Art3_Redlands_FY13_BikePed_BikeLaneUpgrade_AppBRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb ATTACHMENT 1 TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 BIENNIAL CALL FOR PROJECTS FOR BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES Issued: March 6, 2013 BRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb San Bernardino Associated Governments Project Submittal Form LTF, Article 3 Pedestrian/Bicycle Program FY 2012/2013-2013/2014 AGENCY: City of Redlands AC CONTACT: Ross Wittman PHONE: 909.798.7585 x7 PROJECT NAME: City of Redlands Bike Lane Upgrade Project PROJECT LOCATION MAP PLEASE SEE THE MAPS ATTACHED TO EMAIL PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Redlands proposes to complete the bike lanes identified in the Redlands Future Improvements of the San Bernardino County Non-Motorized Transportation Plan as part of Redlands’ continued effort to bring alternative modes of transportation to the City. PROJECT TYPE: Bike lane installation PROJECT LENGTH: 37.4 miles AMOUNT OF THE LOCAL MATCH: $180,000 SOURCE OF FUNDS FOR LOCAL MATCH: Local Transportation Fund BRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb IS RESOLUTION ATTACHED TO APPLICATION: Yes PLEASE PROVIDE DATA TO SUPPORT THE POTENTIAL USE OF THE BICYCLE OR SIDEWALK FACILITY PROPOSED IN THIS APPLICATION: The City of Redlands has prioritized the usage of non-motorized transportation within the City. Redlands is home to many commuters who use bicycles as their main form of tr ansportation but currently do not have the benefit of commuting in the City within a Class II lane or a designated Class III sharrow. Additionally, Redlands is home to many recreational bike riders whose daily rides around the City are done on roads where there is no indication of their presence to motorists. Because of the vast amounts of riders within the City, citizens desire to have a grid of bike lanes allowing them to travel throughout the City within a designated bike lane. In response to citizen requests, the City has been actively pursuing all forms of non- motorized transportation including sidewalk connectivity, a trail system and a connect ed bike lane grid. More specifically, a connected bike lane grid in Redlands is gaining momentum. In the past few months, paving projects in the City have included the installation of a number of new bike lanes (Class II) and sharrows (Class III), as well as the introduction of green paint bike lanes, the first such lanes in San Bernardino County. Since these additions to the non-motorized infrastructure have been installed, bike ridership in the community has seen an increase and comments received from the community have indicated a need to have a completely connected grid within the City. In so doing allowing riders to connect to regional routes providing them with connectivity to other cities as well as to regional trails such as the Santa Ana River Trail. The completion of bike routes identified in the San Bernardino County Non- Motorized Transportation Plan will fulfill a part of this need as their completion will allow for connectivity within neighboring communities such as Loma Linda, Highland, Yucaipa and San Ber nardino and Riverside Counties. PLEASE DESCRIBE HOW THE PROJECT IS SITUATED WITHIN THE REGIONAL SYSTEM: The City of Redlands Bike Lane Upgrade project is consistent with the objectives of the San Bernardino County Non-Motorized Transportation Plan. Redlands City Council adopted the County NMTP by Resolution No. 7031 in March 2011. Since its adoption, the City Council has made it a priority to implement all forms of non-motorized transportation identified within that plan as a means to provide citizens of Redlands and San Bernardino County ingress and egress to the City via safe and identif ied paths of travel. Through the implementation of the lanes identified in the NMTP, cyclists travelling on designated Class II and Class III bike lanes are able to travel through the City through a connective grid without interruption. Funding this project will enable the City to complete the grid sections identified within the County NMTP. However, additional bike lanes and their implementation have been identified through City’s bike master plan. The City’s bike master plan has identified