jezik SANSan Bernardino Associated Governments ASS BERNA1tDIN� ASSOCIATED GOVTS 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL PHASE III PROGRESS PAYMENT REQUEST 42 Ms. Jezik, City of Redlands submits to San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) progress payment request #2 for Phase III of the Orange Blossom Trail. City Resolution No. 7299, adopted on July 16, 2013, accepted Transportation Development Act Article 3 grant funding in the amount of$918,722.00 and allocated $162,128.00 of City's Palmetto Grove Fund to be used as the grant match. Progress payment request 42 is in the amount of$3,842.83. Attached are the following documents for your review and processing: 1. Claim Form Checklist 2. Claim Form 3. Financial Reporting Form 4. Invoice, check and backup documents for payments If you have any questions, please contact me at 909-798-7524 Ext. 1. S'ncerely, Z l Ros forPron S j Manager "ACgRigWom" San Bernardino County Transportation Commission Local Transportation Fund - Article 3 Pedestrian, Bicycle Facilities and Access to Transit Claim Form Claimant: City of Redlands Date: 4/1/2016 The Check-List below are items that must be included with your submission for reimbursement x 1. Claim Form x 2. Financial Reporting Form (Complete the estimated column for anticipated interest, refunds and expenditures) x 3. Request for Progress Payment (projects over$200,000) (Certified copy of resolution or minute action authorizing the filing of the claim and requesting progress payments) 4. Governing Body Authorization (Completed Projects) (Certified copy of minute action or resolution authorizing the filing of the claim and Project acceptance) 5. Project Completion Report (Council's Project acceptance can be used. Pictures of completed project must be included.) x 6. Other (optional) (List any other information you wish to submit to support your claim) #2-Check List, Claim Form & Financial Reporting Form Check List Page 1 San Bernardino County Transportation Commission Local Transportation Fund - Article 3 Pedestrian, Bicycle Facilities and Access to Transit Claim Form Fiscal Year: FY2016 Claimant: City of Redlands Attention: Ross Wittman 35 Cajon Street, Suite 15A Project Manager _ Redlands, CA 92373 Phone M 909-798-7698 Amount: $ 3,842.83 PURPOSE: ( )Article 3, PUC Section 99234a Pedestrian Facilities (x)Article 3, PUC Section 99234a Bicycle Facilities ( )Article 3, PUC Section 99234a Pedestrian Access to Transit Facilities Authorizing Signature: (Signature) Chris Diggs, MUED Director _ (Type Name&Title) Condition of Approval: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the allocation instruction. #2-Check List,Claim Fort&Financial Reporting Form Claim Form Page 2 San Bernardino County Transportation Commission Local Transportation Fund - Article 3 t Bicycle, Pedestrian and Access to Transit Financial Reporting Form Claimant: City of Redlands Date: 411I2016 Project % Project Budget TDA Actual Cost Budget Cost 1. Project Name: Orange Blossom Trail Phase Total Project Expenditure $ 1,080,850 $ 4,520.98 3 TDA Article 3 (SB 821) $ 918,722 85% $ 3,842.83 * Local Match $ 162,128 $ 678.15 2. Project Name: Total Project Expenditure $ - TDA Article 3 (SB 821) $ - Local Match $ - 3. Project Name: Total Project Expenditure $ - TDA Article 3 (SB 821) $ - Local Match $ - I certify that the information on this Financial Reporting form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signed: Chris Diggs, MUED Director #2-Check List,Claim Form&Financial Reporting Form Page 3