Art3_County_FY00_BikePed_SantaAnaRiverTrail_Com re Proj Extents_240118Hi Beahta, We have a clause in the TDA Article 3 guidelines that allows us to defer to whatever has been approved by the CTC and, since they granted a Cycle 5 ATP award for SART Phase III with those extents, I’m going to interpret our guidelines as allowing us to defer to those extents for Phase III without having to take it to Board for a scope change approvalJ Regards, Ginger From: Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2023 7:02 AM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> Cc: Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov>; Silao, Andy <asilao@dpw.sbcounty.gov>; Canedo, Jose <Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty.gov>; Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com>; Leja, Trevor <Trevor.Leja@cao.sbcou nty.gov> Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Hello Ginger, Thank you for your response. We will be happy to provide the document if needed, but the plan for SART III according to our files has been Waterman to California Ave. The next section of the trail, SART IV-A is California Ave to Orange Street. Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further. I am out of the office until January 3rd but can be reached by cell (909-303-0056). Have a wonderful holiday. Beahta Davis Director Regional Parks Department Phone: 909-387-2340 Fax: 909-387-2052 268 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 303 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being. www.SBCounty.gov <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbcounty.gov%2F&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtS02Ty5P9op0SzHJNVYrtk1KTcwAyqUklmUWq5oYFCQWZRfrAdXnl-aVVO ql55epFdmmZ-cn5SQWVwHlkc0qtc0oKSlQNXZUNXIDovLychSNQCEA6wYv0w%25%25> County of San Bernardino Confidentiality Notice: This communication contains confidential information sent solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are not authorized to use it in any manner, except to immediately destroy it and notify the sender. From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Friday, December 15, 2023 5:47 PM To: Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov> > Cc: Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> >; Silao, Andy <asilao@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:asilao@dpw.sbcounty.gov> >; Canedo, Jose <Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty. gov <mailto:Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty.gov> >; Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash You don't often get email from gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> . Learn why this is important <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Faka.ms%2FLearnAboutSenderIdent ification&data=eJxNjLEOwiAURb-mjMS2pLowdGmicXNyfDxoSyq8hgc1-vUympzhJufmoB7aWbWo3KUdOiusXogNZpBIQQTNZ3zj7TlZFXrB2jhYq7NweG7UaYe0sax_KjF_5EKHSHrZyLyAv9X_t4pec9656cemmyqwgQxcx91BiqOhkh8uWpeu1sXsZ4-QPcUf JJo39Q%25%25> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Beahta, Thank you for the update. I was supposed to update the Board on all active TDA Article 3 projects last summer but somehow missed this one so I’ll be bringing it to GPC in February (along with a couple of other TDA Article 3 lose ends) which will then get forwarded to Board in March. I don’t need to have the item done until after 1/19 so hopefully you’ll have a better feel for how things are looking by then. One thing I did noticed was that our records show Phase III as Waterman to Alabama but it looks like the County is now showing it as Waterman to California so I will likely need to get a letter requesting a scope change to address that. I’ll check back in with you after the holidays. Hope you all have a safe and merry one! Best, Ginger From: Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov> > Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2023 11:07 AM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> >; Silao, Andy <asilao@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:asilao@dpw.sbcounty.gov> >; Canedo, Jose <Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty. gov <mailto:Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty.gov> >; Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Hello Ginger, Thank you for sending us an inquiry regarding funding and timeline for the Santa Ana River Trail(SART)-Section III project. The County has funding for SART III, including the Mission Zanja section. The information you requested regarding the timeline for the project is as follows: * The anticipated construction completion date for SART III is 3/20/2024. This date does not include the Mission Zanja section of the trail. * Mission Zanja