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Art3_Chino_FY17_Transit_SidewalkRetro_08_ExtRqst4 Response_231106 November 06, 2023 Hye Jin Lee Director of Public Works City of Chino Via email at: Dear Hye Jin Lee: We are unable to present your request for a fourth deadline extension for the City of Chino’s Fiscal Year 2017 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 awards to the San Bernardino Transportation Authority (SBCTA) Board (Board) for consideration until the City responds to the request for information that SBCTA sent on June 13, 2023 and again on September 11, 2023. Additionally, since the original Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities award was competitively granted based on an application for funding Class I bike lanes, the City may need to submit another scope change request if that is not what the City constructed. As previously requested, please explain the contradicting bike route classifications included in the City’s TDA Article 3 Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities application. The City states in both their online application as well as the supplemental materials provided in support of the online application “The project proposes to construct a total of 8.5 miles of Class I Shared Use Path Bicycle routes along with 119 pedestrian facilities…” However, the deeper in the application’s supporting documentation, it also states that the City is proposing to install “Bicycle Boulevards”, which, according to the City’s own 2016 Bike Plan, “are essentially Class III route facilities”. While several scope changes for these awards have been approved by the Board, those changes were to project extents and for additional work. The Board has not approved a scope change reducing the classification of bicycle paths. Since these funds are dispersed on a competitive basis, SBCTA staff takes into serious consideration the type of bike paths proposed, weighing superior, safer paths accordingly. In this case, that a Class III as proposed now, when compared to other proposals, may not have scored well enough to secure funding under the revised scope. Furthermore, a scope change such as this would not typically warrant a recommendation to the Board for approval without a commensurate reduction in award amount. To view records pertaining to the City of Chino TDA Article 3 awards, please go to: . For questions regarding the history of these awards, please feel free to contact Ginger Koblasz at for the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities award and Nancy Strickert at for the Transit award. Sincerely, Carrie Schindler Deputy Executive Director CC City of Chino: Mussette Ayala, Amer Jakher, and Steven Galindo SBCTA: Nancy Strickert and Ginger Koblasz