Art3_Yucaipa_FY17_BikePed_OakGlen_Inv1d_240723_approvedRESOLUTION NO.2023-04 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YUCAIPA AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF A CLAIM TO SBCTA FOR TDA ARTICLE 3 FUNDS FOR THE OAK GLEN ROAD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS — PROJECT NO. 11125 WHEREAS, the Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act (SB 325) was enacted by the California Legislature to improve existing public transportation services and encourage regional transportation coordination. Known as the Transportation Development Act (TDA) of 1971, this law provides funding to be allocated to transit and non -transit related purposes that comply with regional transportation plans; and WHEREAS, TDA provides two funding sources, the Local Transportation Fund LTF) and State Transit Assistance Fund (STA); and WHEREAS, STA is derived from the statewide sales tax on diesel fuel, plus an additional vehicle registration fee authorized under Senate Bill 1, referred to as the State of Good Repair, and both are apportioned by the State Controller's Office 50% by population and 50% by transit operator revenues; and WHEREAS, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) authorizes funding for a wide variety of transportation programs in San Bernardino County, including planning and program activities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community transit services, public transportation, and bus and rail projects to local transportation agencies through annual apportionment and allocation processes, and approves payments periodically throughout the year; and WHEREAS, SBCTA awarded the City of Yucaipa a TDA Article 3 grant funds in the amount of $89,728 for the Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Project within the City of Yucaipa's jurisdiction through a competitive "Call for Projects"; and WHEREAS, TDA Article 3 grant funds are provided on a reimbursement basis; and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires the City of Yucaipa to submit a claim and request(s) for reimbursement; and WHEREAS, submittal of the claim for TDA Article 3 funds must be first authorized by the City Council of the City of Yucaipa; and WHEREAS, the Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Project award is over 200,000, and is eligible for progress reimbursement, or under, and eligible for reimbursement at project completion; and WHEREAS, SBCTA requires the designation of individuals authorized to certify Project completion; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Yucaipa is authorized to certify project completion, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF YUCAIPA HEREBY FINDS, DETERMINES, ORDERS, AND RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: that the City Council of the City of Yucaipa authorizes the City Manager or his/her designee to submit a claim for TDA Article 3 funds for the Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Project in the amount of $89,728. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Yucaipa this 13" day of March 2023. JUSTIN BEAVER MAYOR ATTEST: 1 KIMBERLY J METZLER CITY CLERK/DEPUTY RENT ADMINISTRATOR CMC Agenda Item No. 1 City of Yucaipa City Council Minutes Regular Meeting of August 22, 2022 A Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Yucaipa, California was called to order in the Council Chambers, 34272 Yucaipa Boulevard, Yucaipa, California, on August 22, 2022 at 6:00 PM. PRESENT: David Avila, Mayor Justin Beaver, Mayor Pro Tern Greg Bogh, Councilmember Bobby Duncan, Councilmember Jon Thorp, Councilmember Ray Casey, City Manager Jennifer Crawford, Assistant City Manager/City Clerk David Snow, City Attorney ABSENT: None CONVENE CITY COUNCIL The meeting was opened by Captain Landen with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Sheriff's Explorer Skylar Fernandez. EMPLOYEE INTRODUCTION City Manager Casey introduced Captain Julie Landen. Captain Landen stated that she is excited to be back and to continue her relationship with the community. Captain Landen introduced Lieutenant Steve Scovel. Lieutenant Scovel thanked the City Council for having him and stated that he looks forward to building relationships. PUBLIC COMMENT Linda Villareal, Yucaipa, stated her concerns with the safety of drivers turning left from Colorado Street onto Wildwood Canyon Road and cited accidents that have taken place at this corner. Ms. Villareal requested that the City install a stop sign at this corner to slow traffic and to keep drivers safe. City Manager Casey reported that a stop sign is being installed at this location within the next few weeks. Bill McEwen, Yucaipa, reported that he witnessed a tanker truck being loaded with recycled water and was encouraged that recycled water is being used for construction. Amy Simmons, Yucaipa, spoke on behalf of the Yucaipa Library and provided an update on the Yucaipa Library's summer activities, cited the benefits of the programs that are offered through the library, and asked for the City's assistance with the maintenance of the exterior of the library. City Council Minutes Page I of 10 https://yucaipa.stiarepoint.com/sites/gencrilsemices/shared documents/general scrvices_city clerk/Oa city clerk files/minutes R excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx City Manager Casey reported that the City has completed some interior work on the library (such as HVAC and roofing improvements) and has had internal discussions regarding improvements to the exterior of the library. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Avila asked if there were any Consent Agenda items to be removed for discussion. Item No. 4 was removed for discussion by Councilmember Duncan. 1. SUBJECT: APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF AUGUST 8, 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve City Council Minutes of August 8, 2022. 2. SUBJECT: EXTENDING THE EXISTENCE OF A LOCAL EMERGENCY DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IMPACT ON THE EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES SYSTEM RECOMMENDATION: That City Council review the need to continue the local emergency, thereby recognizing the continued existence of perilous conditions as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic impact on the Emergency Medical Services system. 3. SUBJECT: ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT WORK — OAK GLEN ROAD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITY IMPROVEMENTS — PROJECT NO. 11125 RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: 1. Accept the contract work completed by IE General Engineering Inc. of Beaumont, CA for the Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Projects; and 2. Approve the final payment for the project; and 3. Authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion. 5. SUBJECT: MONTHLY TREASURER'S REPORT: APRIL 2022 RECOMMENDATION: That City Council receive and file the Monthly Treasurer's Report for April 2022. 6. SUBJECT: MERIDIAN LAND DEVELOPMENT (CASE NO. 15-061/TTM 19974): A FINAL 24-MONTH EXTENSION OF TIME REQUEST FOR CASE NO. 15-061/TTM 19974; WHICH IS FOR THE PHASED DEVELOPMENT OF A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT TO SUBDIVIDE 236 GROSS ACRES INTO 184 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS WITH A MINIMUM LOT SIZE OF ONE 1) GROSS ACRE, WITH TWO (2) ADDITIONAL "NOT A PART" LOTS FOR AN EXISTING PRIVATE RESIDENCE (CASA BLANCA RANCH) AND WATER TANK/PUMP STATION SITE OWNED AND OPERATED BY YUCAIPA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, LOCATED NORTH OF OAK GLEN ROAD AND EAST OF JEFFERSON STREET; APN(S): 0321-081-15; 0321-101-02, 12, AND 21. City Council Minutes Page 2 of 10 https-//yucaipa.sharepoint.com/sites/generalservices/sliared documents/general smices_city clerk/(2( city clerk files/minutes & excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve a final Extension of Time of 24 months for Tentative Tract Map 19974, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval originally dated July 11, 2016, and amended on April 11, 2019, associated with the first Extension of Time request, and adopt the Findings as contained in this Agenda Report. 7. SUBJECT: YUCAIPA FIRE DEPARTMENT FLAG RETIREMENT BOX RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve the placement of a custom Yucaipa Fire Department flag retirement box to be placed at the entrance to city hall, allowing United States flags be retired in an honorable fashion. ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, CARRIED, 4-0-0-1 (COUNCILMEMBER BOGH ABSTAINED), TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NO. 1. ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM NUMBERS 2, 3, AND 5 THROUGH 7. ITEM REMOVED FOR DISCUSSION 4. SUBJECT: LEONARD AND COMPANY DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT - MODIFICATIONS TO PARTIES RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve and authorize the Mayor to execute a modification to a previously approved Development Agreement pertaining to Case No. 21-104/CUP/DA, an Electronic Messaging Center Billboard that would replace an existing static billboard at 31103 Outer Highway, that would remove the property owner signature requirement from the Agreement. Planning Manager/City Planner Matlock addressed questions raised by Councilmember Duncan. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. MAYOR AND COUNCILMEMBER BUSINESS (REPORTSI Mayor Pro Tem Beaver welcomed Captain Landen and Lieutenant Scovel and stated that he is very pleased to have both of them in Yucaipa. Mayor Avila reported that he and the Omnitrans CEO recently met and discussed expanding the bus service (especially at the future Kaiser facility location) and increasing service with both the full-size bus and the local access bus. City Council Minutes Page 3 of 10 In(ps://yucail)a.sliarepoint.com/sites/gencralservices/sliared documents/general services —city clerk/ @ city clerk files/minutes &: excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx 8. SUBJECT: DESIGNATION OF VOTING DELEGATE AND VOTING ALTERNATE FOR THE 2022 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND THE 2022 ANNUAL CONFERENCE PROPOSED BYLAWS AMENDMENTS RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: 1. Appoint a Voting Delegate and Voting Alternate for the 2022 League of California Cities Annual Conference (Annual Conference); and 2. Consider the following proposed Bylaws Amendments introduced by the League of California Cities and determine a City position that the voting delegate can represent at the Annual Business Meeting: 