Art3_County_FY21_Transit_3rdSt_ResoItem 53 Page 1 of 3 April 18, 2022 RREPORT/RECOMMENDATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY AND RECORD OF ACTION April 26, 2022 FROM BRENDON BIGGS, Director, Department of Public Works – Transportation SUBJECT ..Title Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Claim and Request for Reimbursement of Transportation Development Act Article 3 Grant Award Funds for Pedestrian Improvements, Bloomington and San Bernardino Area ..End RECOMMENDATION(S) ..Recommendation 1. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to certify completion of the pedestrian improvements around Mary B. Lewis and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools in the Bloomington area. 2. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to certify completion of the westbound bus stop improvements at 3rd Street and Pedley Road, once complete, in the San Bernardino area. 3. Adopt a Resolution No. 2022-64 authorizing submittal of a claim to the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority for pedestrian improvements around Mary B. Lewis and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools in the Bloomington area and westbound bus stop improvements at 3rd Street and Pedley Road in the San Bernardino area, for up to $85,500 and $69,300, respectively, in Transportation Development Act Article 3 funds. (Presenter: Brendon Biggs, Director, 387-7906) ..Body COUNTY AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER GOALS & OBJECTIVES Ensure Development of a Well-Planned, Balanced, and Sustainable County. Operate in a Fiscally-Responsible and Business-Like Manner. Pursue County Goals and Objectives by Working with Other Agencies and Stakeholders. FINANCIAL IMPACT Approval of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The total estimated cost to construct pedestrian improvements around Mary B. Lewis and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools in the Bloomington area (Project 1) is $171,000 and will be funded with San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) approved Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds ($85,500) and $85,500 in Department Gas Tax revenues. The total estimated cost to construct westbound bus stop improvements at 3rd Street and Pedley Road in the San Bernardino area (Project 2) is $77,000, which will be funded with SBCTA approved TDA Article 3 funds ($69,300) and an Omnitrans in-kind contribution of $7,700 consisting of the installation of a bus shelter. Sufficient appropriation and revenue are included in the Department of Public Works (Department) 2021-22 Road Operations budget (6650002000 27H15186 and 6650002000 34H15068). Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Claim and Request for Reimbursement of Transportation Development Act Article 3 Grant Award Funds for Pedestrian Improvements, Bloomington and San Bernardino Area April 26, 2022 Item 53 Page 2 of 3 BACKGROUND INFORMATION On November 3, 2021 the SBCTA Board of Governors awarded TDA Article 3 funds for Bicycle and Pedestrians Improvement projects countywide in the amount of $3,119,595 as well as $775,323 for Transit Stop Access Improvement projects. The Department was successful in securing grant funds from both sources of TDA Article 3 funds. Project 1 was recently completed providing pedestrian improvements to enhance access to both Mary B. Lewis and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools. Improvements include installation of ladder style crosswalks, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, school crossing signage, speed feedback signs and red curb painting. Project 2 will replace the current boarding area with a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant boarding area, construction of an improved level concrete surface, repairs to the sidewalk connecting to the bus stop at the southeast intersection of 3 rd Street and Pedley Road, and an ADA compliant curb ramp at the northwest corner of the intersection. The Board of Supervisors (Board) approved acceptance of grant funds for Project 1 and Project 2 on December 7, 2021 (Item No. 43). Additionally, the Board authorized the Director of the Department to certify completion of each project as well as submit claim forms for reimbursement of TDA Article 3 funds. However, the TDA Article 3 program guidelines also require adoption of a resolution to authorize the Director of the Department to certify project completion and submit claim forms for TDA Article 3 funds. The Department requests adoption of the resolution to comply with the program guidelines. As each project is completed, the Director of the Department will certify the project’s completion and the Department will submit a claim to SBCTA for TDA Article 3 funds. Project 1 was recently completed and Project 2 is anticipated to be completed in 2023; however, the Department intends to complete Project 2 as soon as possible. Both projects ensure the development of a well-planned, balanced and sustainable County by improving pedestrian access near and around schools and improving the transit stop at 3rd Street and Pedley Road. By submitting the claim forms, this item allows the County to meet its goals and objectives by working cooperatively with the other agencies and to operate in a fiscally-responsible and business-like manner. PROCUREMENT Not applicable. REVIEW BY OTHERS This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Aaron Gest, Deputy County Counsel, 387- 5455) on March 22, 2022; Finance (Carl Lofton, Administrative Analyst, 387-5404) on April 7, 2022; and County Finance and Administration (Paloma Hernandez-Barker, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on April 12, 2022. Resolution Authorizing Submittal of a Claim and Request for Reimbursement of Transportation Development Act Article 3 Grant Award Funds for Pedestrian Improvements, Bloomington and San Bernardino Area April 26, 2022 Item 53 Page 3 of 3 Record of Action of the Board of Supervisors San Bernardino County APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR) Moved: Joe Baca, Jr. Seconded: Dawn Rowe Ayes: Col. Paul Cook (Ret.), Janice Rutherford, Dawn Rowe, Curt Hagman, Joe Baca, Jr. Lynna Monell, CLERK OF THE BOARD BY _________________________________ DATED: April 26, 2022 cc: W/RESOLUTION File- Transportation w/maps LA 04/27/2022