Art3_Yucaipa_FY17_BikePed_OakGlen_7_Rescind Appeal CITY OF July 9,2024 /1 Q 0 y Carrie Schindler,SBTCA Deputy Executive Director 1170 W. V Street,2ntl Floor San Bernardino, CA 9 241 0-1 71 5 Re: Request to Appeal Transportation Development Act(TDA)Article 3 Award Recission— FY2017/2018 Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Dear Ms.Schindler, This letter serves as a request to respectfully appeal the award rescission for the City of Yucaipa's TDA Article 3 fiscal year 2017/2018 award in the amount of$89,728 for the Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Project. Construction of the major components for the Oak Glen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Project were completed and accepted by the Yucaipa City Council in August 2022. These components included grading, paving and striping of parking area,construction of ADA connections to sidewalks, construction of curb and gutter and minordrainage improvements.The final components of the grant eligible items, including the installation of covered rest areas and bike racks, were installed in June 2023. With the start of the new fiscal year in July of 2023, the City of Yucaipa's finance department underwent a new enterprise software transition. This transition required the transfer of all existing agreements, purchase orders, invoices, and other various financial statement information from the previous system to a new system(Tyler-MUNIS).The transfer of data resulted in a significant backlog and many of the existing contracts and related documents were in a hold position untilthe data could be transferred and verified for accuracy.The backlog inhibited the City's ability to process invoices and reimbursement requests in a timely manner. While the data transfer was underway, staff submitted a draft grant reimbursement claim to SBTCA in January of 2024, which did not include the financial back-up documentation. The back-up documentation could not be generated while the transfer of data was occurringwith the new system, but City staff wanted to make progress with the grant reimbursement process.At that time,the City was informed by SBTCA staff that the claim package was acceptable but could not be processed by SBCTA without the financial back-up documentation. In March of 2024, City staff also discovered the retention payment to the contractor, IE Engineering, had not been processed due to the transition to the new system. As a result, the City would not be able to submit a grant reimbursement claim for the total amount of the construction contract. This payment has since been processed. Since receiving the letter from SBTCA regarding recission of the grant award,City staff has submitted a complete claim form with financial back-up documentation to SBCTA, including a request for the full construction contract amount. We hope you find the explanation for our delay in completing and submitting an invoice reasonable, and respectfully request to appeal recission of the grant funding. ZL Fermin G. Preciado, P.E. Director of Development Services/City Engineer