Art3_Yucaipa_FY17_BikePed_OakGlen_8_Rescind RulingUnless you have a concern, I approve proceeding with reimbursing them given they have completed the project and provided the required background. Sent from my iPad On Aug 6, 2024, at 12:10 PM, Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> wrote:  Hi Carrie, Checking back in to see if you’ve had a chance to consider this yet. Thanks, Ginger From: Ginger Koblasz Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2024 2:58 PM To: Carrie Schindler <cschindler@gosbcta.com> Subject: Rescind Appeal: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good afternoon Carrie, The City of Yucaipa submitted an appeal of their Notice to Rescind (attached) a FY17/18 TDA Article 3 award in the amount of $89,728 that they received for the Oak Glen Rd Bike and Pedestrian Facility Project. Please find a copy of their appeal letter attached along with a copy of their request for reimbursement with supporting documentation. I reviewed the invoice and find it to be consistent with the scope of work and TDA Article 3 terms. Please let me know if you have any questions and how I should proceed. Thank you, Ginger From: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 3:56 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> >; Debbie Shortlidge <dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov <mailto:dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> >; Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Ginger, Please see attached revised claim form and associated back-up documentation. Thank you again for all your assistance with this matter. Katrina Kunkel EIT Associate Engineer City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 255 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20255> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yucaipa.org&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtS2tdLQIr_KLNHJx8lMrts3OLs3LTs1RNTGoLE1OzCxI1EvPL1Mrsk3Pzk_KSS yuAkog6y-1zSgpKVA1dlQ1cgOi8vJyPZi-_KJ0APhoKfU%25> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 2:27 PM To: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> >; Debbie Shortlidge <dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov <mailto:dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> >; Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good afternoon Katrina, Ah, I see the confusion now. When projects come in under the expected total, the TDA Article 3 amount is the percent share identified in the grant application. In this case, it was 65%. Thus, the TDA Article 3 amount should be $80,099.29 with a $43,130.39 match. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Ginger From: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 9:34 AM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> >; Debbie Shortlidge <dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov <mailto:dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> >; Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good Morning Ginger, I just want to confirm the reimbursement request costs before I submit a signed claim form. The City will be requesting $89,728 for reimbursement. The cost breakdown is as follows: IE Engineering Construction Contract $ 121,785.00 Bike Rack $ 485.69 Picnic Bench $ 958.99 Staff Time $ - Total Project Cost $ 123,229.68 Article 3 $ 89,728.00 Local Match $ 33,501.68 Please let me know if this is consistent with the guidelines, and it is acceptable to submit a claim form with this information. Thanks so much, Katrina Kunkel EIT Associate Engineer City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 255 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20255> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flinklock.titanhq.com%2fanalyse%3furl%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.yucaipa.org%26data%3deJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtX XLqfANLvXKNk_JNlIrts3OLs3LTs1RNTGoLE1OzCxI1EvPL1Mrsk3Pzk_KSSyuAkog6y-1zSgpKVA1dlQ1cgOi8vJyPZi-_KJ0AA9wKjw%2525&c=E,1,BqRoxnD2z3cK2x4Zy3IxYcfvV820IJQLlJ6BFTriTmKcyTP2ksnp8AP_6PwnEJzJnBYTTea9rl9-KXWqc1 kr-IDCd_AQP1ZVWn_cQ0TW8bqn69J9z9kE&typo=1> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2024 9:03 AM To: Debbie Shortlidge <dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov <mailto:dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov> >; Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> >; Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Importance: High Hi Debbie and Katrina, You are quickly coming up on the 30-days post notification that this funding will be rescinded unless successfully