priority routes in the City which will supplement the regional routes identified in the County’s NMTP. The two documents work together as a regional and local bike lane connectivity plan and through the combination of the two will provide cyclists and commuters ingress and egress to destinations in Redlands on local bike lanes (identified in the City’s master plan) from the regional lanes in the City (identified in the County’s NMTP). Through the usage of TDA funding for completion of bike lanes identified in the County’s NMTP, other dollars will be freed to allocate to other Class II and Class III bike lanes identified in the City’s bike master plan, promoting even greater non-motorized connectivity within Redlands and throughout the region. BRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb PLEASE OUTLINE THE DESTINATIONS SERVED BY THIS PROJECT: Class II and Class III lanes identified within this application are located throughout the City of Redlands. Specifically, the completion of routes identified in this application will promote connectivity within the City to retail locations, as well as restaurants and entertainment areas in downtown Redlands; the Citrus Plaza shopping complex in the northwest area of the City; the University of Redlands and numerous elementary schools; Redlands Community Hospital and medical facilities; and the commercial and industrial business districts on the west side of the City. Additionally, the completion of bike routes identified in the NMTP will fulfill a part of the community’s desire for regional connectivity to other areas in the Inland Empire as their completion will allow for connectivity to neighboring communities such as Loma Linda, Highland, Yucaipa, San Bernardino and San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Examples of routes which have been identified for completion through this cycle of TDA funding include California Street, connecting the City to Loma Linda; Orange Street, connecting the City to Highland; Fifth Avenue, connecting the City to San Bernardino County and ultimately Yucaipa; San Bernardino Avenue, connecting the City to San Bernardino and San Timoteo Road, connecting the City to Riverside County. DESCRIBE HOW THIS PROJECT IMPROVE THE SAFETY OF CYCLISTS AND/OR PEDESTRIANS USING THE CORRIDOR: As mentioned previously, the City of Redlands has an active biking community with many citizens who use bicycles on a dail y basis. Riders in Redlands often use bicycles as their main form of transportation to commute to and from work, to visit retail locations and to run their daily errands. Additionally, recreational riders fill City streets on weekends. Due to the amount of biking traffic within Redlands, the City has begun the process of installing bike lanes identified through engineering analysis. The City is in the early stages of rolling out its Pavement Accelerated Repair Implementation Strategy (PARIS) citywide paving program (explained further in an upcoming question) which will incorporate bike lanes identified in the City’s soon to be adopted bike master plan into the program. Furthermore, bike lanes identified through the bike master plan will be used in the development of two engineering documents for implementation of the recommended routes, the City’s citywide striping and City’s own NMTP. This is important to note because while the plan is in place for the locations and engineering of future bike lane installations, currently funding is not in place to install the routes identified in the County’s NMTP or the City’s bike master plan. Bicyclists today ride on City streets without Class II or Class III designation except for a few locations where bike lanes have recently been placed. These locations, while mostly connected with one another do not provide a connective grid to travel throughout the City. The City of Redlands has approximately 635 lane miles of road in the City, but only 13 lane miles of Class II or Class III bike routes. Due to the need for an increase in connectivity, bicyclists are often left feeling exposed to vehicular traffic when they ride outside of a designated Class II or Class III and onto a road which lack the visual cues of a bike route. Since their implementation, bicyclists as well as motorists have