1. Amend Article VI, section 3(c) to designate the Second Vice -President as the Resolutions Committee chair, while retaining the President's authority to appoint the vice chair of the Resolutions Committee; 2. Amend Article VII, section 5(b) to adjust the composition of the Nominating Committee by adding one At -Large Director and one Caucus Director for a total of 13 Nominating Committee members; 3. Amend Article VII, Section 10(d) to provide that, unless the Board establishes otherwise, the Cal Cities President appoints the chair of board -established committees; 4. Replace the title "Second Vice-President/Treasurer" with "Second Vice President" in Article VII, sections 2(a), 5(e), and 10(b); and Article VIII, sections 1, 2(c), and 4; 5. Replace the term "board member(s)" with "Director(s)" in Article VII, sections 5(b), 5(e), and 8; Article XII, section 5(c); and Article XV, section 4. DISCUSSION: Assistant City Manager Crawford presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN, CARRIED, 5-0, TO DESIGNATE MAYOR AVILA AS THE VOTING DELEGATE. ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR AVILA, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, CARRIED, 5-0, TO DESIGNATE CITY MANAGER CASEY AS THE VOTING ALTERNATE. ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, CARRIED, 5-0, TO SUPPORT THE PROPOSED BYLAWS AMENDMENTS INTRODUCED BY THE LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES. City Council Minutes Page 4 of 10 littps://yucaipa.sliarepoint.com/sites/gencrilservices/sliared documents/general scrvices_city clerk/@ city clerk fdes/minutes K excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx 9. SUBJECT: PUBLIC ARTS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: That City Council approve Resolution No. 2022-48, amending Resolution No. 2020-22 to add a Council liaison to the Public Arts Committee. DISCUSSION: Director of Community Services Wolfe presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION AND TO APPOINT MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER AS THE COUNCIL LIAISON TO THE PUBLIC ARTS COMMITTEE. 10. SUBJECT: CHALLENGE COINS RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: 1. Consider the ability of Councilmembers to distribute Challenge Coins; and if deemed appropriate 2. Review and approve the design of the Challenge Coins. DISCUSSION: City Manager Casey presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE DESIGN OPTION NO. 1 FOR THE CHALLENGE COINS WITH THE WORD "COUNCILMAN" REVISED TO READ "COUNCILMEMBER". POSSIBLE ACTION ON PENDING LEGISLATION Councilmember Bogh reported that there is an Assembly Bill (Holden) regarding regulation of the wages, labor laws, etc., of the fast-food industry and stated the potential negative impacts of the Bill. It was Council consensus to return to Council at the next meeting to further discuss this item if the Bill had not yet been signed by the Governor. DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Manager Casey requested Council consideration of moving Agenda Item No. 11 due to technical difficulties. City Council Minutes Page 5 of 10 https://yucaipa.sharepoint.com/sites/gencralserviccs/shared documents/general services city clerk/@ city clerk files/minutes R excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR AVILA, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, CARRIED, 5-0, MOVE AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 TO AFTER AGENDA ITEM NO. 17 DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES. ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN, SECOND BY MAYOR AVILA, CARRIED, 5-0, TO MOVE AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 BACK TO THE FIRST DEPARTMENT REPORT DUE TO THE RESOLVE OF THE TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES. 11. SUBJECT: FIRE DEPARTMENT 2022 SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT RECOMMENDATION: That City Council review and approve the Fire Department's Semi -Annual Report for January 1 through June 30, 2022. DISCUSSION: Chief Malinowski presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. 12. SUBJECT: BIENNIAL REVIEW OF MOBILEHOME RENT STABILIZATION ORDINANCE AND RESOLUTION (CONTINUED FROM THE 8/8/222 CITY COUNCIL MEETING) RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: Approve first reading, by title only, as read by staff, of Ordinance No. 413, amending Sections 15.20.010, 15.20.020, 15.20.030, 15.20.050, 15.20.060, 15.20.073, 15.20.080, and 15.20.140 of Chapter 15.20 of Title 15 of the Yucaipa Municipal Code ("YMC") Regarding the Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Program and the 2021-2022 Biemiial Review; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 2022-43, amending Resolution No. 2011-52, Sections 2.0001, 2.0003, 2.0004, 2.0005 and 3.0001 of the Administrative Rules for the Implementation of the Yucaipa Mobilehome Rent Stabilization Ordinance. DISCUSSION: Assistant City Manager Crawford presented the Agenda Report. Public Comment Julie Paule, Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association (WMA), stated that although WMA is grateful that the request to revisit the issue that annual adjustments are calculated using 100% of the increase in CPI (increasing with the rate of inflation), the 4% cap precludes park owners from realizing 100% of CPI. Ms. Paule also requested that prior to the next biennial review, staff consider inviting the stakeholders to meet and confer on issues as it seems to be beneficial to the overall process. City Council Minutes Page 6 of 10 https://yucaipa.sliarel)oint.com/sites/gencraismices/shared documents/general services city clerk/@ city clerk fi I cs/minutes K excerptslminutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx 13. 