appealed was issued. We really want Yucaipa to receive TDA Article 3 funding for this project but cannot release the funding until we receive an invoice that is consistent with the guidelines (i.e. is signed, add-ups, and does not include staff time). As we are unable to continue to allow these funds to sit indefinitely, and are already well beyond the award deadline, Carrie is highly unlikely to grant your appeal unless we receive a valid invoice within the 30-day deadline. As there have already been a couple of unsuccessful attempts (though two were the same), I encourage the City to submit a correct invoice by Friday (7/26) so there is time if additional corrections are needed. Respectfully, Ginger From: Ginger Koblasz Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 9:08 AM To: Debbie Shortlidge <dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov <mailto:dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> >; Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> >; Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Hi Debbie, Katrina was going to remove staff time from the invoice since it does not qualify for reimbursement. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Ginger From: Debbie Shortlidge <dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov <mailto:dshortlidge@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Monday, July 15, 2024 4:41 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> >; Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> >; Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: FW: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good afternoon Ginger, Attached is the revised claim form that I am submitting on behalf of Katrina. Thank you. Debbie Shortlidge Senior Administrative Assistant City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 254 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20254> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flinklock.titanhq.com%2fanalyse%3furl%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.yucaipa.org%26data%3deJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtc 1wrDD2qSj39SuLMlArtk0pzsgvKsnJTElPVTUxqCxNTswsSNRLzy9TK7JNz85PykksrgJKIJtRaptRUlKgauyoauQGROXl5XowfflF6QDM5Cve&c=E,1,AH7yNTi7ivqDkQY2Ng9qnGzBA1hwJa9IevizM4frfdnXYzomXskl5b5JOh6t_47H4_I0v_pYdi9LmrHtEf