Art3_Rialto_FY23_BikePed_Frisbie SRTS_ClaimClaimant: Please see below instructions and checkmark the items included in your submittal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. City of Rialto Claim Form (one-time submission) – required prior to, or along with, your first reimbursement request. Authorizing Resolution (one-time submission) – required within SIX months of the project award by SBCTA Board or prior to requesting reimbursement of funds, whichever comes first. Resolution should authorize the filing of the claim form, authorize the submission of reimbursement requests and designate the individuals authorized to certify project completion (Authorized Agent). Sample language is available upon request. Reimbursement Request Form (as needed) – this form is required every time a reimbursement is requested. Please note, progress payments are only eligible on awards over $200,000, the requested amount must be a minimum of 20% of the award total, and the local match share percentage must be met regardless of reimbursement amount requested. Additionally, there is a 20% retention until project completion. Backup Documentation (required with Reimbursement Request Form) – invoices, paychecks, purchase orders, contracts, etc. to support both the reimbursement and match amounts noted on the Reimbursement Request Form. Please note, staff administration and/or contract project management expenses are NOT eligible match expenses. However, staff expenses may qualify for local match under select circumstances. Please identify whether supporting documentation includes staff expenses under one of the following allowable conditions: Backup Summary itemizing reimbursement request expenses. Certification of Completion (completed projects only) – prior to filing the final request for reimbursement, written verification of project completion by the agency’s Authorized Agent is required (see Authorizing resolution above). Sample language is available upon request. Photos of Completed Project (completed projects only) – required when project is complete and should be attached to final reimbursement request. Other (optional) – Claimants may attach additional information not included in this list to support the claim or reimbursement request. SBCTA may request additional information as necessary. Award is for an ATP Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program project, not a SRTS infrastructure project. Necessary staff time directly related to in-house completion of design, right-of-way acquisition, or construction including inspection and/or construction management. Note: No travel costs or per diems allowed for staff time Date: Project Name: Claimant: Address: Attention: Phone No: E-mail Address: Award Amount Purpose: Note: this form only needs to be completed and submited with the full award amount once. Authorizing Signature: (Authorized Agent specified in Authorizing Resolution) Signature Type Name & Title Condition of Approval: Approval of this claim and payment by the County Auditor to this claimant are subject to monies being available and to the provision that such monies will be used only in accordance with the approved allocation instruction. Frisbie Middle School SRTS City of Rialto 1095090.75 Please check one purpose. Article 3 Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities, Public Utilities Code (PUC) 99233.3 Transit Stop Access Improvements, PUC 99233.3 Date: Grant Allocation No: L24-0702-0747-00 Claimant: Complete fields in yellow below. Section 1: Required for ALL Reimbursement Requests Grant Information (completed by SBCTA) Project Name Frisbie Middle School SRTS A: Current Request for Reimbursement TDA Article 3 Reimbursement Amount Requested Local Match ATP Funds Utilized 1) Total Spent* *Shares will be automatically calculated based on non-rounded formula. B: Project Costs to Date (include amount requested above) 2) TDA Article 3 3) Local Match 4) ATP (if applicable) Total C: Balance Remaining TDA Article 3 Local Match ATP Funds (if applicable) Total 5) Check to verify expenses claimed are consistent with the approved scope below. Installation of speed feedback signs (x2), RRFBs (x4), high visibility ladder-style crosswalks (at 7 intersections), ADA curb ramps (x63), sidewalks (see map included in application), school safety signage (x18), and pavement markings (x3). By signing below, I certify that the information on this Financial Reporting form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signed: City of Rialto (Authorized Agent specified in Authorizing Resolution) Progressive Reimbursement must not go below 20% retention until project completion Total Project Cost 1684755 Progressive Reimbursement Invoice should be for a minimum of 20% of TDA Article 3 award amount 0 0 0 0 219018.15 1095090.75 589664.25 0 1684755 Total Project Miles (if applicable) Article 3 Award Amount 1095090.75 219018.15 Enter total only 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Section 2: Required for Progressive Reimbursements ONLY A: Project Completion (turns red if % completed is significantly less than invoice) B: Summary of Project Status 3) If either number turned red above, please provide a project schedule that demonstrates how the project will be completed on schedule within the budget. Provide attachments as needed. C: Provide a copy of any contract(s) associated with reimbursable work. Allocation #: Percent Local Match 0.35 1) Overall % Completed 2) Mileage Completed (if applicable) Date: L24-0702-0747-00 Local Match 589664.25 ATP Funds (if applicable) 0 Share Completed: 0 Project Title: Date Total Frisbie Middle School SRTS Recipient's Name Brief Description of Purchase Amount Include proof of payment with redacted account number. 0 Allocation Number - select - L24-0702-0731-00 L24-0702-0731-01 L24-0702-0733-00 L24-0702-0736-00 L24-0702-0737-01 L24-0702-0737-02 L24-0702-0740-00 L24-0702-0745-00 L24-0702-0745-01 L24-0702-0746-00 L24-0702-0747-00 L24-0702-0747-01 L24-0702-0749-00 L24-0702-0751-03 Claimant - Town of Apple Valley Town of Apple Valley City of Big Bear Lake City of Colton City of Fontana City of Fontana City of Highland Rancho Cucamonga Rancho Cucamonga City of Redlands City of Rialto City of Rialto City of Twentynine Palms City of Victorville Project Name - McConnell Park Multi-Use Path Central Road Class II Bikeway Stanfield Marsh Outdoor Recreation & Education Trail Segment II (SMORE II) South La Cadena Bicycle Improvement Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (x7) Catawba SRTS Sidewalk 9th St. Transit Stops, Sidewalk, and Bikeway Improvements Cucamonga Creek Channel: Foothill Blvd. to Base Line Rd. Day Creek Channel Bike Trail: Jack Benny Dr. to Base Line Rd. Orange Blossom Trail Phase IV Frisbie Middle School SRTS Bemis Elementary SRTS Channel Trail Class I Village Drive Sidewalk Total Project Cost 0 480852 795000 607036 320000 70000 792697 834872.8 204415 568000 1282000 1684755 1102685 495000 558000 Art 3 Award Amount 0 240426 397500 303518 208000 52500 396348 404172 78000 107250 1089700 1095090.75 716745 420750 250000 Matching Funds 0 240426 397500 303518 112000 17500 396349 404172 42000 57750 192300 589664.25 385940 74250 308000 ATP Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reallocated Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26528.8 84415 403000 0 0 0 0 0