Section of SART III Timeline is below. CPUC CPUC Filing of Application December 19, 2023 30 days Protest period January 19, 2024 4 Months Proposed decision May 1, 2024 6 Months Final decision June 1, 2024 CPUC - IF HEARING UNEXPECTEDLY BECOMES NECESSARY : 6 months Prehearing conference June 1, 2024 9 months Hearings September 1, 2024 12 months Briefs due December 5, 2024 13 months Submission January 1, 2025 16 months Proposed decision (90 days after submission) April 1, 2025 18 months Final decision (60 days after proposed decision is mailed) June 1, 2025 County Schedule if no hearing with CPUC Plans and Specs and Advertisement BOS Approval June 25, 2024 Advertisement and BOS Award Construction Contract July to September 2024 Start Construction October 2024 Construction Completion December 2024 Note: Bird Nesting Season March – September may impact construction start/end. If construction is completed in December 2024, the anticipated 5-year plant establishment will be December 2029, unless we meet coverage success criteria earlier per the Habitat Restoration Plan. Regional Parks and DPW will coordinate with SBCTA if another extension is needed for TDA Article 3 funds. Please let us know if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, Beahta Davis Director Regional Parks Department Phone: 909-387-2340 Fax: 909-387-2052 268 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 303 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being. www.SBCounty.gov <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbcounty.gov%2F&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtQ3OyTEO8A8ozLZwzVYrtk1KTcwAyqUklmUWq5oYFCQWZRfrAdXnl-aVVO ql55epFdmmZ-cn5SQWVwHlkc0qtc0oKSlQNXZUNXIDovLychSNQCEA7V8v3A%25%25> County of San Bernardino Confidentiality Notice: This communication contains confidential information sent solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are not authorized to use it in any manner, except to immediately destroy it and notify the sender. From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 5:07 PM To: Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov> >; Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Cc: Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Castillo, Noel - DPW <Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Thanks for the call and for letting me know the info is in the works and on its wayJ From: Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov> > Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 5:05 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> >; Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Cc: Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Castillo, Noel - DPW <Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Hello Ginger, Thank you for taking my call. As we discussed Regional Parks and DPW are working together to gather the information you have requested regarding the Santa Ana River Trail. We should have it to you shortly. Have a wonderful evening. Beahta Davis Director Regional Parks Department Phone: 909-387-2340 Fax: 909-387-2052 268 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 303 San Bernardino, CA 92408 Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being. www.SBCounty.gov <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbcounty.gov%2F&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtc0NtzAMdowvTssOL1Ertk1KTcwAyqUklmUWq5oYFCQWZRfrAdXnl-aVVO ql55epFdmmZ-cn5SQWVwHlkc0qtc0oKSlQNXZUNXIDovLychSNQCEA96Iv-g%25%25> County of San Bernardino Confidentiality Notice: This communication contains confidential information sent solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are not authorized to use it in any manner, except to immediately destroy it and notify the sender. From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 4:46 PM To: Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Cc: Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov> >; Castillo, Noel - DPW <Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty .gov <mailto:Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash You don't often get email from gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> . Learn why this is important <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Faka.ms%2FLearnAboutSenderIdent ification&data=eJxNjL0KgzAURp_GjKGxIi4ZXAqFbg6OcvOjhjS5knsV2qdvxsIZPjgfx-perZ2ynR9U3zrh9IZkLIO0mETSaR7UNC60xpkFaeNhr87BFajpbgeUSLL-8cz8kRteougtonkDfav_b516Zz6ouY9N-6hABJmojpeHkkeDJ08-O1-ezmcOa7DAAfMP NGk4HA%25%25> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Mikhail, Can you please provide an update on the SART III project? What is the current expected construction completion date and does the County expect to complete the 5-year plant establishment by the 12/31/28 TDA Article 3 award deadline? Also, can you please provide information on the Mission Zanja Bridge and Undercrossing within CPUC/Southern California Regional Rail Authority section exclusions? When/how will those sections get completed? Is there funding to do so? Thank you, Ginger From: Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 4:03 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Cc: Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> >; Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Bob Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> >; Leja, Trevor <Trevor.Leja@cao.