IsKEF60_lqILQjb9TK_7kxIFHOJQcfFg,,&typo=1> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Thursday, July 11, 2024 5:10 PM To: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Katrina, Via email is fine. I already let Carrie know we were working on this and will forward it to her along with your updated invoice when we receive it. Best, Ginger From: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 4:54 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Ginger, I am working on getting you the signed revised claim form. In the meantime, I have attached the City’s request to appeal the grant rescission. Should this be mailed to Ms. Schindler, or is an email acceptable? Thanks for all your assistance with this. Katrina Kunkel EIT Associate Engineer City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 255 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20255> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flinklock.titanhq.com%2fanalyse%3furl%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.yucaipa.org%26data%3deJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtf WIKrMIi_fxC0iqClArts3OLs3LTs1RNTGoLE1OzCxI1EvPL1Mrsk3Pzk_KSSyuAkog6y-1zSgpKVA1dlQ1cgOi8vJyPZi-_KJ0AAg0Kis%2525&c=E,1,fNU5vujhiYuiSPrdskeb5GY9wPyCWuBUttvql5iEC0YxH5hmSgHZKbbnip25XNIGDrV38mk-vSRGPMj0Vo NsGXeYyxDtPN_qDx1th5lREi_6sOsxzao,&typo=1> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 9:06 AM To: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Yes, please revise the claim form. Thank you, Ginger From: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2024 8:43 AM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good Morning Ginger, Thank you for the clarification. The staff time included in the claim form was all project management. Please let me know if you would like me to submit a revised claim form with the staff time eliminated from the total. Katrina Kunkel EIT Associate Engineer City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 255 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20255> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flinklock.titanhq.com%2fanalyse%3furl%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.yucaipa.org%26data%3deJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtc 3zL4tMDws1LS6wTFMrts3OLs3LTs1RNTGoLE1OzCxI1EvPL1Mrsk3Pzk_KSSyuAkog6y-1zSgpKVA1dlQ1cgOi8vJyPZi-_KJ0AB0YKmU%2525&c=E,1,w1cqwyN5J0knta2EmyvWW2dEOW2hmz3xLcmfbJghf2lTEWgrFW4ZdoutRxA9twK_BoGz5X8A0KUkI8GAK0 UQ2oq2GMmb3wf2WXYYjvrd3N2fJ4VWtyOGR_g,&typo=1> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Tuesday, July 9, 2024 5:16 PM To: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Hi Katrina, Can you please provide a description of the work performed by staff that has been included in the invoice? Staff time only qualifies for TDA Article 3 funding and/or as a match if it was for work conducted under the eligible expenditure list (not for project management or oversight): From the FY17/18 Guidelines, eligible expenditures include: 1. Preliminary engineering leading to construction of pedestrian or bicycle facilities 2. Right-of-way acquisition necessary for pedestrian or bicycle facilities 3. Construction or reconstruction of Class I, II and III bicycle facilities and/or cycle tracks and sidewalks 4. Provision of curbs, gutters, and driveway ramp paving on a sidewalk project 5. Purchase and installation of bicycle lockers and/or racks at major employment centers, park-and-ride lots and transit terminals 6. Maintenance of existing Class I facilities (no more than 10% of the available funds for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Call for Projects can be allocated to maintenance of existing facilities) Thanks, Ginger From: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Monday, July 8, 2024 1:49 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Hi Ginger, Thank you for the guidance. I have attached a signed claim form with the revised amounts. As the project came under budget, we did not expend the full amount. Please let me know if I need to revise the claim form to reflect any additional changes. Thank you, Katrina Kunkel EIT Associate Engineer City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 255 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20255> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2flinklock.titanhq.com%2fanalyse%3furl%3dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.yucaipa.org%26data%3deJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtX XKcnesdM2JN80r9lIrts3OLs3LTs1RNTGoLE1OzCxI1EvPL1Mrsk3Pzk_KSSyuAkog6y-1zSgpKVA1dlQ1cgOi8vJyPZi-_KJ0AAjSKi0%2525&c=E,1,yR3xRrZKxPCmSEnU7DECGBDMEG-K1_KHxHMIpxEr3mS_mn1VOqjXemDhp1AtPjLElSacyEhop86AmJOJJu