14. Jo Sutt, Yucaipa, suggested some small but significant changes to the format of the biennial review process that includes two controlled, informal pre -meetings, one with the Mobilehome Rent Review Commission (MRRC) and interested parties, and another with the City Council and interested parties. Ms. Sutt also stated that WMA and Manufactured Housing Educational Trust (MHET), are not only representatives for the park owners in Yucaipa but represent similar interests nationwide. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, CARRIED, 4-1 (COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN VOTED NO), TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. SUBJECT: FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDITOR SERVICES SELECTION RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council authorizes the City Manager to enter into a contract for financial statement audit services with Van Lant & Fankhanel, LLP for three fiscal years from Fiscal Year 21-22 through Fiscal Year 23-24 for an amount not -to -exceed 103,550 with two (2) optional one (1) year renewals. The quality of services provided to the City will be reviewed on an annual basis. DISCUSSION: Director of Finance Hamilton presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, CARRIED, 5-0, TO REFER THIS AGENDA ITEM TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO A FUTURE CITY COUNCIL MEETING. SUBJECT: RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO SUBMIT SALC CONSERVATION GRANT REQUEST RECOMMENDATION: That City Council adopt Resolution No. 2022-49, authorizing staff to submit formal applications for the Department of Conservation's Agricultural Conservation Acquisition grant through their Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation SALC) Program as part of the City's implementation of vineyards on private/public properties in the North Bench area. DISCUSSION: Planning Manager/City Planner Matlock presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. City Council Minutes Page 7 of 10 https://yucaipa.sliarepoint.com/siles/gencralservices/shared documents/general services city clerklto city clerk files/minutes & excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx 15. 16. 17 SUBJECT: PURCHASE ORDER CHANGE REQUEST — DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: Formally approve a purchase order change request with Diamond Environmental Services for portable restrooms and fencing for City events in the amount of $19,076.10 to cover the additional cost, for a revised total purchase order in the amount of 30,000.00 for FY21/22; and 2. Formally approve a purchase order in the not to exceed amount of $50,000 for portable restrooms and fencing supplies for City events for FY22/23. DISCUSSION: Director of Community Services Wolfe presented the Agenda Report. ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER DUNCAN, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. SUBJECT: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW AND RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION — COUNTY LINE ROAD MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION REDUCTION REVIEW COMMITTEE (MSRC) GRANT FUNDED PROJECT RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: Find that the construction of street improvements and acquisition of property required to construct the County Line Road Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) Project along County Line Road between 4"' Street and Calimesa Boulevard is Categorically Exempt pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the CEQA guidelines, and direct staff to file a Notice of Exemption; and 2. Authorize staff to proceed with the right-of-way acquisition necessary for the Project; and Authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents to complete the right- of-way acquisition process. DISCUSSION: Director of Development Services/City Engineer Preciado presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. SUBJECT: 2022 AUTUMNFEST RECOMMENDATION: That City Council: City Council Minutes Page 8 of 10 hops://yucaipa.sharel)oint.com/sites/general services/shared documents/general serviccs_city clerk/ n city clerk fil es/minutes R excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.doex 1. Review and approve the 2022 Auturnnfest layout and associated street closures; and 2. Approve the Beer and Wine Garden and associated boundaries. DISCUSSION: Director of Community Services Wolfe presented the Agenda Report. After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, SECOND BY COUNCILMEMBER THORP, CARRIED, 5-0, TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. PUBLIC HEARING 18. SUBJECT: CASE NO. 22-063/GPA: CITY OF YUCAIPA GENERAL PLAN HOUSING ELEMENT UPDATE (CONTINUED FROM THE 81812022 CITY COUNCIL MEETING) RECOMMENDATION: That City Council move to continue the Public Hearing for Case No. 22-063/GPA