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Trevor.Leja@cao.sbcounty.gov> >; Davis, Beahta <Beahta.Davis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Beahta.Davis@parks.sbco unty.gov> >; Castillo, Noel - DPW <Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Noel.Castillo@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Hello Ginger, Thank you for reaching out to me. Beahta Davis, Director of Regional Parks and I can assist you with any information you might need. Thank you very much. Mervat Mikhail From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 3:28 PM To: Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> > Cc: Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> >; Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Bob Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash You don't often get email from gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> . Learn why this is important <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Faka.ms%2FLearnAboutSenderIdent ification&data=eJxNjMEOwiAQBb-mHEmpTfXCoca00XjTH9gCbUmBbWDR6NfL0eQdJpnJU7ITcytUa06iazTTcsE0KQKu0DMvn3t9zsPxMrpbzZL03m4rWFe1td7fvJSYA334gi8W5bLh5CB9i_1_yXIl2lN16KtmKIMNuE8F7gZi6CfM9DBBm3jVJpCdrQKyGH6j 5jVS> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Mervat, Since yours seems to be the only dpw email not bouncing back, do you know who our point of contact should be for this award? Thanks, Ginger From: Ginger Koblasz Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 3:16 PM To: ajacobsen@dwp.sbcounty.gov <mailto:ajacobsen@dwp.sbcounty.gov> Cc: Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> >; 'Josh Lee (jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> )' <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Bob Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> >; Mikhail, Mervat <MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov <mailto:MMikhail@dpw.sbcounty.gov> >; bdavis@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:bdavis@parks.sbcounty.gov> Subject: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Hi Anja, Would you be our new point of contact for the TDA Article 3 SART Phase III award <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fsanbag-lfweb.sanbag.ca.gov%2FWebLink%2FBrowse.aspx%3Fid%3D14550 71%26dbid%3D0%26repo%3DSANBAG&data=eJxNjLsOgjAARb-m3WxaKODSAUIgMcZFE-e-hIZCGwqifr1VF5M7nPvIlSwnN0ok1XuSJwoq1rkg5MKRdCMc2cXjam2KurUHDAMbRzP03FhAsfIbiku3TssTde4OZ9YNTlgeXrH9f1lZvywepCVImqjAJ8G7nb1tWqCf QZJ_LmJ51eJopiFSNbstaMSDf4C0MQqkNaFZhgsCklyJb4Ajztq7iOfyVJXtG85_QuU%25> (my email to Harold bounced)? If so, could you please provide a project update? If not, who should our new point of contact be? The TDA Article 3 award expires on 12/31/28. What is the current construction completion date and does the County expect to complete the 5-year plant establishment by the 12/31/28 deadline? Also, can you please provide information on the Mission Zanja Bridge and Undercrossing within CPUC/Southern California Regional Rail Authority section exclusions? When/how will those sections get completed? Is there funding to do so? Thank you, Ginger Koblasz San Bernardino County Transportation Authority Senior Planner 1170 West Third Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410 909.884.8276 | Office From: Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> > Sent: Friday, December 08, 2023 3:42 PM To: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Hi Ginger, Thank you for following up with me. I have sent this over to the Regional Parks team so they can connect with you and go over the specifics. They should be in touch by Monday! Hope you have a great weekend. Sincerely, Alexa Sonck District Director Supervisor Dawn Rowe Chair, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone: (909) 387-4855 www.SBCounty.gov <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbcounty.gov%2F&data=eJxLtjUzTDMxTDZJtTA0M0pRS7FNzy9OSi5J1EvOz1XLtfUvsogKzXS0rCjOCVYrtk3MSa1I1CvOz0vOVjUxSMov1gMqzi_NK6nUS8 8vUyuyTc_OT8pJLK4CyiIbVGqbUVJSoGrsqGrkBkTl5eUoGoFCAGMPLtA%25> Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being. Confidentiality