IGb8I0LyNjwywicmonE1PAfo8UaAXdrw,,&typo=1> From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Thursday, July 4, 2024 2:49 PM To: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: RE: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Hi Katrina, I’m happy to file this so Carrie can reference it when considering your appeal. However, I’m only seeing proof of payment totaling $119,902.53 ($18,93150 and $100,971.03) and the Reimbursement Request form needs to be signed and dated by the City Manager or his/her designee. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards, Ginger From: Katrina Kunkel <kkunkel@yucaipa.gov <mailto:kkunkel@yucaipa.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:44 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Todd Gutjahr <tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov <mailto:tgutjahr@yucaipa.gov> >; Fermin Preciado, P.E. <fpreciado@yucaipa.gov <mailto:fpreciado@yucaipa.gov> > Subject: FW: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good afternoon Ginger, We received a notice that our funding will be rescinded due to non-submittal of our invoice. I wanted to apologize for the delay in the submittal. We are currently working on the appeal letter for rescinding the funds, but in the meantime, I have attached the claim information with associated payment back-up information. Please let me know if you would like to discuss. Again, my apologies for the extra work. Katrina Kunkel EIT Associate Engineer City of Yucaipa City Hall • 34272 Yucaipa Blvd • Yucaipa, CA 92399 Office: 909-797-2489 Ext. 255 <tel:909-797-2489%20Ext.%20255> www.yucaipa.gov <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.yucaipa.org&c=E,1,lA2hyAsCa7GCg0dnyNJqIzfYfZU8k4V7LC_OkTEr0JvssRAn6J-Xb6yrHGfJlZrO-511HVwi-zl4QONWuJp2cSlz5w1KMNB26I3Zmg1_e_I- 7L0IQTCs-g,,&typo=1> From: Katrina Kunkel Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 10:55 AM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Subject: TDA Project #L18-0702-0752-00 Good Morning Ginger, I wanted to touch bases with you regarding the TDA grant for our Oak Glen Road Parking Lot Improvements. I apologize for really dropping the ball on the reporting for this