Art3_County_FY23_Transit_Pacific_App2023 TDA Article 3 Grant Application
Bus Stop Improvement Project on Pacific Street at Del Rosa Avenue
and at Glasgow Avenue - Narrative Questions
Project Title: Pacific Street Bus Stop Improvements Project
Project Type: Transit Project
Local Match Funding Source: Omnitrans In-Kind Contribution
Contact Name: Arlene Chun
Agency: San Bernardino County
Contact Phone: (909) 387-8165
Contact E-mail:
Provide data to support potential use of the bicycle or sidewalk facility.
Clear Project Description:
The proposed project will improve two existing Omnitrans bus stops on Pacific Avenue in the San
Bernardino unincorporated area. The first location is a westbound bus stop located on Pacific
Avenue, east of Del Rosa Avenue. The second location is an eastbound bus stop also located on
Pacific Avenue, east of Glasgow Avenue. Omnitrans has identified these locations as requiring
improvements due to inadequate space to place bus shelters, benches, or trash receptacles;
therefore, the proposed projects will enlarge the passenger boarding areas by placing 25-ft bus
pads in the unpaved gaps between the existing sidewalk and the existing curb and gutter.
Omnitrans will then have the space needed to install permanent bus shelters, benches, and trash
receptacles for these locations. The proposed projects will improve transit experience for
residents who live in the vicinity of these bus stops by providing sheltered spaces to sit and wait,
while also enhancing transit connections to various locations.
Describe how project is situated in the regional system: (Explain how this project is
consistent with a Regional Transportation Plan or SANBAG NMTP (if applicable):
The Regional Transportation Plan focuses on environmentally responsible, economic, and
efficient transportation. The proposed projects promote the plan objectives by improving existing
transit locations in a cost-effective manner and promoting a better transit waiting experience. The
Del Rosa Avenue bus stop currently receives an average of 15.6 boarding riders daily and the
Glasgow Avenue bus stop receives an average of 25.8 boarding riders who will benefit by the
improvements at these two locations. This will encourage increased multi-modal access to the
existing public transportation network.
Outline the destinations served by this project: (Destinations can be in a list form with
potential number of bike/ped users described):
The proposed bus stop improvements will improve residents’ waiting and travel experience for
the Pacific Street Omnitrans bus stops near Del Rosa Avenue and Glasgow Avenue.
The westbound bus stop at the Pacific Street and Del Rosa Avenue location travels to or near the
following locations:
o Pacific High School
o Our Lady of Hope Church
o San Bernardino City Hall
o Metrolink Station
o San Bernardino Valley College
o Arrowhead Regional Medical Center
o Omnitrans Connecting Route 3:
Perris Hill Park
St. Bernardine Medical Center
San Bernardino Community Hospital
El Super
o Omnitrans Connecting Route 6
Cal State University San Bernardino
The eastbound bus stop at the Pacific Street and Glasgow Avenue location travels to or near the
following locations:
o San Gorgonio High School
o San Manuel Indian Casino
o Omnitrans Connecting Route 3:
Perris Hill Park
St. Bernardine Medical Center
San Bernardino Community Hospital
El Super
o Omnitrans Connecting Route 4:
Beaver Medical Clinic
Smart and Final
San Bernardino County Courts
San Bernardino Transit Center
Describe how this project improves the safety of cyclists and /or pedestrians using the
corridor: (Potential for improving safety):
The proposed bus stop improvements will promote safety for pedestrians by providing permanent
sheltered locations. The shelters and benches will provide space for those utilizing the bus stops
while keeping the surrounding sidewalks and ramps unobstructed for other residents walking on
the sidewalks.