Notice: This communication contains legal privileged and confidential information sent solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication you are not authorized to use it in any manner, except to immediately destroy it and notify the sender. From: Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2023 2:21 PM To: Bob Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> >; Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> >; Brent Merideth <meridethbl@gmail.com <mailto:meridethbl@gmail.com> >; Wilson, Sean (LLU) <seanwilson@llu.edu <mailto:seanwilson@llu.edu> >; Daniel Jones <dkjones8124@hotmail.com <mailto:dkjones8124@hotmail.com> >; Big Bear Cycling Association <bigbearcycling@gmail.com <mailto:bigbearcycling@gmail.com> > Cc: Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash You don't often get email from gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> . Learn why this is important <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Faka.ms%2FLearnAboutSenderIdent ification&data=eJxNjL0KwjAURp-mGYOppdQhQxZBEByKi9vNT2tokyu5t1J9ejMK33DgHD6nezV1ynVhUH3rhdczknUM0mESSd_K8LhHc9ppHQVpWMMOkjC7pekOFknWGLfMHznjWxQ9L2hXoG-1_0ebfjK_qDmapj3XwQIyUYVrgJKNxY3HkH0oFx8yxyk64Ij5 B4dVNvI%25> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Alexa, I wanted to check back in on SART III since the County has a TDA Article 3 award <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gosbcta.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F01%2F2022-04-0 6-Board-of-Directors-Full-Agenda-1818.pdf%23page%3D88&data=eJxNTLtuwyAU_Rq8XQTYsujA4CrKmqHq0g0DplEIF3FxnfbrS6UOkY50njrOzHKbpJuClrPygzcRaXXNcof34W4uVX-8X5eXB6W3gYxN4WE5YXY3NokVifcx7rl984hfQzXxhmuy9NPb 56PdfLZWiI0LU-eO4zj4U_-XFHCYW8itm70ktJ66UkKpTkL-axATiBle0VYPuMHpWoNrWAnOe0qwxJC9Baml5sVvTI3FxsDGk9a_v5JL6A%25%25> on that one that expires 12/31/28. What is the expected completion date and does the County expect to complete the 5-year plant establishment by the 12/31/28 deadline? Thanks, Ginger From: Bob Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> > Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 9:41 AM To: Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> >; Brent Merideth <meridethbl@gmail.com <mailto:meridethbl@gmail.com> >; Wilson, Sean (LLU) <seanwilson@llu.edu <mailto:seanwilson@llu.edu> >; Daniel Jones <dkjones8124@hotmail.com <mailto:dkjones8124@hotmail.com> >; Big Bear Cycling Association <bigbearcycling@gmail.com <mailto:bigbearcycling@gmail.com> > Cc: Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> > Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Good Morning Alexa, Thank you for these updates, we are looking forward to having conversations with the Deputy Director. Take Care! Bob Sent from Mail <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=eJxNjMsKgzAURL8mLkWTKHaRRakVCt32A_LQNJh4Q3JF6Nc3dlWYxXDmMFr07cJbzeeh7ampjLCQ lUZZawhVEK8b0hg1qv0eqizSESXinDJsAye8sUE6_1OTsCsoL_PnxH8fu3gjxkzYldCpxEIdnE6QYcFTKGg5vNvWc2bTs7SHIWzsuuYy9F_2ijUf> for Windows From: Sonck, Alexa <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov> Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 9:14 AM To: Bob Patterson <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> ; Brent Merideth <mailto:meridethbl@gmail.com> ; Wilson, Sean (LLU) <mailto:seanwilson@llu.edu> ; Daniel Jones <mailto:dkjones8124@hotmail.com> ; Big Bear Cycling Association <mailto:bigbearcycling@gmail.com> Cc: Josh Lee <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> ; Ginger Koblasz <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> Subject: RE: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Good morning all, Here is an update from Regional Parks— 1. SART III is currently under construction, with an estimated completion date of March 20, 2024, excluding the Mission Zanja Bridge and Undercrossing within CPUC/Southern California Regional Rail Authority section. We expect to have the estimated completion date for this section of the trail early next week. 2. SART IV-A (California to Orange Street). This project is currently at 35% for the design. Regional Parks submitted a grant application to Coastal Conservancy for this project in the amount of $ 14,500,000. We are expecting to hear the outcome of that request during this fall season. 