provided positive feedback to the City about having a safer method of travelling on City streets. When taken a step further with the installation of green paint in Class II bike lanes, studies have shown that bicyclist injuries can be reduced up to 90% with the placement of this visual bike lane indicator, and that injury crashes for all road users, including both motorists and bicyclists, declined 40-50%. These types of statistics were the impetus for the City to begin identifying not only locations for Class II and Class III, but also for future locations for green paint lanes. BRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb EXPLAIN THE MULTIMODAL OR TRANSIT SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY PROVIDED BY THIS PROJECT: One of the goals of the City of Redlands is to be a “green” city, as evidenced by its adoption in April 2008 of No. Resolution No. 6696. This resolution resolved that the City would become a Green Valley Jurisdiction and participate in the development and implementation of sustainable model policies and programs to benefit the Inland Empire. As part of the implementation of sustainable green policies, the City has prioritized the promotion of alternative green forms of transportation to travel within the City. These alternative forms of transportation include the promotion of walking to and from school by constructing sidewalk through Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and Safe Routes to School (SR2S) grant funding; the promotion of running and walking through the construction of dual purpose trails such as the Orange Blossom Trail; and the promotion of biking through the construction of bike lanes. Additionally, the Redlands Rail is anticipated to come to the City of Redlands in 2017 and will promote the usage of public transportation regionally in the Inland Empire and Southern California. All of these non-motorized features being constructed in the City and future lanes identified through the City’s bike master plan will be identified and incorporated into the Cit y’s NMTP to ensure future bike lanes will be connected to existing trails, lanes/sharrows and future rail stops within the City. In so doing, the City will have an overarching NMTP, providing a connective matrix of sidewalks, trails and bike lanes with public transportation. ESTABLISH THE LEVEL OF THE PROJECT’S READINESS: The City of Redlands is currently undergoing a citywide repaving program called the Pavement Accelerated Repair Implementation Strategy (PARIS) which will repave 2/3 of City of Redlands streets over the next 5 years. This program was derived out of the City’s Pavement Management Program (PMP), which is an engineering based decision making tool to determine the top priority streets for rehabilitation within the City. The PMP is a living document which takes into account a number of factors such as pavement treatment, vehicle miles travelled (VMT), proximity to hospitals, schools, business districts and economic centers when determining which roads to address. Concurrent with that program, the City will soon begin a citywide street signage and striping master plan which will be an engineering-based striping plan, determining locations where bike lanes are the most appropriate bike route. This striping master plan is anticipated to be completed by the end of the 2013 calendar year. TDA funding will fund the installation and completion of bike lanes in the NMTP as those streets are identified for paving within the PARIS program. However, if streets identified for TDA funding are not identified for paving within the PARIS program, City will proceed with the installation of the bike lanes immediately upon receiving funding. HAS THE AGENCY DELIVERED PAST PROJECTS ON SCHEDULE? IF YES, WHAT STEPS WILL BE TAKEN TO ENSURE SIMILAR RESULTS. IF NO, WHAT STEPS WILL BE TAKEN TO PREVENT A SIMILAR OCCURRENCE. Through experience with the installation of Class II lanes, Class III sharrows and the installation of green paint bike lanes, the City has experience with the placement of bike lanes and incorporated “lessons learned” from these projects into future bike route projects. Lessons learned include the amount of reflectivity of the painted lanes or sharrows needed to provide enough visual feedback