project. Construction of the grading, pavement, concrete and striping work was completed and accepted by our City Council in August of 2022. The bicycle and pedestrian amenities, including picnic benches, bike racks, and informational kiosk were completed in early 2023. I have started the claim form process, but want to make sure that I am providing all of the necessary back-up information. Please see the attached claim form, photos of the completed project, invoices for the ped/bike amenities, NOC for construction, and expenditure report for staff time. Would you be open to a phone call some time today or tomorrow to discuss this project and the reimbursement process? Thanks so much, The information in this e-mail and any attachments are for the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain privileged and confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, disclosure, copying or distribution of this message or attachment is strictly prohibited. If you believe that you have received this e-mail in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the e-mail and all of its attachments. 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ꗳ㷘᭍꤇�伽䧧窰㚚匏셆槪넼쟲鯷ꗳ㷘᭍꤇患㓵Ṭ鞦鴿섦棪㷘᭍꤇�䴽ܛꎩ水ꘞ莍폔�䴽阧밿鷟섮棪㷘㭍菝퇔迥칿莍퇔迥칿莍퇔窰㚚匏셆棪㷘᭍꤇患㓵Ṭ趦풃냑驺༶䙓�䴽阧밿鷟阯]㨀넼璘냑驺༶䙓뿇䛧뿇䟧㶖ÿ㰺퇹迥칿莍퇔迥칿ⲏﹻ祴�ꏳịÿẝ쟲陇]㨀넼璘羏迎第瓾捹쮣>鴀堞ﳷ뿇䟧㶖ÿ㰺퇹迥칿ⲏﹻ祴�ꏳ쮣>鴀堞ﳷ뿇䟧㶖ÿ㰺퇹迥칿ⲏﹻ祴�ꏳịÿẝ쟲陇]㨀넼璘羏迎第瓾捹 쮣>鴀堞ﳷ뿇䟧㶖ÿ㰺퇹迥칿ⲏﹻ祴�ꏳịÿẝ쟲陇]㨀넼璘羏迎第瓾捹쮣>鴀ܛấ쟲陇]㨀넼璘羏跎튃莍跒튃莍跒튃莍迒第瓾捹쮣>鴀堞ﳷ뿇䟧㶖ÿ㰺퇹窰羏跎튃莍迒第瓾Ṭ禔�ꏳ患ꏴ患ꟴ剠ᑭᒸ䖛䔛Ԯ턦텆羏跎튃梗梣梣ꏴꍨꍨ梣梣ꏴꍨꍨꍨꍨꍨꕨꏀ錂ꕨꏀ谂《쀨ʣઌ⠰꓀⣚⣚⣚㷚텆䛩䯑ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑 儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᑅ䕑儔ᕅ�攊摮瑳敲浡攊摮 扯੪㤱′‰扯㱪⼼祔数伯橢瑓⽭⁎㔹䘯物瑳㠠㈲䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥敌杮桴㔠㔶㸶ਾ瑳敲浡砊奜᭗늻⯾犽渟郲훮ᬬ总㇦撐쇥ෘ쓸᳘ᤏ꿮喿媚Ș쀦祚��꾥⒪䪕ꥒ溥閚켙쪌饘쉑䘳ꨲ賋貱ꀚ외쬉처Ը锖⸉昳Ⅎꩁ꓌㱀詓鸁ɩ≬䫓쁤떥룉賊䰆葧㷀瀷攵栦ꡆ饤灠ꡕ⌴酌行ࢌ䀦尻캕⡋搗⑆駧ᤤ䱑ቧ䷤㉉爉팆�饨镉닑縄圃봨⫂㼁ꚨ㾘匔偩¢勂㿢찃䨊䉛₹䵋쪠罐셍騤驤ﰑ榓䉞Í僢ഉ⒐慐韠萔褱ᦖ킨頚䀍䔅꠰裗郌嫒䃙㍁䟼�硠슆蔍闪ⴠ軀嶖䅂⥈蹁੢ᨊ ㇤㆙᱐䔂䘳熡惢桎倬䩆㠴ꇞ冩�ᩢ䕤吩騟䰁ᩞ࡬悐㘝肃◖鐔ቃꗼꟈ襅꠳封︄夅蒮㥆㉨丁偀桞쇤胲䂙प趘羀䤐ꚱỐ镄�蒁蚂움裏딮繭掸㭀ᵘ琐촇忁㨈ꆂ➘ᅸ㤴᫖膜ᒖ郳�兄鎸�鼡颔뀩ij恼䩃먩�劁ກ騈픨㔐⍘䭨嘊�럛�즪쇮盎큶軫ᕞ錫㮪谛굇곮�ͺ舅ⷦ꧑✤䮯뿽便꾿궊ア̚恥䄻奒瞆ワ쎃垟녕㷛ꚯ웅㾠೽ⶆ綳嫬Ÿ먅붆笨몁ס훼둞肽紅긌詟㑼ሃ佴笪ᕧ黟眩駺铋咱묅녳竛瑟䄮쫁欗윥곁抚먏쾏䩈姬襥䛚怳暚훔�ꚯ 泥垤鵍箕픇蜌营癎nf⹴塡⺢矛イⅆ冔Ⅹ꿴섋ᑯ暂㱌Ⴈ雼쀲뀈ࡠ뵾㠌拈챂�켟菀랰皸랻㪊潕嵾畅誣挤훺☪屢ნ릃ހ�䬼弸⫥⥵ꝺ㕋㗯庤⦬㑛뺤郇눵䑠ꨊ韩뮘뵵⌤썱쌁섋콹◖쮘練鴮褯ܝ켠ↂ宯큝嘛즇�㪰꒖頸캟삐刔무쫓꼦썕핯크᛫凭�谟诎쇣ㆨບﴂ㛐瓌ඡ碄㚦쾐ۖ댐뾔ͨꍳ‍텰祷Ⓘۗ쟢㲹裊�셤鋜贾薹溼횜띖孛ᯊ㛖蔐냞ﭶ泇õ奫뫴ڕ槼ᕮ泡㕰識㘻ꦖ쮍ᭅﮛ柆ş滅꾎㶠摎柙볥蔃쮠�ﳠࡢ�ꜫㆾ贚앧ථ偆ﯕឌ鼫㠡냉�编础ׁ 밡ศ繟㫽紟蚭Ⴈ⥳랶湞鶬橼ึ伎㩖췍蠝繘겭ற�꓎ꌟ붊띹㮿耞㺙锛葃㧉㗉Į켄萵ㄹ쏁IJ⤝깩✜烃놎捜ᝄȒ찎媐黃㳦ꦇ䨠餋ⱃ輄笈琚㪳䘫᳋嬂䭖�흱ꁰ乍볫䥹ዳ잢鵄᷃൷娇鍝㉦Ⱇ䐱㷀葷촽婩깯침툓麣菗튁鵩ᔅ갹䱬䪢甧憮䍇≃씏蓶ƶ⢋䪃艽覇䯆ڍ慄腃善굁㮞軂�휿홵鮔ꓜݙ珜�싓퍙㌳玡﬈椓㮏᫮듶㤤䮯䯎鞝쭒鵚᷇൷驻㒰칯ไ㛋❕�䝳퀸䫗쇎甥Ⲫ眭ᴀᯥﰃꈎ䨊ᧀ㞡�첁톀ൔᨆ᜼셅�⣰퇪ᯀ䃐떖抬ॹ䑓ᴠ堘ᠽ㝉㡊ٖ풆㪹푆䛓앣ᕡ ㎙作Ⲗ਷�ꥡੳ겵郡葀ڵ印륜灊걵ꞑ⨽깹艈婺咐ሖ踅脰ꣶ跧ꁨᖁ눖魠嬤㨇ᫎ됌嬝⢂⤣㇥䂱欉콅憩퍄핒ᱺ秪ᨣ镨˦ꐞ⬒퐅䛳퇔䲬쒭簗Ꮼ㋨劵ڍᙨ셸㣟踾몈⍹槪模骐�躃ڳ䴽참儕䨝�Ʈ복഑肴㒱싲М骮狨梍ᖠ饌힑峈握ꢒꇋ㞞�袟㽯⸆辊䩪죈쥖砧ぜ໬ᰵ襺虧᢬ꕍ⎹槬欤齴惠ᯏ䃑鱫⏣隯말剕輔笈磚眏ᓌ䟜⭝잷眝܍ᣬ馥ጆ툥ᇜ듶⾋㌢銴⚸燭᷏佡穫漭㓨샂㸚砦珜�뇑㣗٦ጃ哼콱愝୏媖ᴍᥐ㶥룮�铓კ䠨ꁣ鵉燠᷏䃡ᶃ쵤 熬䳺▜黠숻ᝓ糎윌蟅↥쏁䤰䟙ᆐऎ㑾渇྆愗≆詑铳梈ത걄ទ⫢ꤩ瑈㡙䜰☸歈샸끭驤逸Ḝ⏘Ꮾ숰직돓⮣䵊鵔Ề郱締뀱ぃ䗌艹܀î�뇘瀣�䥍뮚χ쑻艣毊ٱ伱砩뮒㶃൳Ӈ墑솞䚜挴㪉墑蚾艽ॷ溺夘ゖ�퍑砧簌Ẇ佑轻㠠꘸扲ꢘ㰓伽你㝋٦ꡦ撥핒ḉ�죿熋ኗ䞸萓歸폔ﳐ鵥砸렎軧Ʞ襅肫賈ꖁጬ轩܈�῞඘仌ꡆ鵄㷃葷ᴝⷆ쳏ै髑ꮪ瀝᷏䃡쓳ᡦ쉫ᆼ堗齦ꈡ위躇ݫ鹜堉ࣺ❮ᱟ鍂躇콯뎪늳ఔꉾ㤬䃴藞�ᩣ䬯㐆哮瀏柸魱핞雩琗駯 ⮧⿇굨椋ᇤ팔䥨ꉸ蒋롴漢韏㓲௡顲籦︾绊虐뻤Ȿ꼩囹溭�磃욽᯳菏緩❯㹟紡ﴞﲺ虖꽝⩳�嘞ϋ吮⃿女娺∝荩림㽯軛溦킧飦㔮胼㶺熥㊴ᩉ⫈⯐幁Ṻꯙ慵끹ꅼ飌ῃ䇈욳吼퟈鏻﫴띑韍㊺穡冔ಾ鶈젮鷵Ȿ춏뮋銲甦褱⬟埏륹澐匁뺾⾞髲༚莺艽氝擹돭鹖學꿶鯗櫶�┶蝞魾냽浝鎹ᐾⅬ㺓̤퉟沇頝辳枵椯鏫淸ꮰƵ�퓋퇼븖鑝寏⽉꿟曋姥㾭쫰㕡㬏妽�㳙쥯囷鏟㭉洦粯쨾Ⳝ㋯ꉭ꣮⿋쇫ሡ枽鶵둑⯎辺뫛햞铭뼍벪₎዇ꖻ絾㽗 禳箾⏬뉯枰螈阦囜�쐞䟯߻苸飛ﺖ뛪趴뛟溦�竭띫ꡛዴ�姡⺻㹯읫킭ﯞ�䲙箥༟﷞횼୦�選륥੭쭽〶듍ɼ㷓⛟캝ﴴ퍝�伍띍ᑰⶻ�孅蜴㙺ꡳ譌᳄鮚ᣧ襠�됓纮쳈�嵭炵耬었嗖癋㰌疲盃퉸粪枙ḳ皬揥鞌の薓쿁喞陻䆾柊࠳賏붹묹ⴛ辌풌됓ℰ囏㰣⟸櫮ᯣ짧㓜们摑繾杵蓅醟뗵㧃㲌�軪搏츖푧ಅ舡펟⽮�齕ﺓ،蝱䤁긗缘﹕꿊푯慣倳뢼巫폯�꥙ോ貼瞗폭龿镔誵⡽ཱྀ⥠n錓䴋爡਒ꜷ옡∑驧⥽赚増㋑鲛ྰ쎶�ꊫೲᅩ謦耧뤀ﶚ 鬫嬨�ަꮆF⻊鎻쇳෨硃ᠸ꽕⨯⬼蛰岰婣㱯伜ﳞ楏诿֧镂䥸镢埶빞쮏骭셌＀₼凉��躞㿻3퍆㼷뫎볿颸껍ᓞ�ꁳ볤ꨮ滋绫홷䀭碲Ƒ꛹糧쿾Ⰻ煿묱㨜놬率๪헧합ҽ�뺯ꇍ䒐긻嗩ﯕק⧍⚔캛๾酁켵孓藧વ松纶ᣄﱓ▰⫶來碿ỗ⛍댿擕근뒺ꂏꮊ潷㐋믩녗븃즼꫷Ṩﮀ朞㢤タ�윶纓脵瘏ᕇ᤼ﵩ睨櫃蟶ﺏ늲闎㞜�⏵奼댼츓떟朆ᕧ姴⌘匾鱞꩎硯枎Ḳ봕꓁뼷ᬼ㽖㺊㇌㐽煁ἱ瞝懋㹷옫颵ꊠ惙꿘昲ハ쟎檳䤊ૃ숦 糢﷒蜢�캯펊烹쵘纊ﳷ骼䯸瓿员櫠頺픖뽥봻ꨨ붑䆜ಓ앆ꓙ쏛属쾜䌇纫鵘櫍扪퐏๜煩䵕ᝦ泥㮴믪胢叺儰갤⁨꒜⓴꫑䦳ྷ抽뗲ᬸ륀춊ჩ롋⻓鰎㻉߶䱠쎬霧蘀嘛ᢠ혺ձ쬽B⻧⣁吝豤ꋏ�艼ࠓ촉︱赚뭎�⮀꟪‫쿸ՙ蚕肞ᷛ烅๼㾍퇄栰咞菧吩霗黝吭๵嬣㕱侜붝�폇ᠹねᒞள⋀柍煕윹䶅믫ž竚렰蜏˝⁼䏲⹹펻糞୨㖤ツ瞝‧랁�駡쇋靚ഖ⓫썅훥᱈憯ꫝ쑨㞪뎬�䫅뻈蓭仛鶸뜈咣ᱴ❏鹄��㣭᷶뻇낓磯⢆륏㬕膮鲏釨㴓䑊ꊏ䟌ḇ豞 헎ዤ㡴먭뙎≮痛盙誣㖮ᝃ檺䌰蓥✫╜嗂᪔鸸␙茼又ᦁ⹆놻ὣ쉱儌㾪㛸Ӏ葧Ꮉ㮜私㠢኏ᴿ댸鈙蒿有⩹勔ﲳ쌝ῳ넰☳輗ሁ迢諭ꔀ뤤Ԩ縞猨മ뢅䈄⌕�ꗎ挒頯噗踷辎趚寇蜇뭻羻蔃ࣧᨔ‰蝶茬ᬨƬ騞캽읶姓焆瓂餶᧛戀凉䥗놏﬑�벥瞪∴봙뮫巈轹맓⑵᎖ࣽ犥㍱⮓뜗肈놫柖鏗ಠ譛듽욎彽漬诩䎝ٟ㢫׶홚厑捻棫ﶷ뭾羵뾴嫛ꑯ勞槜傕�헱ૼ洵㗮鶚훃捨磿뎣�䬭詖澉肔㒉㦓ၸ팞⯇冾屆ꆊ鏋ἶ죜騥ꨏ횶��潝蹵ᨏ笫✧䘷 쨜䵫䘋孏됱宯엱郦蛗鸦ᡋ悚⯽앲谄詌ੁ߇ર南ꁟ炫쎨㽚֬疝畮䞅㴬ᥙ麗嗾숯꯼챛䄯夙쥮忩姰㉲䬁晎๘苮यዦ菏裃牎⩒䆕걇䔹﹩㦮熟Īﻏ뙞鼲暜⬐ꭦະ蓁韻䮡⺉㊵뇐뎳늵纹懲熽뾲놿秚䒵滀Ể䷒즴茵챾饉娋㓂㊨߷⁆迥⟨᤼p鏶㘧婐澾惜깟㾺혴⯚췭뗍鯷笧궝웦ᆽ䋙롧∯﮻ꉵ∴ఓ廼໠갛ꐀ˒౦⮝➃㒬鬞焧齯ᇞ熐Ἢ逑失﷨컖固폳쫮짚ඩ필ఃᩔ掊ॅ呷쏠ज़⩉멓꧌緝۱걆ᡇ➈떸�Ṩ휷式⨽঺̯瑃忣❝䟜�倿⽷��ힸ靡 똝ጅᤏᦶ⤸๾⼥蜪강迀䍜*蘣Ⅽ�ﭡ圹귊癆�쎻뢯ᶰ睕謭杯橞裉톴ᵬ沬�퓼壞寙䮉Ꞔ௬㶔툤猯葭፽阍ђ芺跎Ω좠톟鈕ͧ뭿珂い꫟㣠仦蚺뮮뭆鈴꓾붱ꍸﻵ棾ꅦ�夳늫쁼ⵤ넍㷯毢傂腈쓯荰ᛟ릢象򁡚嬻숋ㄟ譛뙤Ṯ꾬᬴᭫辝Ὓ㹷㸴넽蒅䬰࡛䨦疅斧誇蛐垹഼ꫨ␭뗮紐Ꮜ鄸쑄❫﬛컭쟑ྒྷ᯻趭閕엇༓켐罈冮룺渚赳폮㏇揮쬇㺒ᥨ獊娈෰岇ղ⁍襸짯쟡犲⤎왿吲뾲ч疞ἐ䛴広곖뵆律�윉썒䲳鼆﷕컎컞﫞헇췍횵鄲쏋庼ވ沰⿂灌ካ ꂰ㩢䩧꼡缰힆欧뾵~廴䆏쓹䟷뜬⻳Ꮧ잒鮐ꬻ₟楐澯뚶㻶㯟⼍荴˻丕�奉㤹㫘氺驵귍侵鮇垾ߒꓬ쓮蜚䄣쉮킧襻መ昙箄꧖댴』朤좥೰껠鏝㊧䢕휺ᅽ琋쨘즙첨ఉⵡẄⷸﰌ觰ᾨꥑ뻲䖈嬦༏墏ꦤ獨붨퉱椹婽彝緝쑜趣鳮ﶼꇮ請黳쥪责䇪ᶇ└ᤏ疻ᒮ百ఒ욢蹏嫦餲毡쳗᧼享ꇟ᧻镫短彻Ὧ⎭풼관᎒䞌魫㭫跫ⰶখṕࣟ㧐㦑㱰옜桕糧吷乹캌鏆�뙡ᠱ뽏뷚菑溋쪿骹ꓹ붺ⰷ방彜畑�㓫ᬻ�쫺﫺웪뷪賁큺ẩ뙃恈쀎 ๏틧䙰ꧬ옃뒠ꭌ稜覑됳瞾嚆㇤됳晊캕캇횇蟮࿕➭邶쮢닯�⨩�礨怮넴ꗏ⸔屾昐驒濟잡덬噩ꡛ綹�齭㞴殚菭徍�鿘ਨ治ࡔ苺싡⢫ត铅꾅뻭쩽夯봒黰㻹䦷ꅉ←呜㓡ᅭ崃薴੘湥獤牴慥੭湥潤橢ㄊㄹ〠漠橢㰼刯潯⁴‱‰⽒湉潦㈠〠删䤯孄㤼昲敥愷㐸敥收㕥㈸㉦㜹摡㠹ㄵ㔰㈲㹡昼㔸愶㤹㈹㘹愳ㄷㅣ㐷㜸㤶㠱㠰㠹搱㹢⽝楓敺ㄠ㌹启灹⽥剘晥䤯摮硥せㄠ㌹⽝字‱″崲䘯汩整⽲汆瑡䑥捥摯⽥敄潣敤慐浲㱳⼼牐摥捩潴⁲㈱䌯汯浵獮㘠㸾䰯湥瑧⁨ 㠵㸰ਾ瑳敲浡砊綜䮔፨ᑑ쾆亙蟒譃뛖ᨾㄝ⬒鐴訊䵠�䑌뀛锨騊ꋪⶨ⑆넁뭆꫔渨眄Ⴞ깷汼圄ꔁꬋꡝ欛싫㱮�灤￰矿짎鷍蠌ࠚ胐؈珀䠲ƥ馄㐃桜ा䔮蠠궥㒲졍㲲誥䬩ꝣ쬬ꦮꨲ網뒲젌錂ꔱ售ᆨ셯ᖋପ੠ቅ氱톩㑋Ꙃ�鵘チ짤顐㙹浍䵖�欌⻡㖛덥²罖࣍㐢켺剏堷ꏗ専椴썳¬됷鉤갂澉蛧æ龻게៾閫ꑥצּ矉䙥籶㜭ǘ辳褙똂ꛍ굙⌫뮦♡㌇賊뻩轢˟箬郶�㘂䵴慽ᶤ秐꾠긪朑㵡ᶛ浺壟䨉퐆ᝎ�성⛈葺떶�醬溺沧८犘탪䙕ﺺ쎚泵䠦縝蔩裡 鱳ﴥ웃ཕ໴퍹鿽鏶�朘ꐽ�䪲늑꧎蟿㝖๧慠৕ᙏ磮姁뿚ᇆ盎몑駹滕띒풦甔㞢鳕˵ᡞ硏薳鲭籥ꂿ챛쪑ö䜖㍮ꟙ䒿튰⌰䠊哆⏖ꤟ蝹Ƴ凿輮㽬펩嘑䠇廥쮫厑헰츷Ȏ䥞ཬ鈕焒ま꠲�ꁩ㊫ࡱ慦컾⒈猇躝ઊ湥獤牴慥੭湥潤橢猊慴瑲牸晥ㄊ㈱㔲㈶ਹ┥佅੆