3. SART IV-B/C (Orange Street to Opal) This project is currently at 35% for the design. An additional $7,800,000 is needed to complete this section of the trail. Regional Parks is continuing to look for funding opportunities that will assist with completing this project. The design of this section of the trail was altered due to FAA regulations that prevented the trail from continuing along the Santa Ana riverbed on Redlands Airport property. The updated path includes on street bike lanes. Regional Parks plans for future sections of the trail to return to the Santa Ana riverbed. They are also making staff accessible to you should you have any additional questions regarding the project. You can reach out to Jose Canedo, Deputy Director-Regional Parks at Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Jose.Canedo@parks.sbcounty.gov> or 909-387-7648. If there is anything else, I can do to assist please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Sincerely, Alexa Sonck District Director Supervisor Dawn Rowe Chair, San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phone: (909) 387-4855 www.SBCounty.gov <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sbcounty.gov%2F&data=eJxNjEEOwiAQRU8DSyJImm5mYYzewAPAtKKxdAgMEj29tCuTt3rv5yMM-m412nnUg5nkBIGKR3YKKcoItzOblJB9vURZILfkmOdcaB 2tsIcQ3XPZpxnCi_ziynfTfx8VHsxJHE_CXDutNdUj1ZU_KtC7qx-I4i0L> Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being. Confidentiality Notice: This communication contains legal privileged and confidential information sent solely for the use of the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication you are not authorized to use it in any manner, except to immediately destroy it and notify the sender. From: Bob Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> > Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 4:45 PM To: Josh Lee <jlee@gosbcta.com <mailto:jlee@gosbcta.com> >; Ginger Koblasz <gkoblasz@gosbcta.com <mailto:gkoblasz@gosbcta.com> >; Sonck, Alexa <Alexa.Sonck@bos.sbcounty.gov <mailto:Alexa.Sonck@bos.sb county.gov> > Cc: Wilson, Sean (LLU) <seanwilson@llu.edu <mailto:seanwilson@llu.edu> >; Daniel Jones <dkjones8124@hotmail.com <mailto:dkjones8124@hotmail.com> >; Big Bear Cycling Association <bigbearcycling@gmail. com <mailto:bigbearcycling@gmail.com> >; Brent Merideth <meridethbl@gmail.com <mailto:meridethbl@gmail.com> >; Robert Patterson <rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> > Subject: Santa River Trail Sections # 3, #4 A, B/C, Safe Route Connector across the Santa Ana wash Importance: Low You don't often get email from rwpatterson84@gmail.com <mailto:rwpatterson84@gmail.com> . Learn why this is important <https://linklock.titanhq.com/analyse?url=https%3A%2F%2Faka.ms%2FLearnAboutSende rIdentification&data=eJxNjMsKwjAQRb8mWRYTQ-lmFkUUBHfiB0wejaHNg2SC4NdbXQl3cTgcroFRLEoY5SYxSsst-Ny0IRxMjjzC40SyFEO6nyNvUF8FiVxtOU2KqYOPGLZfWsGvWW_Y3l_999HhSVQaO85MXvbhikNsO9wc1jTr3OnuknX1al2isASDFHL6AI f_NS0%25> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you can confirm the sender and know the content is safe. Hello Josh, Ginger, and Alex, Welcome back Ginger we hope all is well for you. Can we get updates on the SART for both Phases #3 and #4, and the Connector project between Highland and Redlands across the Santa Riverbed. Alexa Do you have new updates on the status of Phases 3 and 4, per our last conversation you had talked to Regional Parks team about the SART phase IV, it was still in the development and design phase. Now that its broken up into SART IV-A (California to Orange Street) and SART IV-B/C (Orange Street to Opal). Also both segments where at about 35% completion for the development and design. Regional Parks is actively working on pursuing various grants that will assist with projects completion. Phase IV has been at 35%. We remember attending a phase IV community outreach session in Mentone about 5-6 years ago when design was at 34%. Is it true the county has jettisoned the idea of a bike path along the Santa Ana Riverbed, and replaced it with an the on-street bike lanes version for most of the segment between Orange street Redlands to Opal in Mentone? That would not be what the original concept was of a safe wonderful riding/hiking experience along the Santa Riverbed from Mentone to Huntington Beach. What is the status of phase 3 that was started back in January, we heard the wild life mitigation issue was completed September 5th. Contractors where updating the project schedule and confirm a restart of construction. A new bird survey will be conducted three days prior to any construction activities. If the work was restarted what would be a possible completion date out to California street by years end, can you provide contact information for Regional Parks members and any other teams involved with the SART? By completing the SART out to Mentone would really show how committed the SB County Transit Authority and SB County Regional Parks are to making Cycling/Walking/Hiking a Safety Priority, and also creating a real tourist attraction for our area? Thank you for your time, from the cycling Communitee Team! 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