to drivers using BRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb roads on which the bike routes were placed; education of the community on what Class III sharrow s indicate; and the reasons for green paint being chosen color for painted lanes. Additionally, City crews were trained by City’s contractor about the maintenance and upkeep of the thermal plastic lanes, as well as how to properly maintain the green paint in order to avoid having to re-paint them continually. Moreover, the City of Redlands continually constructs and completes a variety of capital improvement projects with complex engineering aspects such as water treatment plant improvements, road realignments and construction of reservoirs on time and on budget. The placement and installation of bike lanes are not as complex as these types of projects. The City feels extremely confident in its abilities to deliver these lanes and sharrows on time and on budget. BRD1303a1-ss 2013Article3CallBicyclePed-teb ESTIMATED PROJECT COSTS (FOR MATCHING FUND CALCULATIONS: 1. PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING, PROJECT $ 30,000 ENGINEERING AND DESIGN COSTS 2. RIGHT-OF-WAY COST $ 0 3. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT COST $ 300,000 4. TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 330,000 5. LTF, ARTICLE 3 FUNDS REQUESTED $ 165,000 6. LOCAL MATCH $ 165,000 7. PERCENT LOCAL MATCH (LINE 6/LINE 4) 50% STSTAVAVEWSANBERNARDINOSANAV AV AVEBERNARDINO STSTORANGEVIEWOPALJUDSONALABAMAMENTONE BLVDAVCALIFORNIALUGONIAEW STSTMOUNTAINSTSTAVAVCHURCHAVCOLTONEAVCOLTONW REDLANDS STSTBLVD STTEXASUNIVERSITYN 6THW DEARBORNNNREDLANDS JUDSONNAVCITRUSAVCITRUSETENNESSEE STFORDSTCRAFTONAVSTSTAVSTAVFERNS EDEARBORNCALIFORNIAOPALFORD5THALABAMA S5TH AVAVBROOKSIDEAV SAN D BARTON T E R R A C I N A AVRD S C E N T E RAV AVHIGHLANDCANYO N BROOKSIDE ES T SANS A N FERNRDTIMOTEOAV CANYONW M A T E O CYPRESSC A J O N S T AVS T BLV DR D GARDEN W S T SUNSETE 1 6 THSTDRNHIGHLAND WABASHS T ELIZABETHW E Y U CAIPAST SUNSET STALE SS A N D ROGARDEN DRN STWR D SUNSET 16THOUTER SAN DR HWY10SUNSET TIMOTEO E RDC A NYON CANYONRD O AKLIVE OAK SBIA WABASHAVSTDEARBORNDRSE REDLANDS B L LIVE RD W BERNARDINO CA J O N S T MILL CREEK RD DR N E SUNSET W LUGONIA AV PIONEERW AV AV PALMETTO AV MARIGOLD AVNNEVADASTRDALESSANDROORANGE STE REDL A N D S B L FORDSTE PIONEER AV STBLVD SAN BERNARDINO NEVADACHAP M AN HEIGHT S RDCity of Redlands Legend Proposed Bike Trails Redlands 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1Miles Scale This map was produced by the City of Redlands,Geographic Information System. The City of Redlands assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. The data used to generate this map is dynamicin nature, therefore the information shown may or may not be the most current. May 8, 2013 wo693NonMotorizedTransportationPlanSANBAG.mxd STSTAVAVEWSANBERNARDINOSANAV AV AVEBERNARDINO STSTORANGEVIEWOPALJUDSONALABAMAMENTONE BLVDAVCALIFORNIALUGONIAEW STSTMOUNTAINSTSTAVAVCHURCHAVCOLTONEAVCOLTONW REDLANDS STSTBLVD STTEXASUNIVERSITYN 6THW DEARBORNNNREDLANDS JUDSONNAVCITRUSAVCITRUSETENNESSEE STFORDSTCRAFTONAVSTSTAVSTAVFERNS EDEARBORNCALIFORNIAOPALFORD5THALABAMA S5TH AVAVBROOKSIDEAV SAN D BARTON T E R R A C I N A AVRD S C E N T E RAV AVHIGHLANDCANYO N BROOKSIDE ES T SANS A N FERNRDTIMOTEOAV CANYONW M A T E O CYPRESSC A J O N S T AVS T BLV DR D GARDEN W S T SUNSETE 1 6 THSTDRNHIGHLAND WABASHS T ELIZABETHW E Y U CAIPAST SUNSET STALE SS A N D ROGARDEN DRN STWR D SUNSET 16THOUTER SAN DR HWY10SUNSET TIMOTEO E RDC A NYON CANYONRD O AKLIVE OAK SBIA WABASHAVSTDEARBORNDRSE REDLANDS B L LIVE RD W BERNARDINO CA J O N S T MILL CREEK RD DR N E SUNSET W LUGONIA AV PIONEERW AV AV PALMETTO AV MARIGOLD AVNNEVADASTRDALESSANDROORANGE STE REDL A N D S B L FORDSTE PIONEER AV STBLVD SAN BERNARDINO NEVADACHAP M AN HEIGHT S RDCity of Redlands Legend Proposed Bike Trails Redlands 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1Miles Scale This map was produced by the City of Redlands,Geographic Information System. The City of Redlands assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. The data used to generate this map is dynamicin nature, therefore the information shown may or may not be the most current. May 8, 2013 wo693NonMotorizedTransportationPlanSANBAG.mxd