Art3_Redlands_FY13_BikePed_OBTIII_Scope7_230609_CLOSED June 6, 2023 Gerard Nepomuceno Associate Engineer Via email at: gnepomuceno@cityofredlands.org RE: 2013/14 Orange Blossom Trail Phase III – Scope Change #2 Dear Mr. Nepomuceno: On June 7, 2023, the SBCTA Board of Directors granted the City of Redlands’s request to further modify the Scope of Work for the FY 2013/14 Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 awarded Orange Blossom Trail Phase III Project. Please see attached Board item for additional information. Should you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to contact me via email at gkoblasz@gosbcta.com or phone at (909) 884-8276 x112. Sincerely, Ginger Koblasz Senior Planner City of REDLANDS Incorporated 1888 Municipal Utilities & Engineering Department 35 Cajon Street, Suite 15A Redlands, CA 92373 909-798-7698 March 30, 2023 Ginger Koblasz San Bernardino County Transportation Authority 1170 W. 3rd Street, 2nd Floor San Bernardino, CA 92410-1715 ORANGE BLOSSOM TRAIL PHASE III – TDA Article 3 Grant Funding Ms. Koblasz, City of Redlands (City) adopted Resolution No. 7299 on July 16, 2013, which accepted Transportation Development Act Article 3 grant funding in the amount of $918,722.00 and allocated $162,128.00 of City’s Palmetto Grove Fund used as the grant match for the construction of the Orange Blossom Trail (OBT) Phase 3 project (Project). The Project scope was originally to construct entirely within San Bernardino County Flood Control (Flood Control) right-of-way between California Street to Mountain View Avenue. In 2016, the scope was changed to construct the segment from Bryn Mawr Avenue to California Street and the segment from Alabama Street to Tennessee Street. This change was due to the design challenges of the originally scoped segments. The segment between Alabama Street and Tennessee Street later proved to have its own set of obstacles in the development of the plans and the obtaining of the permit. In February 2022, upon Flood Control’s approval of the encroachment permit, the City finally advertised the project to construct the scoped segments of OBT. Unfortunately, the bids received exceeded the available grant funding for the Project. Therefore, the City rejected all bids received. The City then made minor modifications to the plans and re-advertised the Project in June 2022. The advertisement was to construct only the segments from Alabama Street to Tennessee Street to optimize the use of the available funds. A contract in the amount of $782,396.00 was successfully awarded and construction will be complete by April 2023. Since this TDA grant was awarded in 2013, the cost of the project evidently, and significantly, increased. Despite the City’s best efforts to complete the project as scoped, unforeseen circumstances caused the project to be delayed and in turn increased its cost. The remaining TDA Article 3 grant funds will not be sufficient to construct the Project as scoped. The City is formally requesting SBCTA’s approval to remove the segment of OBT between Bryn Mawr Avenue and California Street from the scope and to utilize $665,036.24 of the remaining grant funds for construction of the segment from Alabama Street to Tennessee Street. If approved, the total cost will be $916,634.90 ($779,181.64 TDA Article 3 & $137,453.26 Local Match) of the original budget of $1,080,850. The total cost reflects the design of OBT from Mountain View JOHN R. HARRIS MUED Director Avenue to California Street, which the City will use in the future, as well as the segment from Alabama Street to Tennessee Street. The rest of the cost is used for permits, inspections fees, and construction of the trail from Alabama Street to Tennessee Street. The City is seeking different funding sources for construction of the segments from the I-10 freeway to Bryn Mawr Avenue and from Bryn Mawr Avenue to California Street which will complete the trail. If you have any questions, please contact me at 909-798-7584 Ext. 4. Sincerely, Gerard Nepomuceno Civil Engineer