to the City Council meeting of September 12, 2022. DISCUSSION: Mayor Avila announced the continued Public Hearing Item No. 18. Planning Manager/City Planner Matlock presented the Agenda Report. Public Comment None After Council discussion, the following Motion was made: ACTION: MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BOGH, SECOND BY MAYOR PRO TEM BEAVER, CARRIED 5-0, TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR CASE NO. 22-063/GPA TO THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 2022. STUDY SESSION 19. SUBJECT: ENHANCED INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCE DISTRICT STUDY SESSION RECOMMENDATION: That City Council conduct a Study Session regarding Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts (EIFDs), which will include a presentation from the Kosmont Companies, and provide direction to staff as appropriate. DISCUSSION: Planning Manager/City Planner Matlock presented the Agenda Report. Kosmont Companies Senior Vice President, Joe Dieguez, presented an introduction and background of the EIFDs, which is a tool to provide funding for infrastructure. Mr. Dieguez then presented next steps associated with the EIFD formation. City Council Minutes Page 9 of 10 hltps://yuciipa.sharepoint.com/sitcs/gencralservices/sliared documents/general services city clerk/@ city clerk files/minutes & excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx Kosmont Companies Senior Vice President, Felicia Williams, provided clarification on what tax increment financing (TIF) is, noting that a TIF is not a new tax. Ms. Williams stated that it is a fund created by the incremental property tax from new development that increases the assessed value of a property (resulting in an increase in property tax revenues), which is then used to help pay for public improvements. Kosmont Companies Senior Vice President, Joe Dieguez, provided an overview to explain that public agencies are authorizing EIFDs based on their return on investment and the ability to also attract other funding opportunities from other agencies. After discussion, it was Council consensus to start the process as soon as possible, consider a partnership with the County, and explore other opportunities. ANNOUNCEMENTS Councilmember Duncan announced that he is excited about Autumnfest. Councilmember Bogh stated that there was a great turnout for the State of the City event, the Mayor and City Manager did an incredible job, and Props AV's video was fantastic. City Attorney Snow announced the Closed Session items. CLOSED SESSION Conference with Real Property Negotiator [Govt. Code §54956.8] Property: 12475 5"' Street, APN No. 319-012-20 - City Negotiator: Ray Casey, City Manager - Negotiating Parties: Ruben & Maria Villegas - Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment Public Employee Performance Evaluation [Gov't Code §54957] - City Manager Conference with Labor Negotiator [Govt. Code §54957.6] 1 item — Agency Negotiators: Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem; Unrepresented City Manager ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned. The next regularly s e d meeting will be September 12, 2022, at 6:00 PM. l DAVID AVILA, MAYOR ATTEST: JENNI CRAW ORD CITY CLERK City Council Minutes Page 10 of 10 https://yucaipa.sharepoint.com/siles/gencralservices/shared documents/general services city clerk/« city clerk files/minutes & excerpts/minutes/2022/city council/20220822.docx 3atch 14553646 Confirmation https://gs.secure-recording.com/Batch/Confinnatioii/14553646 Electronically Recorded in Official Records San Bernardino county RECORDING REQUESTED BY Office of the Assessor -Recorder -Clerk City of Yucaipa DOC# 2022-0289760 WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: 08/23/2022 Titles:1 Pages:1 City Clerk 12:55 PM City of Yucaipa SAN Fees 0.00 34272 Yucaipa Blvd. Taxes 0.00 Yucaipa, CA 92399 89246 CA SB2 Fee 0.00 Total 0.00 Recording Fee $0 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Government Code 6103 NOTICE OF COMPLETION Pursuant to the provisions of Section 9204 of the Civil Code of the State of California, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that work on the certain project known as: PROJECT NO. 11125 OAK GLEN ROAD BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS APN 0303-121-04 for the City of Yucaipa was completed and accepted by the City of Yucaipa on the 22"d day of August 2022 The said work was performed by I.E. General Engineering, Inc. of Beaumont, CA in accordance with the terms of the written agreement dated the 131h day of December, 2021. Dated August 22, 2022 CITY OF YUCAIPA, a Municipal Corporation, Owner Yu a Blvd, Yucaipa, CA 92399 Fermin G. Preciado, Director of Development Services/City Engineer A notary public or other officer completing this certificate verifies only the identity of the individual who signed the document, to which this certificate is attached, and not the truthfulness, accuracy, or validity of the document. STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO } Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this 22"d day of August 2022, by Fermin G. Preciado, proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who appeared before me. 2z- ;7 Date Jennifer Crawford, ssistant City Man er i ity Clerk 'k 1 I r of 1 8/23/2022, 1:25 PM