Explain the multimodal or transit system connectivity provided by this project:
With the close proximity of several bus transit stops situated on Pacific Street, Victoria Avenue,
Del Rosa Avenue, Waterman Avenue, 2nd Street, and Mt. Vernon Avenue, the proposed project
will provide additional connectivity to several locations. There are several schools that can be
accessed through this bus route and connections, such as Pacific High School, San Gorgonio
High School and Valley College, as well as medical centers, government agencies, and retail
destinations in the surrounding San Bernardino, Highland, and Rialto areas via the Omnitrans bus
Establish the level of the project's readiness: (Include a discussion on the local
participation process that resulted in the identification and prioritization of the project):
The minimal design required for the project would be conducted in-house and should this proposal
receive funding, the County would begin constructing the bus stop improvements during the
summer of 2024 concurrently with another San Bernardino County Public Works project in the
vicinity of the proposed project. This concurrent project will include a mill and overlay, along with
Americans with Disabilities (ADA) improvements on surrounding intersection within the vicinity.
The County routinely collaborates with Omnitrans to identify project needs and interests, as well
as challenges to addressing Omnitrans’ needs. The County and Omnitrans identified these two
locations as good candidate projects for this year’s TDA Article 3 call for projects. The County will
implement construction of the bus landings and Omnitrans will provide the required local match
through an in-kind contribution consisting of a bus shelter, bench, and trash receptacle at a cost
of $20,000 for each location; therefore, the local match will be $40,000 or 31%, which exceeds
the required 10%. The San Bernardino County Department of Public Works strives to address
pedestrian access and safety concerns along with maintenance and capital improvements to
roads in the County Maintained Road System that will be of benefit to Omnitrans and County
residents. Transportation Development Act funding is sought to enhance existing pedestrian
infrastructure for Omnitrans bus stops.
Has the agency delivered past projects on schedule? If yes, what steps will be taken to
ensure similar results. If no, what steps will be taken to prevent a similar occurrence:
The County received grant funding for two previous projects in the 2008 Call for Projects. Both
projects involved the installation of transit stops, with one project application written by the County
and submitted by the Victor Valley Transit Authority (VVTA). These projects were delivered within
the required timeframe of the previous grant cycle. The County received a grant award of $63,000
in the 2011 Call for Projects for the design of the County’s portion of the Orange Blossom Trail
Class I Bike Path I in the Mentone area. After completion of 65% Design, it was determined that
the use of County Road funds for the maintenance of bicycle facilities outside of road right-of-way
are not permitted by law and, therefore, there were no available funds for maintenance once the
facility was constructed. SBCTA accepted the 65% design completion as a finished project. The
County received a grant award of $128,700 in the 2016 Call for Projects to reconstruct the
northern Class I bike path, between Athol Street and Marshall Street, in the community of Trona.
This project was also delivered, meeting all defined project goals and timelines. Similar results
are anticipated with this request due to clearly defined project goals.
PE/Design Cost: $10,000
Project Development Cost: $120,000
LTF/Article 3 Funds Requested: $90,000
ROW Costs: $0
Total Project Cost: $130,000
Local Match (31%): $40,000 (In Kind)
San Bernardino Area
Proposed Bus Stop Improvements
ADA-Compliant Boarding Area
Proposed Bus Pad
Existing ADA-Compliant Ramp
June 19, 2023
Ginger Koblasz
1170 W. 3rd Street • 2nd Floor
San Bernardino, CA 92410
Subject: Support for San Bernardino County’s Transit Access Improvements Grant
Dear Ms. Koblasz,
I write in support of San Bernardino County Department of Public Works’ grant application to the
San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) for funding under the Transportation
Development Act (TDA) Call for Projects for Transit Stop Access Improvements. Omnitrans fully
supports the proposed projects to construct enlarged ADA-compliant concrete bus boarding areas
at existing bus stop locations, including Pacific @ Del Rosa Ave westbound nearside (bus stop
8824) and Pacific @ Glasgow eastbound farside (bus stop 6127), on Omnitrans Route 1.
In addition to enhancing ADA access at these bus stops, these improvements will allow Omnitrans
to add passenger amenities at these two locations. Omnitrans will be providing and installing bus
shelters, benches, and trash cans at these two locations upon the completion of the concrete
Omnitrans is highly supportive of the County’s application for funding of these needed
improvements. Please feel free to contact Anna Jaiswal, Development Planning Manager, at or (909) 379-7256 if you need any additional information.
Erin Rogers
CEO/General Manager